Supply shortages

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A quick headline that caught my "no kidding" eye:

The New York Times
May 2021 Consumer Price Index Shows Fastest Inflation Since 2008

Wasn't long ago ,a 12 pack of Pepsi was $3+, then $4+, yesterday was $5.20.
No more Pepsi for me.

And there were only 2 packs left and zero caffeine free.

Bolt Carrier groups for AR15 rifles. Complete uppers are difficult to find and expensive when you do find them
The LGS had uppers built in-house for $399 or $499 with the BCG. I want an 18 or 20-inch barrel and all they had was 10 or 16" and I wasn't impressed with the quality so I passed.
Somebody is reading your posts.....

Shelves are full here most of the time.
There might be a certain brand of pasta empty or a certain brand canned food or frozen food empty but otherwise its fully stocked

Its why we got the backup air conditioner when we did. Lowes had about 20 of them so we got one now. Don't want to end up like during the original lockdown and nobody could find a freezer or a bread maker. We want to be able to slide that bad boy in and turn it on if ours goes out

We have a tiny extra toaster oven in storage in case the one I use now goes bad but I love my big one lol I use it alot for everything and save my stove oven for big things like hams , cookies,roast chicken,etc

I also have another Brew Station in storage in case the one we're using now goes bad
What I am finding is that most of what I want is available, but often it is the 1 thing that I need that no one has. The shelves are better stocked than they were, but a lot of the stores don't have much extra. I have very specific targets that I go for and if I can't find them it's a problem (at least to me), example canned grapefruit has been in short supply for months, 1 or 2 cans will show up and then they are gone. Other items that would be prepper related are also in short supply. Things that were in short supply are now available but at 3 times the 2019 price, case in point N95 masks $35 for 15....
Hey @Amish Heart, that is something to take note of.... If they are clearing out things like hand sanitizer and masks, wouldn't things like that be good to stock up on (especially if they have a long shelf life)? I mean society is really short sighted and they are assuming that once the COVID-19 is gone it will be all sunshine and roses (they want to put 2020 and 2021 in their mental rear view mirror). But the prepper in me is already asking, "What can I learn from 19 and how can I be better prepared for the 24 variant?"
True. I did stock up and already had a good amount of isop alcohol 91% before this happened, and would make my own, adding aloe gel to it. Already had the masks. Still have alot of it. Didn't even have to get into my bin of the heavier duty masks, goggles, super gloves, tape, and sealing vaseline.
I'm so irritated even looking at this junk at the moment, I feel like we've been taken for a ride on the "scam" of the century. I also looked at new kitchen mats at Sams, you know the ones you put in front of the sink. Mine is getting a bit worn. I stopped in my tracks when I saw one that said in big letters, "Let's Stay Home!"
I am so over this.
But hey, if people do not have masks or hand sanitizer or gloves in their stockpiles, I guess now is the time for bargains.
My wife is my brother's caregiver so the State DSHS sends her PPE stuff all the time. The last box she got on Tuesday must have weighed 30 pounds. The UPS guy even warned me it was heavy.
Gowns, gloves, IR thermometer, goggles, face shields, and several different types of masks, N95, and cloth disposable, and sani wipes.
Our problem is finding a place to store all of it. I think she has received 5 or 6 boxes of stuff and we can't get off their shipping list so it just keeps coming.
We are all set for the next pandemic scam.
Toaster ovens are making a come back.
We have a toaster oven, and due to my slow construction pace on the house I am building we do not have a microwave unless we use the one in the trailer. We use the toaster oven for Toast, for warming left overs, for cooking frozen premade pizzas, and many other things. Definitely worth the price compared to an actual toaster.
Today I read this thread for the first time, and Thank You to everyone. We are grabbing a 5 pound box of chlorine tabs for our small above ground pool because you all taught us of the lack of production of chlorine tabs. We were already aware of the price of lumber being almost 5 times what it was a year or so ago, and we already knew that gas and oil prices about doubled since December. We have seen meat prices rise the past 4 or 5 months, and we are keeping an eye on other things we use on a regular basis. Within the next week or so I will fill the gas cans and add the necessary fuel preserver to each can. We already stocked up on meat and our chickens, ducks and turkeys are providing us with over 2 dozen eggs a day. We are putting our broody hens to work hatching the duck and turkey eggs. (we don't have a rooster because they are too annoying so the hens can hatch the other eggs)
I work part time at home depot again, now that they stopped the stupid mask mandate, and the price of lumber is STUPID. I am almost done building my house but as soon as final inspection is done I have no plans to buy building materials until they return from astronomical orbit. If the prices are still high later this year I will buy a DIY lumber mill and make my own lumber from trees I cut in the hills. The big parts will be milled into lumber and the small parts will be firewood.
The last 18 months have been insanity, and unfortunately I do not see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Today I read this thread for the first time, and Thank You to everyone. We are grabbing a 5 pound box of chlorine tabs for our small above ground pool because you all taught us of the lack of production of chlorine tabs. We were already aware of the price of lumber being almost 5 times what it was a year or so ago, and we already knew that gas and oil prices about doubled since December. We have seen meat prices rise the past 4 or 5 months, and we are keeping an eye on other things we use on a regular basis. Within the next week or so I will fill the gas cans and add the necessary fuel preserver to each can. We already stocked up on meat and our chickens, ducks and turkeys are providing us with over 2 dozen eggs a day. We are putting our broody hens to work hatching the duck and turkey eggs. (we don't have a rooster because they are too annoying so the hens can hatch the other eggs)
I work part time at home depot again, now that they stopped the stupid mask mandate, and the price of lumber is STUPID. I am almost done building my house but as soon as final inspection is done I have no plans to buy building materials until they return from astronomical orbit. If the prices are still high later this year I will buy a DIY lumber mill and make my own lumber from trees I cut in the hills. The big parts will be milled into lumber and the small parts will be firewood.
The last 18 months have been insanity, and unfortunately I do not see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Buy the mill now while still available - maybe.
If the prices are still high later this year I will buy a DIY lumber mill and make my own lumber from trees I cut in the hills.
My husband and I are in the middle of building a home, too, and we definitely looked at this option. (It's been a wish-list item for years, but it would be a justified purchase now.) Problem is, most companies are taking orders for 2022 or 2023, with no price guarantee - and the prices have already gone up a lot. Originally I wasn't interested in the Harbor Freight one that @Neb posted. Now I would jump at it, if only we could find it in stock somewhere....

In any case, we just bought a chainsaw mill and rails. Just throwing that out there as a possibility for you. Not as ideal as the bandsaw mill (in my opinion), but there are a number of plusses to them, too. Wishing you luck on your home project!
I want landscape timbers,but none to be found . Lots of people on hold with building homes, windows take forever to get, this is when it would be great to own lots of wooded land, cut your own timber.

Thankfully, we have a lot of land here and almost all of it is in various stages of growth. 25% of it gets logged off about every 5 years. Just old growth. Last bid was $80,000. That was up from a previous bid months ago at $60,000.

We have the ability to saw what is needed but no kiln to provide finished dimensional lumber. It is all rough cut like the old days.

Supplies as far as most lumber products are good here if you can afford them. Many contractors are putting a stop to projects due to inflated costs. Easy enough to stop making purchases for 30 days to stop the speculation or maybe even 60 days. Prices will stay high as long as the demand is there. People / consumers need to demonstrate abuse and greed will not be tolerated. Sadly some have more money than brains.

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