Supply shortages

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This guy is a contractor and has been riding out the spike in lumber.

He shares a graph of lumber prices but mentioned some stuff is up side down. Pressure treated is less than spruce and plywood is less than OSB.

Just returned from Costco. I was surprised that they did not have one case of water available. Take this for what it's worth.
I went Sunday morning. About 10:30 when I got there, there was a mass exodus from the store, carts overflowing with water. They open at 10. And most carts had bath tissue. Probably limits on paper, because no one had more than one. What caught my eye was that there was very little ‘extras’ in carts. No cakes, cookies, chips and such that you might expect to see on the weekend. More like stock up stuff.
No shortages, per se, but lots of thin spots there and at other retailers.
Very odd indeed. Here in the NE part of the country, not coastal by a long shot, most things are in decent supply. Paper products are overstocked. Water in bottles was on hand in multiple varieties and in large quantities.

Beef is far overpriced so we get that locally but in most cases ground beef is up about 30 cents per pound in the stores in the last month or so. I suspect fall will bring changes and likely shortages. Fuel has held at $3.20 for a month or so. No shortages at this point but winter might be painful for anyone not planning ahead.

I suspect lock-downs in a few months and possibly as early as the start of the school year. Hopefully people are paying attention but like always most aren't. Bread and milk have always been the goto here when panic sets in so thats usually the bellwether for a bump in the road. Being more rural here and mostly self sufficient we do fine with bumps in the road.

If you need N95 or nitrile gloves you are out of luck here but otherwise we are not seeing many shortages here so far.
I tend to think that we what we are seeing is some serious fractures in our on demand supply systems driven by globalization which is the modern day equivalent to the Tower of Babel. The Good Book talks about 2 preppers in the Old Testament. Noah and the Ark , then Joseph interpretations of Pharaohs dreams. Now with Noah God promised to not use water ever again to destroy the earth. Everything else was left on the table. Famine , disease, pestilence, drought , hail and brimstone , earthquake's War etc.
I tend to think that we what we are seeing is some serious fractures in our on demand supply systems driven by globalization which is the modern day equivalent to the Tower of Babel. The Good Book talks about 2 preppers in the Old Testament. Noah and the Ark , then Joseph interpretations of Pharaohs dreams. Now with Noah God promised to not use water ever again to destroy the earth. Everything else was left on the table. Famine , disease, pestilence, drought , hail and brimstone , earthquake's War etc.
And fire
im hearing coming shortages in coffee, sugar due to large crop losses, avocados, mexico isnt wanting to ship anymore and CA is suffering big time, any kind of nuts, canned meats and plastic garbage bags. and honey, the real stuff due to the bee die offs.

on top of everything else.
also heard the fda is again trying to go after all supplements to regulate nd no more OTC , i think their target date is end of 2022. they might get their way this time considering whose driving the bus in the US
On the lumber shortage / ridiculous prices , I can give an insight to the other end of the spectrum . I own a third of a 200 acre prime timber plantation , ready for harvesting . I can not seem to find a market . That's right no one will cut and haul the timber to the mills for lumber processing . Most timber harvesting company's have given up , let the lenders reposes their equipment and disappeared to try to survive a alternative life . I can not blame the loggers as the mills have mysteriously stopped buying timber . I could speculate why mills are refusing to saw trees up into lumber , but that would be purely a guess . -- I have had a timber selling / buying contract signed for about a year now , but no sign of someone coming to cut the trees .
Sorry, I keep going back to Obama's first term but that's where I saw pretty much what was coming, truth is, I should have been ahead of things when Nixon was in office, that's when the John Birch Society was warning of things to come. That's about the time my wife and I was starting to learn prepping. Now days it's not fun to see the prices of things doubled, tripled or much more. If we need new sink valves, we try to get extra cartridges, I have many buckets of deck screws, mostly Torx heads, wire of various gauges is good to have on hand. Funny thing is, there might be a 80 pound sack of dry beans in my in-law's cabin in the mountains of Colorado. From what we are seeing, especially the house to house vaccine Nazi's, we are taking consideration of just staying home, even though we have alternate backroad ways to get home from the towns north and south of us, those backroads could be easily closed off with the excuse of being a fire danger to be on them. I see freeway rest stops being good places to put gates across the freeway to have check stations, like "Let me see your papers before you can go on." What I'm trying to say is, you better have what you need now or go for it ASAP, otherwise you may find out what it's like to be up that poopy river without a paddle. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's just the way it seems to be.
Sorry, I keep going back to Obama's first term but that's where I saw pretty much what was coming, truth is, I should have been ahead of things when Nixon was in office, that's when the John Birch Society was warning of things to come. That's about the time my wife and I was starting to learn prepping. Now days it's not fun to see the prices of things doubled, tripled or much more. If we need new sink valves, we try to get extra cartridges, I have many buckets of deck screws, mostly Torx heads, wire of various gauges is good to have on hand. Funny thing is, there might be a 80 pound sack of dry beans in my in-law's cabin in the mountains of Colorado. From what we are seeing, especially the house to house vaccine Nazi's, we are taking consideration of just staying home, even though we have alternate backroad ways to get home from the towns north and south of us, those backroads could be easily closed off with the excuse of being a fire danger to be on them. I see freeway rest stops being good places to put gates across the freeway to have check stations, like "Let me see your papers before you can go on." What I'm trying to say is, you better have what you need now or go for it ASAP, otherwise you may find out what it's like to be up that poopy river without a paddle. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's just the way it seems to be.
Yeah, a situation like that forces you to take a stand when you're not necessarily ready to. That's not unusual in war, but we're not all warriors.
Sorry, I keep going back to Obama's first term but that's where I saw pretty much what was coming, truth is, I should have been ahead of things when Nixon was in office, that's when the John Birch Society was warning of things to come. That's about the time my wife and I was starting to learn prepping. Now days it's not fun to see the prices of things doubled, tripled or much more. If we need new sink valves, we try to get extra cartridges, I have many buckets of deck screws, mostly Torx heads, wire of various gauges is good to have on hand. Funny thing is, there might be a 80 pound sack of dry beans in my in-law's cabin in the mountains of Colorado. From what we are seeing, especially the house to house vaccine Nazi's, we are taking consideration of just staying home, even though we have alternate backroad ways to get home from the towns north and south of us, those backroads could be easily closed off with the excuse of being a fire danger to be on them. I see freeway rest stops being good places to put gates across the freeway to have check stations, like "Let me see your papers before you can go on." What I'm trying to say is, you better have what you need now or go for it ASAP, otherwise you may find out what it's like to be up that poopy river without a paddle. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's just the way it seems to be.

