Supply shortages

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Well the vaxx is free, and people get free stuff for taking the vaxx. The vaxx companies are making so much money, it's crazy. I get copies of all my mom's medical (I'm her medical person), and for each of the vaxx's she got, her medicare was billed $25 and paid it in full.
Who actually pays for the medicare? Someone always pays.... My concern is who paid to develop it, who is paying for it. In my mind it is going on a Government Credit Card. My experiences have been that big Christmas's on a Credit Card make for terrible January's and February's. I'm just waiting for the bill.....
I heard a radio news clip yesteday that said a town had a job fair with over 250 different positions available to fill. Guess how many showed up? Four! 4 people. Wow! They played a clip of an owner who was freaking out. They said they have no choice but to impose limited hours and cut occupancy in their restaurant (at what is typically their busiest time of year) in order to give the workers they do have a break. At one place they are paying over $20 per hour plus bonuses for dish washers b/c they can't get anyone to work. Gee.....what's that gonna do to prices? Where are all the summertime visitors going to go? The demand for normalcy has skyrocketed but the free money flow from the government won't allow for it.

A couple of weeks ago I had to go over 100 miles to find a honda generator in stock. I was glad it was still on the shelf when I got there. I was online searching everywhere to find one closer. When I contacted a more local place the girl on the phone told me that honda quit making the generators over a month ago and she didn't know when they might start making them again.

If the worker shortage continues, there'll be a shortage for all products, not just those with computer chips and components. Couple that with inflation and.........if you see something you want, you better get it now.
Economics says that when Demand is greater than supply price goes up, when the price goes up supply goes up and prices come down. But when everything gets stuck what happens? As places close and you can't get what you need at any price, who's going to invest in production if there is no active market?
The only thing that seems to really be selling is vaccine, but who it paying for it? I am old school and don't believe in free lunches so someone is or is about to pick up the tab.... I keep feeling that we are all about to get stuck....
Welcome to the new era of prosperity!
Where everybody has plenty of money because there is nothing to spend it on :woo hoo: .
Welcome to the new era of prosperity!
Where everybody has plenty of money because there is nothing to spend it on :woo hoo: .
Your are so right.
I remember when I was young, I was working 12+ hour days, 6 day's a week plus (average was about 75 hours per week). I was making just over minimum wage but had no time to spend it.... I felt rich on my day off, but I worked nights, got off on Sunday and everything was closed!
Nissan is just as bad, I looked at new trucks that start at $30,000.00, a used truck with 62,000 miles is going for $26,000.00. It is not as crazy as the big three, which start at $59,000 & go to $125.000.00.
I paid $62,000 for my house! The price may come down on the Ford trucks, because of the chip shortage, but I doubt it.
I heard a radio news clip yesteday that said a town had a job fair with over 250 different positions available to fill. Guess how many showed up? Four! 4 people. Wow!

A friend of mine works in human resources for a larger company. He participated in a job fair about 3 weeks ago. He said between ALL of the job fair participants, 1800 jobs were up for grabs.

20 people showed up.
Well if/when the semi conductor shortage ends and floods the market with cars I am cashing in. So the place we got our mower from 6 weeks ago is in the same boat. We got the last of the model we were looking for and purchased it before we were ready. It was get it now or you don't get one. Strange times indeed.
Of all things, “we’re” apparently having an ice shortage. Apparently there’s isn’t enough workers to make ice so there’s a shortage. Stores that have ice are limiting to 3 bags due to the shortage.
I don’t buy ice so I wasn’t aware until now but it’s been going on for a while now I’m told by many stores.
Of all things, “we’re” apparently having an ice shortage. Apparently there’s isn’t enough workers to make ice so there’s a shortage. Stores that have ice are limiting to 3 bags due to the shortage.
I don’t buy ice so I wasn’t aware until now but it’s been going on for a while now I’m told by many stores.
I saw an empty ice freezer yesterday. I figured it was broken down - never would have occurred to me that there was no ice to put in it. Really all of these things that are in short supply come down to one thing - worker shortage. If only we could make it so you can buy products if you work (or did prior to retiring) for a living.
Of all things, “we’re” apparently having an ice shortage. Apparently there’s isn’t enough workers to make ice so there’s a shortage. Stores that have ice are limiting to 3 bags due to the shortage.
I don’t buy ice so I wasn’t aware until now but it’s been going on for a while now I’m told by many stores.
That's a good 'heads-up' that I don't think about and need to look into.
Hurricane season is just around the bend and if power goes off for days, guess what is at the top of yours/everybody's list?
They usually have semi's show up but that is starting off with 100% stocked everywhere on hand to start with.
Everybody here can make plenty of ice, but we usually wait to see if it's going to be needed and just buy it instead.
That could be a big mistake.
My family has kept milk jugs of water in the freezer. Helps fill empty spots and make the freezer more efficent. Also helps hold temp in freezer a little longer during a power outage. And all the free ice you can stand.
We do that, when there is room in the freezer, found that if you only fill the jugs about 3/4s full they hold their shape better...
I just finished putting away the Saturday morning groceries. My wife is mobility em-pared and hasn't been able to drive or go anyplace unassisted for over a decade... But, she makes the shopping list and then I have to explain if I can't get what she wants, usually it's something specific from a company that went out of business years ago.... Today the thing I couldn't get was CHUCK ROAST, the store had none.. nada... zilch...

As I was putting away the little $12 slab of cheese and the other groceries and thinking about telling the wife about the chuck, I thought about my parents who have been dead for 30 years, how would they respond to a modern grocery store, the prices, the gaps in stock, and the selection...

I think that we have become so spoiled with being able to have everything all the time, anytime that as the world supplies tighten we will be totally unprepared for the new reality......
Really? Toasters? Most of the time I use a baking pan and my oven.
Maybe toasters are made in China?
We just use the oven too. She did say she had found one yesterday and bought it, but took it back because it looked so awful. Now says maybe she should have kept it. I think a lot of things are in short supply just because nobody is working to produce them.
Bolt Carrier groups for AR15 rifles. Complete uppers are difficult to find and expensive when you do find them
The LGS had uppers built in-house for $399 or $499 with the BCG. I want an 18 or 20-inch barrel and all they had was 10 or 16" and I wasn't impressed with the quality so I passed.
I was at a Toyota dealer yesterday having work done. I had time to waste so I wandered around their lot. It didn't take long they had less than 20 new Toyotas and even fewer used vehicles. I asked a salesman where all the cars were. He said they can't get them.
Try buying a pickup with less than 200,000 miles on it. Few and far between and way overpriced.
Things are getting serious. Pretty soon America is going to look like Cuba.
I have read that the big issue with cheep stuff from CHINA/Asia is a backlog in shipping, partly due to dock not-workers in CA, which results in ships siting in the ocean waiting to be unloaded, which ties up future loads because the ships aren't available.
Yes logistically we are learning the true value (or cost) of just-in-time business plans.....

I would not want to be a global produce shipper right now....
I have read that the big issue with cheep stuff from CHINA/Asia is a backlog in shipping, partly due to dock not-workers in CA, which results in ships siting in the ocean waiting to be unloaded, which ties up future loads because the ships aren't available.
Yes logistically we are learning the true value (or cost) of just-in-time business plans.....

I would not want to be a global produce shipper right now....
Also, non-trucking: we had a power hammer sitting in LA waiting to get wheels under it for over 2 weeks before they could find a driver to get it to the next destination.

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