The Current Situation Is Unsustainable

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Children have to be 12 to legally shoot here, although I'm sure many younger children shoot on private property. There is still a large shooting culture in Australia, especially in the rural areas, which is just about our entire country apart from the main cities. Our laws aren't perfect by any means, but we are a long way from being unarmed. We can't legally carry our guns around with us all the time like you guys can, but we don't need to.
I think there's a fundamental difference between the US and Australia as in the latter it's written in law that:
"firearm possession and use is a privilege that is conditional on the overriding need to ensure public safety.". in the US it's considered a right rather than a privilege. The overriding need bit is probably so they can try another buyback at a later date.

You can certainly buy a gun in Australia, but there are very few gun shops and you can't just buy ammo at a supermarket. There are hoops to jump through before you can buy any gun. It's a nanny state here.
But there's also a big difference in that gun ownership has never been as widespread here as in the US. I remember being at a dinner party once and the subject came up. Of the dozen people at the party only a couple had ever used a gun. One of them was a farmer (they've always had guns), and the other was me. I'd just come back from a holiday in the US so the difference really stuck with me.

As Frosty says, there's a big difference between rural areas and the city, but a far bigger percentage of the population lives in cities here. This is a vast continent but a helluva lot of it is virtually uninhabitable desert, so almost everyone is in coastal areas. And in the cities few have guns. I think the number is growing though as where I live there's a relatively new gun shop and shooting gallery nearby, and a new shooting range is planned. Most of the sheople in the cities are opposed to guns.
An 18 year old can go to the store and buy a rifle. Has to be 21 to buy a handgun. Younger than that can shoot, though. We start our grandkids out young learning to shoot. There is no need for a license here, although I do have a concealed carry license. Open carry is fine.
That being said, those are the laws for my state. And of course, do not apply to all states. Some of the states, like California require "permission" or good "reason" to get a gun. Australia sounds similar to California. I personally would not think it was appropriate to ask permission or to give good reason to someone to get a gun. Not their business. But we have 2A. And people that live in states with crazy gun laws can always move. I do not see in Australia's gun reasons where a reason could be to protect yourself and your family or to protect yourself against the govt.
Actually it is easier to buy a handgun in California than NY.
You take a 20 question gun safety test. Good for 5 years.
You buy the gun, and wait for the 11th day to pick up After background check.
You are allowed to open carry on your property Or transport to the range.
Good luck getting a CCW. You have to be a star to get one.
In NY.
You purchase the handgun. Then you apply for a permit. And wait and wait.
In the 80’s, a judge had to sign off on it. (usually after he was re-elected) I was lucky with 3 months and got my CCW.
Now, they aren’t issuing CCW and thats why the case was brought to the Supreme Court. No permit-no gun.
I’d like to stop using this “allowed” verbiage when what is really meant is “not denied the right” in a given instance. These are God given rights bestowed upon man and not from the government. A person may bear arms in the complete absence of government. The government doesn’t allow natural rights but may only restrict the exercising of rights. If you want to talk about entitlements, you’ll need the government for that
Forgot to ask about Australia....can the guns be kept in a safe in your home, or only at the gun club you have to join?
Not sure what you mean Model 31 .."A person may bear arms in the complete absence of govt"
Did you mean a person can bare arms anytime they want to?
Yes, DrHenley, that information is correct. See how easy it is for an 18 year old Australian to buy a handgun? Don't be a felon, join a club, do your safety training, apply for handgun permit, buy handgun. Something no 18 year old US citizen is legally entitled to do. So in that regard our laws are easier than yours.

And did you notice category R/E, where we can legally own rocket launchers and machine guns?
I walk in, pass NICS check, pay and leave (and before this state legalized marijuana, my CPL meant I didn't need to go through the NICS check). Ten/Fifteen minutes in and out. If you think easier hinges on being able to purchase a handgun at 18....that's on you. But from where I'm standing, it's a lot easier on this side. Oh, and I can legally own fully automatic weapons up to and including heavy machine guns.
With 30 TRILLION in debt, I'd say the collapse happened a long, long time ago.

America has been broke for decades. We've been "borrowing" from people who did not have 30 trillion dollars, just so we could pay them interest and for the sole purpose of bankrupting the nation.

