Sooo........have you noticed that I am........near fully freaked about next week, read this.

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Heck I felt totally defeated back in 2012, , , How in the heck did Obama get reelected?? I was absolutely devastated on the insides.
We put a candidate almost as bad as Joe up against BO.
A spineless RINO named Mitt Romney up against him. I don't think I even voted for him.
Rather the enemy you know, than a flip-flopper that could be for/against anything and/or everything tomorrow.
Of course the left is talking revolution. Between rioters on one side and weaponizing the sheep with the fear of the bogeyman (I.e., everyone and everything that is not a sheep) on our other side they think they have us hemmed in. Fortunately thugs and sheep are both pretty easy to liquidate.
We put a candidate almost as bad as Joe up against BO.
A spineless RINO named Mitt Romney up against him. I don't think I even voted for him.
Rather the enemy you know, than a flip-flopper that could be for anything and everything tomorrow.
I know I didnt vote for Romney. . . He needs to go ahead and switch over to his true party. At that time my pick was Ted Cruz, But now that we have Trump in action I would vote for him again and would again if I could. . . legally.
I know I didnt vote for Romney. . . He needs to go ahead and switch over to his true party. At that time my pick was Ted Cruz, But now that we have Trump in action I would vote for him again and would again if I could. . . legally.
Good news! My gun-friend told me it took them 3 tries to vote early. Long line, verses longer line, verses long line. An hour at least.
Just as he was driving off I told him I was proud that he had persevered and cast his Biden vote: "He needs all the help he can get!!!"
He got a good laugh out of that!
Edit: Way many more people are voting this year.
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Of course the left is talking revolution. Between rioters on one side and weaponizing the sheep with the fear of the bogeyman (I.e., everyone and everything that is not a sheep) on our other side they think they have us hemmed in. Fortunately thugs and sheep are both pretty easy to liquidate.

So........I have said it about six times, and so as to be polite to my fellow forum members, I'll not say it again after this. The election, and any disturbance that could be directly or indirectly attributed to the election, to include massive rioting, destruction, wide spread Anarchy. All of that is about 2% of what is coming. So if peoples focus is only on that, they have not prepared for the other 98% that is coming. This is why I keep saying, people are not prepared for what is coming, they are massively underestimating the gravity of the near future.
So........I have said it about six times, and so as to be polite to my fellow forum members, I'll not say it again after this. The election, and any disturbance that could be directly or indirectly attributed to the election, to include massive rioting, destruction, wide spread Anarchy. All of that is about 2% of what is coming. So if peoples focus is only on that, they have not prepared for the other 98% that is coming. This is why I keep saying, people are not prepared for what is coming, they are massively underestimating the gravity of the near future.

Make me think of one of my favorite quotes.....from one of my favorite books:

"He knew he was talking to a man who would die, soon and horribly, simply because he couldn't really believe in what had happened. It was all he could do to make himself believe in what had happened, despite the way everything had simply stopped working.

Too big, he thought. It's just too big. For most people, at least. I'm used to believing in things everyone else doesn't, and I think it's an advantage....and I did try to tell this guy the truth.

From what he'd seen, the vast majority of people were going to wait awhile for things to return to normal, or for the Army or the National Guard to show up.Then when they started to get hungry, or the water didn't run anymore, probably a lot of them would panic and go looking for a place where things were normal. He shivered and swallowed a bubble of nausea; it was too big to grasp thoroughly, down in the gut, and all at once. By the time most really got it into their heads, it would be too late.

I'm among the living dead, he thought."

Dies The Fire- S.M Stirling.
I don't have any stellar quotes or anything fancy. I will do what I have always done. Work, eat, sleep, and then do it over again. I am not going to live in fear regardless of getting stressed from time to time. The way you typically leave the earth is through death (unless its a temporary space walk or something). Unless self induced, you do not get to decide the time or the place that you make the transition. I feel things are pre-planned to a large degree, maybe destiny, or something similar. I don't have the answers but I suspect that once the election is over we will see disputes over the votes. Court battles, whining, complaining, and another 4 years of bs that the American public should not have to deal with. For the last 4 years one party and its supporters have done nothing for this country or its people. They instead, and their supporters, have chosen to waste millions in taxpayer funds on a witch hunt. Are there really not enough true Americans to put an end to this? Just my opinion and thoughts at this point.
Yes.....But, it is pointless to discuss that. People will prep for what they can grasp is possible. They well do zero about the rest. If you look carefully at this thread, it is crystal clear what is perceived as possible. Sadly that is the 2%.

