Speak to probable/possible Domestic Rioting/Anarchy/Destruction in NOVEMBER 2024

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Given the new DOD authorization to use US troops against American citizens, I fully believe this was done so that if Trump is elected, “terrorism” would be ginned up as an excuse to deploy troops and stop the inauguration.

And as for civil war, someone much more important than me once said that those who clamor for war have never seen it.
And I totally agree.
Anyone doubting that could happen should look up the Milgram experiments.
Groups are infiltrated so I foresee individuals like the 'Bladerunners' in the UK who cut down and destroy the surveillance cameras and other tyrannical projects. It already started in the U.S. but they memory-holed the articles when I went back to find them to share. It shocked me as I'd never seen articles completely disappear like that before without a trace.
I do a lot of reading and I listen to pod casts. Some are really out there in crazy land, but I need to hear what's there and make my own choices as to what makes sense and what doesn't. Last night I listened to Ben Fulford's weekly report where he continues to say that Trump is sequestered in Cheyenne Mountain and the Trump we see isn't the real one and might be controlled by the Cabal. I don't buy that.

I listened to Phil Godlewsky and he still doesn't think there will be an election but if there is one, Trump may run unopposed. Huh? How in the world do Kamala and Walz disappear in a couple of weeks?

That said, things are kind of crazy right now, but I want to know the possibilities. Even the ones that are totally nuts. If nothing else, it's interesting.
I do a lot of reading and I listen to pod casts. Some are really out there in crazy land, but I need to hear what's there and make my own choices as to what makes sense and what doesn't. Last night I listened to Ben Fulford's weekly report where he continues to say that Trump is sequestered in Cheyenne Mountain and the Trump we see isn't the real one and might be controlled by the Cabal. I don't buy that.

I listened to Phil Godlewsky and he still doesn't think there will be an election but if there is one, Trump may run unopposed. Huh? How in the world do Kamala and Walz disappear in a couple of weeks?

That said, things are kind of crazy right now, but I want to know the possibilities. Even the ones that are totally nuts. If nothing else, it's interesting.
I read widely as well. Here's something that I just read:

Given the new DOD authorization to use US troops against American citizens, I fully believe this was done so that if Trump is elected, “terrorism” would be ginned up as an excuse to deploy troops and stop the inauguration.

And as for civil war, someone much more important than me once said that those who clamor for war have never seen it.
And I totally agree.
What you've said here is quite possible.

Trump will win. The Democrats can't have that happen. If there is unrest in our cities, it will be Leftists who are doing it, but they know how to make it look like Republicans are the ones doing it (January 6, 2021).

I don't believe we will go into a full kinetic war. I hope and I daily pray that won't happen. I believe we will stop short of war.
Well, whatever does happen or whatever doesn't happen. All prepping plans are "NOT" equal.

Also be keenly ultra-aware that a "Shocking" amount of prepping information is beyond deeply flawed.

"Choose WELL". Actually Train. Luck can be a factor (but don't bet your loved one's lives on luck), Good Luck.
What prepping do you follow? Do you use a particular site?
I listened to Phil Godlewsky and he still doesn't think there will be an election but if there is one, Trump may run unopposed. Huh? How in the world do Kamala and Walz disappear in a couple of weeks?
Perhaps Magus’ alien friends?
Perhaps Magus’ alien friends?
That's as good a guess as any.

Phil thinks the earth is flat, so while he may have a good source, he does have some not-so-good ones.
I don't know what it will be, but I predict there will be some type of civil unrest come election day.

If Trump wins, they might refuse to certify the election. Or the BLM/Antifa thugs will be out rioting again.

Either way, SOMETHING seems to be brewing.
I have been having that 'feeling' that something big is coming for awhile now. It's like how your old injuries start to ache before a storm. Maybe it's a stirring in our spirit that we're feeling, I don't know. I've talked to others who have that same feeling.
I don't know what it will be, but I predict there will be some type of civil unrest come election day.

If Trump wins, they might refuse to certify the election. Or the BLM/Antifa thugs will be out rioting again.

Either way, SOMETHING seems to be brewing.
When Trump wins, there will be civil unrest like you said.

If cheating .... I mean... Kamala wins...there will not be Civil unrest unless there is some way that it can look like the MAGA people are doing it. They won't. But MSM can make things appear to be true when they aren't at all true.
What prepping do you follow? Do you use a particular site?

You would not like my honest & direct reply to your question.

So, I'll attempt to sidestep the question and offer information that, your question implies. It implies that there exists a site (or several) with high quality guidance. There is none, because those offering help are unaware, they are not helping but are actually endangering.

If I wanted to enhance someone's probability of becoming a total (likely fatal) prepping failure I would suggest the internet. The internet is the blind leading the blind. It is a sewer of bad information.

This forum is the best, but far from high quality. The problem is the information given is all equal, the good and the extremely dangerous. So, the individual looking for quality prepping guidance, is overwhelmed with good and bad guidance, the information all sounds good. The problem is there are very few experienced/educated/knowledgeable preppers.

