Sooo........have you noticed that I am........near fully freaked about next week, read this.

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You'all should remember that only a very few weeks ago.........I was "Virgin Prepper". I am still trying to loose my virginity.

Good to know, I wasn't even here a few weeks ago, still learning who is who around here.

This actually makes your 'freak out' comment make a lot of sense. If I was just getting started in prepping, I would probably be right there. Luckily, I'm halfway through my second decade of this game in a fortified building in the woods so I'm in much more of a 'bring it' mood....

And just like everyone else, I don't have a crystal ball. I have no idea what is coming.

Regarding freaking out this week......

I don't think it's by accident. We would probably all be better off to turn off the TVs, computers, and radios for a week.

I've been honestly thinking about loading up the sled and going winter camping over the election.
I've been honestly thinking about loading up the sled and going winter camping over the election.

Not a bad idea, actually. I know I will be hooked to all the election night drama, but I need to ask myself why I do it as it makes no difference and is bad for the health. I think I like your idea better.
Good to know, I wasn't even here a few weeks ago, still learning who is who around here.

This actually makes your 'freak out' comment make a lot of sense. If I was just getting started in prepping, I would probably be right there. Luckily, I'm halfway through my second decade of this game in a fortified building in the woods so I'm in much more of a 'bring it' mood....

And just like everyone else, I don't have a crystal ball. I have no idea what is coming.

I've been honestly thinking about loading up the sled and going winter camping over the election.

I am trying so hard to suppress a giggle...."Virgin Prepper" AKA "Sourdough" has been prepping and living a remote lifestyle in Alaska for over 50 years. When he first came to this site and signed on as "Virgin Prepper," I just about died laughing. I've known this man for a long time, and he never ceases to amaze me. I never know what will happen next when he is around, lol.
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Some of you may have noticed that I just keep harping about what is come. I don't blame you if you think I am over reacting. It is understandable that someone far-far-far from "Normal" might be slightly apprehensive.

Can you imagine my shock at reading this article, especially considering it came from Microsoft News. I fully expected it to wildly they figure everyone is bat'spit crazy and ready for anarchy. Could have knocked me over with a small feather.
That's one of the best essays regarding politics and the American spirit I've read in a long time. I'd always believed that anyone who was so far removed from the concept of democracy that they believed their political opponents were not only wrong but actually evil ... was simply a crazy.

The problem is that a majority (or at least a large minority) of Americans nowadays see a potential victory by The Other Guy as an existential doom. I like my candidate and I will vote for him because I think his team will do a better job for the people of the United States (and the rest of the world, hopefully). But if The Other Guy wins, there's not going to be a civil war. There will be lots of folks p¡ssing and moaning for a couple of months, then things will die down, and we can -- hopefully -- put our heads and hearts into beating back COVID and joblessness.

I think too many people, both on the Right and the Left, are getting their pantyhose in a knot by believing -- as some article of twisted faith -- that your political opponent is a devil or something. Yes, we have bad times now with the American ideals being sundered rather than brought together. Yes, we're faced with a nasty economy and a lot of people getting sick and dying from a pandemic. But demonizing anyone who doesn't think the way you or I do is not only counter-productive, it's also crazy.

May I quote Benjamin Franklin, arguably the first American, who said. "We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately".
. But if The Other Guy wins, there's not going to be a civil war. There will be lots of folks p¡ssing and moaning for a couple of months, then things will die down, and we can -- hopefully -- put our heads and hearts into beating back COVID and joblessness.

I think too many people, both on the Right and the Left, are getting their pantyhose in a knot by believing -- as some article of twisted faith -- that your political opponent is a devil or something. Yes, we have bad times now with the American ideals being sundered rather than brought together. Yes, we're faced with a nasty economy and a lot of people getting sick and dying from a pandemic. But demonizing anyone who doesn't think the way you or I do is not only counter-productive, it's also crazy.

May I quote Benjamin Franklin, arguably the first American, who said. "We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately".

The thing is, if you look at history, over and over again people have decided they would rather fight to the death than work together politically. Its a historical fact....and yeah, maybe it is crazy...but humans got where we are mostly by being the craziest monkey in the monkey house. Our nature is to be illogical and self destructive.
I saw a verse a few days ago that has helped me and maybe it will help someone else.
Habakkuk 1: 1-5

1The prophecy that Habakkuk the prophet received.

Habakkuk’s Complaint

2How long, Lord, must I call for help,
but you do not listen?

Or cry out to you, “Violence!”
but you do not save?

3Why do you make me look at injustice?
Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?

Destruction and violence are before me;
there is strife, and conflict abounds.

4Therefore the law is paralyzed,
and justice never prevails.

The wicked hem in the righteous,
so that justice is perverted.

The Lord’s Answer

5“Look at the nations and watch—
and be utterly amazed.

For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told.
That's one of the best essays regarding politics and the American spirit I've read in a long time. I'd always believed that anyone who was so far removed from the concept of democracy that they believed their political opponents were not only wrong but actually evil ... was simply a crazy.

The problem is that a majority (or at least a large minority) of Americans nowadays see a potential victory by The Other Guy as an existential doom. I like my candidate and I will vote for him because I think his team will do a better job for the people of the United States (and the rest of the world, hopefully). But if The Other Guy wins, there's not going to be a civil war. There will be lots of folks p¡ssing and moaning for a couple of months, then things will die down, and we can -- hopefully -- put our heads and hearts into beating back COVID and joblessness.

I think too many people, both on the Right and the Left, are getting their pantyhose in a knot by believing -- as some article of twisted faith -- that your political opponent is a devil or something. Yes, we have bad times now with the American ideals being sundered rather than brought together. Yes, we're faced with a nasty economy and a lot of people getting sick and dying from a pandemic. But demonizing anyone who doesn't think the way you or I do is not only counter-productive, it's also crazy.

May I quote Benjamin Franklin, arguably the first American, who said. "We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately".

Your quoting the same man who also hautingly said " a republic if we can keepi it ". Who when he wasn't busy chasing skirts in France was a real patriotic man who abhored socialist and oligarchys.
The thing is, if you look at history, over and over again people have decided they would rather fight to the death than work together politically. Its a historical fact....and yeah, maybe it is crazy...but humans got where we are mostly by being the craziest monkey in the monkey house. Our nature is to be illogical and self destructive.

Not according to history. Barbareans come and they go but most humans like their comfort and will always choose appeasement over war. Look at us for instance we chose to si back and allow our nation to be conquored instead of resistance we chose appeasement through apahy and complacentcy.Like most all empires have always done.


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