Dangerous people will be the most immediate problem. After that comes shortage of necessary goods including but not limited to food. Next would be pestilence from either unaddressed dead bodies or a deliberate release of another contagious ailment. Needless to say these would come in the context of an economic crash. That said, my first concern will be the ******** trying to burn my house down.
Dangerous people will be the most immediate problem. After that comes shortage of necessary goods including but not limited to food. Next would be pestilence from either unaddressed dead bodies or a deliberate release of another contagious ailment. Needless to say these would come in the context of an economic crash. That said, my first concern will be the ******** trying to burn my house down.

I think that will come to pass but as for myself, I really go back and forth on the order of things.

I think we need to break people down into a few more categories. Dangerous people is pretty broad. Heck, I would like to consider myself to be dangerous people.



Desperate people.

I think the first threat will be your enemies, public and or private. I don't know about you guys, but if the police went away, I know one or two people who would come for me with a grudge. Small town politics being what they are. In an urban setting, there could be specific enemies to your neighborhood, demographic, etc.

Then, after the resources run out, you have desperate people. People who don't know you, don't care who or what you are, but who are a threat because they want what you have for their own survival. Sometimes we call them 'zombies', what a normal person could turn into after about three weeks of no food or power. Something that ANYONE could become when they grow desperate enough. These people aren't targeting you, but they are searching for any resources they can find.

For the first group, a strong offense may be the best defense. The first rule of not being a victim, is not to act like a victim. Even if someone hates you, if they fear you even more they won't do anything. Of course they can't attack what they don't know about....but if they are an active enemy, its because they already know what or who you are.

For desperate people, they already have nothing to lose. Fear doesn't matter, they are beyond fear. For those all you can do is have enough physical security to deal with them...and be far enough out of sight, in a place hard to get to, that only the most unlucky of them will stumble on you. This last part is really important because unless you've lived your life very carelessly, you won't have a great deal of enemies, but when people become desperate EVERYONE could become dangerous to you. You could end up with the entire population of a major city flooding your area looking for any scrap of food or gallon of gas.
Heck I felt totally defeated back in 2012, , , How in the heck did Obama get reelected?? I was absolutely devastated on the insides.

The republicans handed the election to Obama with hapless picks to be commander in chief. Both were “moderates” RINOs who did little to excite the base. McCain was also a war monger in addition to being a RINO, so who knows what foreign misadventure he would have gotten us too. And Romney? He was the most painful vote I ever casted in my life. We got what we deserved as a party which brought on the rise of Trump.
I'm going to act like there nothing to worry about, one step at a time, day after day... Other than taking steps to protect myself and vote, there is nothing much to do but go to work, do my job, and hope I wake up in 1985..... Marty, I just had the strangest dream...

Well I'll be waiting for you to arrive since I want to wake up in 1957.:peace:
Regarding freaking out this week......

I don't think it's by accident. We would probably all be better off to turn off the TVs, computers, and radios for a week. But, I'm not going to do that since I find this whole chit show fascinating. I've been perusing the net this morning and again we are getting bombarded with articles and MSM stories about upcoming shortages at the store. Hell, they're probably recycling the same stories they ran this spring. They are trying to incite panic like the last time. I'm doubtful it will work this time, but who knows. Geez, you'd think they would have lots of TP by now. I have slowly stocked up more than usual since January but it's not b/c of the MSM. And, from what I've seen in my area stores, there are no shortages at this point........quite the opposite actually. I will always trust my eyes before I put any faith in any story from anyone.