My best advice is, first "FULLY" grasp that most preppers are not preppers. They are not even "want-a-be" preppers. Prepping has become entertainment and is no longer considered "Serious".

Some of the most knowledgeable & "Boots in the Field" experienced preppers are on this forum.

The real problem is people only care about prepping "AFTER" an event has happened. There are more flawed & dangerous & widely accepted beliefs in current prepping theory then actual truths.

Mankind would be better prepared today, if "prepping" had not become commercialized (corrupted-financialized) 45 years ago.

There are solid truths about prepping for those who will quest for them, but they will not embrace them.
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You would not like my honest & direct reply to your question.

So, I'll attempt to sidestep the question and offer information that, your question implies. It implies that there exists a site (or several) with high quality guidance. There is none, because those offering help are unaware, they are not helping but are actually endangering.

If I wanted to enhance someone's probability of becoming a total (likely fatal) prepping failure I would suggest the internet. The internet is the blind leading the blind. It is a sewer of bad information.

This forum is the best, but far from high quality. The problem is the information given is all equal, the good and the extremely dangerous. So, the individual looking for quality prepping guidance, is overwhelmed with good and bad guidance, the information all sounds good. The problem is there are very few experienced/educated/knowledgeable preppers.

My best advice is, first "FULLY" grasp that most preppers are not preppers. They are not even "want-a-be" preppers. Prepping has become entertainment and is no longer considered "Serious".

Some of the most knowledgeable & "Boots in the Field" experienced preppers are on this forum.

The real problem is people only care about prepping "AFTER" an event has happened. There are more flawed & dangerous & widely accepted beliefs in current prepping theory then actual truths.
Interesting. Not sure I fully understand.
Interesting. Not sure I fully understand.

I was recently banned from a forum, for the members there not understanding the points in the posts I make. People want straight forward "short" answers, laid out as "bullet points".

Go to the library and check-out prepping books written in 1955 through 1979. The ones published towards the end of that period will be the most condensed prepping information.
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You would not like my honest & direct reply to your question.

So, I'll attempt to sidestep the question and offer information that, your question implies. It implies that there exists a site (or several) with high quality guidance. There is none, because those offering help are unaware, they are not helping but are actually endangering.

If I wanted to enhance someone's probability of becoming a total (likely fatal) prepping failure I would suggest the internet. The internet is the blind leading the blind. It is a sewer of bad information.

This forum is the best, but far from high quality. The problem is the information given is all equal, the good and the extremely dangerous. So, the individual looking for quality prepping guidance, is overwhelmed with good and bad guidance, the information all sounds good. The problem is there are very few experienced/educated/knowledgeable preppers.

My best advice is, first "FULLY" grasp that most preppers are not preppers. They are not even "want-a-be" preppers. Prepping has become entertainment and is no longer considered "Serious".

Some of the most knowledgeable & "Boots in the Field" experienced preppers are on this forum.

The real problem is people only care about prepping "AFTER" an event has happened. There are more flawed & dangerous & widely accepted beliefs in current prepping theory then actual truths.

Mankind would be better prepared today, if "prepping" had not become commercialized (corrupted-financialized) 45 years ago.

There are solid truths about prepping for those who will quest for them, but they will not embrace them.
It was about 45 years ago that Soldier of Fortune spun off " Survive" magazine that I enjoyed. Learned how to make a radiation detector using a Styrofoam cup and aluminum foil.

...I wish to God it would end.

It Will. Dn. 2:44 Will be Fulfilled. And Every Day is One Day Closer. :cool:

But... Before that all comes to pass, we Are going to go thru [n]-Period of a 'Transition time' - and it's Going to be rougher than Any transition period in Human History - Partly due to 'severity', and Partly due to 'scope' / scale, but..

Just take the 'Never Give Up' attitude, Prep / Practice / Adapt as Best you Can within your AO - and do that Every Day - and One Day, all Will be Righted. :cool:

PS "...a kindergarten teacher avatar (Harris)" 😆 That is Gold, Lol!

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"IF" the "rate of increase" in the price of Precious Metals is any indicator, something is near. Very nearby.

This would be an appropriate time to start being very careful what you say verbally, and what you post.
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It Will. Dn. 2:44 Will be Fulfilled. And Every Day is One Day Closer. :cool:

But... Before that all comes to pass, we Are going to go thru [n]-Period of a 'Transition time' - and it's Going to be rougher than Any transition period in Human History - Partly due to 'severity', and Partly due to 'scope' / scale, but..

Just take the 'Never Give Up' attitude, Prep / Practice / Adapt as Best you Can within your AO - and do that Every Day - and One Day, all Will be Righted. :cool:

PS "...a kindergarten teacher avatar (Harris)" 😆 That is Gold, Lol!

It was about 45 years ago that Soldier of Fortune spun off " Survive" magazine that I enjoyed. Learned how to make a radiation detector using a Styrofoam cup and aluminum foil.

