When our house burned in a forest fire ! These fires can burn the any home. The fire that got us was large enough to create it's own wether. 50-60 miles per hour winds blowing fire balls off the top of spruce trees for 100s of yards. There is no electrical power for water pumps unless you have a genny. Our home was surrounded by green birch. It and hundreds burned.
To say that any house could be saved from a forest fire is wrong, wrong.
Well, I don't want to victim blame. But I will disagree.
Anything can be saved, its just a matter of your priorities, which you are free to set for yourself. In most disasters, we very often tell victims that 'nothing you could have done would have made a difference' This is to comfort them.
But it is not the truth.
What we should really say is..."Unless you had properly prepared for this, nothing could have saved you once it started"
Perhaps I should say "Any house can be saved from any fire, but only if you are prepared to do so".
As we move forward into a hotter and drier climate, we are going to have to either give up living in certain places...or learn better ways to live there.
When someone says "My house burned down, nothing could have been done" I want to know what it was made of, how many pumps they had, how many feet of hoses, what the GPM of their system was, how many people where there fighting it, how many hours of air for their SCBA's they had."
But I rarely ask these questions, because I already know the answer and all that these questions do is make people feel worse about something terrible that has already happened to them. But perhaps they need to be asked anyway, it could be the only way to keep it from happening again.
When someone survives a heart attack, you don't tell them "There is nothing that could have prevented this". You tell them to change their diet, start exercising, loss weight etc.
But I need to protect my self from my most probable threat.
We all do. But that threat isn't the trees. It's the lack of water, fireproof materials and most critically, someone there to fight the fire with that equipment.
If your house is like most, the trees near it are in more danger of being set on fire by your house, than your house is in danger from your trees burning.