It's quite real. We are moving head on toward socialist / communist leadership if we aren't there already. You can go wherever you want at this point as long as you show your papers ... (aka, covid vax stamp / card). For those doubting; go to Canada. Or try.

Yeah, a situation like that forces you to take a stand when you're not necessarily ready to. That's not unusual in war, but we're not all warriors.

Correct. Some might become warriors when confronted with a new reality though. Pushed hard enough, far enough, or given no alternative even the nicest of the nice can become a dangerous foe.
Ran to Walmart yesterday. Havent been there in awhile, hate that store. Anyways.....
just browsed thru aisles. Most were stocked but almost each one had empty spaces. I wanted more band aides. They had them, but certain ones only 1 box. Canned goods had some empty spaces and so did boxed mac n cheese. Ran to the local guy that sells olive barrels and food grade buckets. He said he can not keep them in. he lists them and within a day, they are gone.
if this is the case, people see what is coming. So why are we not banning together and saying no to all this bs? Only us can change the insanity
Well, since we're talking shortages here, I see another one coming and it won't be pretty.....

Since it seems to be that more people have to choose between a jab or a job......there are going to be some very noticable gaping job shortages. In particular, there's going to be a nursing shortage (worse than it already is), along with all healthcare shortages from food servers, janitors, NA's, PA,s NP's, X-ray techs, etc. How's your healthcare now? Do you get a real person when you call a doctors office? Are they responsive to your needs? If your answers are yes, consider yourself very lucky. Around my area, it's not like that....and it's going to get much worse. There are people in the healthcare industry that are not going to get the jab. With huge healthcare shortages now, it's going to get ugly really soon if the jab mandate stands. I foresee closures in ICU's, med-surg, cardiac care, nursing homes, etc. Without staff, the care facility is an empty shell. So, what do you think is going to happen if you need life saving care? I'd say if you must have an elective surgery, you'd better be proactive and get it NOW. I wish you luck with that too, since many elective surgeries around here are currently many months out.

There's also a trucker shortage. Around my area, laws are getting implemented this fall or winter (I don't remember which) that are going to make it even more difficult to get a CDL. Gee, I wonder how that's going to affect the number of people who decide to get a CDL and make driving a career? So, regardless of supply shortages, if you find something online, it might be a good long while before you can get it delivered. I think this will be a more grandual progression, but it will happen.

With the current worker shortage going on now, those who step up and work those jobs are going to get paid a premium for doing it. Rightly so. However, what do you think that's going to do to the cost of those services?
heres a link to some maps of the US and crop damage-losses due to drought. big warning flags, especially combined with crop losses due to drought-flooding-weather extremes globally.

i thought there was some maps of US crop damage due to flooding this year, if i can find it ill post that but things are not good.

i heard an interview last night--someone claimed that USDA was covering up the % of actual damage and loss and things are worse than their reports claim. not sure but heck the govt is lying about everything else, why not this too.
Jazzy I agree with the info in that article, at least for what I'm aware of. I follow some farmers in South Dakota, their main income comes from selling bulls, but have somewhere around 200 cows. They also produce hay, corn, soybeans, and sorghum to feed their critters. All winter they commented about the lack of snow fall. Made life easy in the winter, but severe lack of moisture going into spring. Hay harvest were ok first cutting, but no where near last years quantities. They just finished their second alphalfa cutting and it was very small. In places not worth cutting. Highly likely there won't be a 3rd cutting. Last year alphalfa was producing 3 bales per acre (Large round bales), this year 2nd cutting was maybe 2 bales per 3 acres. Grass hay was no better than 1 bale per acre, doubtful they'll get a 2nd cutting this year. Their corn and beans are up, but unless they get some good rain there won't be little to anything produced. Their last video, they were praising the Lord for .68" of rain. First they had seen in months. The pastures are mostly gone and they have already started feeding some of the herd. Planning to sell part of the herd as well as the bulls for this year.
And South Dakota is not being hit as hard as some other areas.

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