I keep seeing these "free energy" machines and wonder if they work. I recall a man who was able to run an automobile on water (if my brain serves me correctly and there's no guarantee😏 but he was murdered I believe. I do remember that part.
It Will. Dn. 2:44 Will be Fulfilled. And Every Day is One Day Closer. :cool:

But... Before that all comes to pass, we Are going to go thru [n]-Period of a 'Transition time' - and it's Going to be rougher than Any transition period in Human History - Partly due to 'severity', and Partly due to 'scope' / scale, but..

Just take the 'Never Give Up' attitude, Prep / Practice / Adapt as Best you Can within your AO - and do that Every Day - and One Day, all Will be Righted. :cool:

PS "...a kindergarten teacher avatar (Harris)" 😆 That is Gold, Lol!

I tend to believe that we're on the cusp of something - I'm just not sure where we're at in a timeline. I have not studied in depth.
Everyone has an outlook and a way to twist anything. The linked site included.
Yes, of course it's just someone's viewpoint. All this is, is people exchanging viewpoints. I think that we should be strong enough to listen to others' viewpoints to see if it is truth or not. Discernment seems to be the one thing that we need to exercise in these troubling times, and it seems to be the one thing that we're lacking the most.

I read widely and listen to many podcasts and videos. I stumbled upon this video today which says that Trump is a 33 degree mason -(I haven't finished watching it yet) I don't know much about it - only that the Bible teaches to beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing. I think that we need to take that very seriously. If something seems off about someone, there's usually a reason. I stumbled upon several pastors online a few years ago who were concerned about the triple 6 gesture that Trump makes (the devil's number; not something you want to make a mistake about). I didn't know what they were talking about, but although I was an avid Trump supporter at the time, I still looked into it, and what the pastors said did make sense, and it turned out that they spoke solid truth.

I have firsthand experience with the 'wolf' verse in particular. "Linda" is a big shot in her church, but she was involved in a situation where she helped cause a death. She's a murderess, a liar, greedy, covetous, vicious gossip, hateful - everything evil, yet she has an entire church fooled. How? I know someone who attended her church (this person actually left the church because of this evil woman). She said that "Linda" would go there and weep through the entire service like Mother Teresa and people would flock to her yet she's the most evil person we know.

How can this many people be fooled? When I thought on it I realized that she did have me fooled...until I was victimized by her. She's the wickedest person I've ever known because her "Persona" is so perfected, and she's such a believable Actress that people are sucked in by her. Then she victimizes them. Someone warned me that I had the duty to share what I knew so I did. I don't know what will happen but I did my part.

It taught me that we have to be very careful. And remember the warning: " ...insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” - Matt. 24

I can't vouch for this video but it does show some concerning things about Trump. And like Linda, we may do well to remember that Trump was an Actor, and sometimes people are groomed to hold specific positions. When you get closer to the truth you find that it gets pretty ugly; but the more people who are awake to the con the better.

Sorry SD, but I have to be a goof. As I was reading through the thread and how many packs guys seem to have, what came to mind: this is my going to the woods purse and this is my shtf purse, and this is my going to get the mail purse 😂
Hubby has a couple, but I could use a good pack - not sure I want something this large.
Last night I was talking with my wife about this subject. We where just brainstorming, as we often do.

One thing I brought up is a 'soft' civil war.

She asked 'You mean like a cold war'? And I said, no, we already have that.

Scenario: The govenor of a state declares that he does not accept the results of the election, that the election was corrupt and invalid and that until a new election is held, state employees are not to work with any federal employees under the new administration.

This causes all manner of bureaucratic chaos, but no shots fired. The state is in defacto rebellion, but for most people, their life doesn't change much. Federal programs that need to work with the state break down, but most keep running like they do now.
Last night I was talking with my wife about this subject. We where just brainstorming, as we often do.

One thing I brought up is a 'soft' civil war.

She asked 'You mean like a cold war'? And I said, no, we already have that.

Scenario: The govenor of a state declares that he does not accept the results of the election, that the election was corrupt and invalid and that until a new election is held, state employees are not to work with any federal employees under the new administration.

This causes all manner of bureaucratic chaos, but no shots fired. The state is in defacto rebellion, but for most people, their life doesn't change much. Federal programs that need to work with the state break down, but most keep running like they do now.
I think the Late Unpleasantness of 1861-1865 showed what the federal government will do to states that don't go along with the program.
just seems that in the life long search for The Truth there are so many nasty critters wearing pretty masks that con us, distract us or numb cognitive abilities we can get easier and easier to sway or just get worn out.

anyone read the modern version of pilgrims progress?
makes alot of sense showing various adventures thru life we can have that can con or distract or sway us

personal,y i believe we are screwed far worse than anyone can imagine
ask God what you need to be aware of, what you need to prepare for and what He wants you to do
I think the Late Unpleasantness of 1861-1865 showed what the federal government will do to states that don't go along with the program.

I don't think our government is what it was 150 years ago. People are weak, scared, cowards. We would need a real leader to actually be willing to persecute a hot civil war, and I don't think there are any Lincolns or Lee's these days.

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