1. Bankrupt the state
2. Create chaos in the streets
3. Corrupt society and get rich doing it

Communism 101
Children have to be 12 to legally shoot here, although I'm sure many younger children shoot on private property. There is still a large shooting culture in Australia, especially in the rural areas, which is just about our entire country apart from the main cities. Our laws aren't perfect by any means, but we are a long way from being unarmed. We can't legally carry our guns around with us all the time like you guys can, but we don't need to.
We don't "need" to carry here either in most areas. And we don't "need" to have a reason, we don't need to join a club, we secure our firearms however we see fit, don't need to register them, or get permission from the government to buy a gun or ammunition. We carry if we want to, we buy when we want to, we secure them how we want and we don't need the governments permission. At least in most states anyway.
With 30 TRILLION in debt, I'd say the collapse happened a long, long time ago.
What the government is doing is exactly like maxing out your credit card every month, then having your credit card limit raised and then borrowing more money to pay the credit card bills AND to live even more luxuriously on the borrowed money. As long as the credit card company lets you get away with it, you haven't really "collaped" yet. You can still keep up your standard of living, and even improve it, but someday you won't be able to keep doing it.
The U.S. gets away with it because the dollar is still the reserve currency of the world.
A similar situation is already reaching a head with Evergrande. They keep avoiding default by going farther into debt, but something will break because their debt is staggering and they don't have the luxury of printing the world's reserve currency.
My advice remain fully prepared for civil war this situation will continue to disintegrate until sleepy Joe & comrade Kamila succeed in turning American into a socialist nation and we all know that MUST NEVER HAPPEN we must remember what our forefathers had in mind when they found the USA
Too late. We've been a socilist nation for many years now. Its communism that we're getting close to.
Jussie Smollet NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for his racial crimes against himself to TRY TO BLAME TRUMP SUPPORTERS!! It was ALL A HOAX! Lie after Lie. That is a HATE CRIME against CONSERVATIVES that are mainly white, so how is what he did NOT A HATE CRIME?? But yet Jussie will most likely not see any jail time over his HATE HOAX! He is friends with Obama and Kamala along with a few others in high places.Yet we have true patriots who did nothing wrong except walk into the Capital with a wave in for their police. . . Double standards. . . Clown World we are living in.
The situation is indeed now unsustainable. It's also in a mad (insane) environment intentionally trying to destroy us.
This is an article I wrote yesterday. It just shows us how insane it is all getting.

Jim’s Rant For The Day. Inherently Dangerous.

There is an Axiom (defense) in Tort Law known as the Inherently Dangerous doctrine. Tort Law is short for Torturous, where one party is harmed outside of a contract.

Let’s discuss hand grenade manufacturers. Other than the safety pin fabrication are they liable for accidents involving their product? There are some things or actions, that by their very nature, are inherently (downright) dangerous, such as a knife. You can install safety rails, a back up bell and a “This Side Up” warning on one yet users will continue to cut themselves in earshot of “Free Beer!”.

That is why there are no class action lawsuits after a war for grenade accidents. How can the manufacturer prevent deaths of throwers distracted and waiting too long to pitch? Or accidents from pitching North of Home while a friendly rushes Home plate from the south? The defense would always be Inherently Dangerous.

Enter Kim Potter, the experienced police officer who, in the fog of battle, shot instead of tasering an alluding suspect. Should one consider her job inherently dangerous? Before you answer compare and contrast a trooper pulling a grenade pin and in the count sees his buddy killed, the grenade explodes killing both the thrower and another buddy. Would you declare the thrower to be an evil doer?

Should there be an investigation into the taser incident? Yes. Should there be a trial? I am not the decider of that. But be aware that we are in strange times when justice has been politicized and weaponized. But to say “weaponized” is just another new word that really has no defined meaning so let me replace it with defined words. Justice has been politicized and is now being used to teach humans to despise all humans in everything they do – perhaps they need to be replaced by robots that one intelligent being controls.

My heart goes out to Kyle Rittenhouse, Kim Potter and millions of others that are casualties of this war. Unfortunately those rolls will increase until we stand and end this madness.
I have very little sympathy for Kim Potter. If our society is going to issue certain people weapons, those people should have the wit and the training to know the difference between a firearm and a taser. Did she commit murder? The answer is no. She committed gross negligence. Is she sorry? Very very. Someone is dead because of her stupid mistake. She can't just say "Oops, sorry." and go on her way. I think she should get 20 years. Most of us own guns and want to continue to have the right to do so. Gross negligence with a firearm must be dealt with severely.
Chances are VERY high that she should never have been a police officer in the first place. The true purpose of affirmative action was to hire unqualified people into positions of power or authority.

It was actually the first salvo in the effort to accuse everyone of racism/sexism. When someone was hired due to affirmative action, everyone knew they weren't qualified, but nobody said or did anything. Don't want to be called a racist/sexist...

When I was a kid, cops were ex-military. Very sturdy under stress. They had seen far worse than what could be found on the streets. By hiring unqualified people into their jobs instead, the criminals have become much worse. This leads to a downward spiral: scared cops and bold criminals. Seems to me, this is what put Kim Potter in this position.

Eventually, you get more chaos and broken trust in public institutions -- which is Communism's goal.
The coofs didn't do enough damage, and the vax isn;t killing folks quick enough, so they are going to hit us with something heavier..

Massive New Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 2022’s Deadly Pandemic
Massive New Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 2022’s Deadly Pandemic (

Israel’s National Security Council has assumed control of a massive bird flu outbreak in the Galilee, which scientists warn could become a “mass disaster” for humans.
Over half a billion migrating birds pass through the area every year, heading for warm African winters or balmy European summers, making this a catastrophic location for a major bird flu outbreak—right at the nexus of global avian travel.
The virus can be deadly if it infects people. The World Health Organization says more than half of the confirmed 863 human cases it has tracked since 2003 proved fatal. Most strains or variants of avian flu, H5N1, are relatively difficult to transmit to people.
The "bird flu" has been tried for years. Nobody fell for it. Except certain countries that kill all their chickens and poison their pigeons.

I wish you were right, but they took a bad flu virus and turned into a global shut down, with mandatory MRNA shots WITH boosters, and turned literally, a cold (OMGcron), into another travel shut down, everyone's gonna die... fiasco. During the bird flu years, the people were not thoroughly entrenched in social media yet. With the MSM being complete propoganda, and half the country living by it like gospel, it will be easy enough for them to do it; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back for calling it ahead of time. The lemmings will celebrate their foresight.

Nothing, NOTHING, is impossible now. We are in the upside down.