In addition the fear mongering of Covid is ramping up as well.:rolleyes: They keep playing the same game and expecting to get everyone into a tizzy. Where's that panic icon Supervisor? I expect they are ramping up the Covid rhetoric to create long lines and trying to boss people around about distancing and wearing masks to keep them from voting in person. Yeah, that's not gonna work with me.....nice try though.
The republicans handed the election to Obama with hapless picks to be commander in chief. Both were “moderates” RINOs who did little to excite the base. McCain was also a war monger in addition to being a RINO, so who knows what foreign misadventure he would have gotten us too. And Romney? He was the most painful vote I ever casted in my life. We got what we deserved as a party which brought on the rise of Trump.

I agree. I am sick of holding my nose, and voting for the Republican because it is the lesser of two evils. I now vote for more Libertarian candidates. I did vote for Trump and will vote for him again. IMHO he has kept more campaign promises than any politician I can remember.
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Regarding freaking out this week......

In addition the fear mongering of Covid is ramping up as well.:rolleyes: They keep playing the same game and expecting to get everyone into a tizzy. Where's that panic icon Supervisor? I expect they are ramping up the Covid rhetoric to create long lines and trying to boss people around about distancing and wearing masks to keep them from voting in person. Yeah, that's not gonna work with me.....nice try though.
We may need 2 for Sourdough

For us, (since we also play the hurricane game), being well stocked, well prepared, and well defended, brings peace of mind.
We just sit back, open a beer, and say: "Bring it on baby!!! :waiting:".
I had "faith" back in the 40's and 50's.........sadly it vanished in the early 60's and has never returned.
Hi @Sourdough ,

I have to backup what @lilmissy wrote by saying;

The beautiful thing about faith is it gives us hope that can not be justified by reason or logic.

So please relax and enjoy the show that will be playing out over the next week or so.

I have complete an unquestioned faith in God. Like Sourdough, I have lost faith in modern American culture and the powers that run it. Only through Devine intervention will our country survive. I am in constant prayer for this outcome. God will spare us if we chose him over our current evil ways. He doesn't pick sides. It is his side, or the wrong side. We are currently on the wrong side as a nation. Sorry for the preachy rant.
I have complete an unquestioned faith in God. Like Sourdough, I have lost faith in modern American culture and the powers that run it. Only through Devine intervention will our country survive. I am in constant prayer for this outcome. God will spare us if we chose him over our current evil ways. He doesn't pick sides. It is his side, or the wrong side. We are currently on the wrong side as a nation. Sorry for the preachy rant.

I can not resist the temptation to post this most excellent passage from the declaration of independence

-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-

Ok, Sourdough. I know all hell is going to break loose. ........................................................................ Any ideas on how to prep for the other 98%?

As long termer survivalists taught me years ago, avoid scenario prepping (and yes, that includes elections).

The chances of you correctly guessing the crises that will befall you, are infinitesimally small - so don't bother trying to guess.

Instead gather skills, gear and supplies that address the essentials required for life, health and safety (and are applicable to most crises):

Defence (and where it is the best form of Defence, Offence)
Hunt, fish, forage
Food production, agriculture, livestock
Food cookery and preservation
First Aid
Offgrid and renewable electrical power generation, storage and processing
Knowledge storage
Remote Sensing
Construction, fabrication, repair, manufacture
Timber harvest and processing
Clothing, footware, wet/hot/cold protection
Trade goods
Network, Mutual Assistance, local skills and information network
NBC detection and PPE

Working on those things is less fun than running a post apocalyptic movie in your head, but trying to imagine what crisis will happen next (and developing a crisis specific cookbook for it) won't help your survival prospects.

Try to be better prepared for whatever happens.

No one has a crystal ball (that works).

From my experience, the more well prepared you get, the less stressful elections and all the other warning signs of a genuinely dangerous world become.

The first step on that journey is to adopt a survivalist mindset - if you don't have that, then nothing else matters.

The second step is usually to objectively assess where you live and what risks are inherent to that location - decide if the place you live is survivable enough. If it is not, then do something about that.
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