The Current Situation Is Unsustainable

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Sadly, most people are way more dependent on the "system" than they either know or will admit.

This is the 1/3 that watches while the insane 1/3 kill the 1/3 who are aware of what's going on.
At least half the people in the US are fully or partially dependent on the system, from farmers and ranchers to corporations on down to the ghetto dwellers. They won't willingly give up their "free" handouts.
Its really a natural progression. Businesses turned over their personal departments to HR. HR and Safety took over running business's. This mentality has leaked in to everyday life. People have become accustomed to someone else telling us all how to think and act. Most people have embraced the nanny state. Everything is for "our own good". Its a fact that most people really don't want freedom; they would have to think for themselves and make important decisions. I dont believe that there is any chance of going back.
Society "goes back" after socialism robs every ounce of humanity and cash.

Then, it will take 1 or 2 generations to infuse the population with stronger minds.

I think this is why Russia is still lost. Communism officially ended there in 1989, and the people who are in power now are in their 60s. They were raised under Communism (their first 30 years). They are not business owners, not independent thinkers, and have no idea how an economy works. It's all fraud, nepotism, favors, and corruption -- just like Communism was for them growing up.

When they're gone, Russia will begin picking up the pieces with generations which were not raised under Communism.

The fact some of the power brokers are romanticizing about the good old days of Communism shows you they're clueless.
The human race is the only species on earth which STILL reproduces....even tho there is NOT ENOUGH food to feed its own offspring. Nature, war, catastrophe, pestilence, pandemie, suicide...who knows how the earth will balance itself out again one day??? The world and nature does not need mankind, but mankind does need the world and nature...if ONE does not stop doing stupid things...the other will survive without the first one...
JUST GUESS which is which!!
I've been watching Australia and just think this is where the Biden administration is trying to take us, along with most every other major countries governmentd. It's hard to believe that there are that many sheep in our country and apparently around the world. I have been seeing the outrage in the UK along with other countries. And yet we as a country has stayed silent?