OK, so, First - I'd like to keep this to more of a 'Pragmatic / Practical debate', than "religious", per-se, because I assert that this Topic, does, indeed, have 'implications for "Survivalists" beyond mere ideological sparring' (and I'll 'splain Why, later on..) First, here's a 'fulcrum' to kick this off:
https://www.dailywire.com/news/illi...s-after-school-satan-club-for-elementary-kids Yah... (and, just to 'get this out of the way', My .02 on that is the Same as those who came up with / host / push 'Drag Queen Story Hour' in Elementary Schools, as well:
..But, perhaps not for the Reasons those who might 'defend' this, might think...)
Ergo: I Do, in fact, support their "Right" to Believe thier assertion (that thier 'purpose' is Not to "convert" to satanism, but rather, to 'champion personal sovereignty'..) But the Problem I have is this:
a) They're Liars.. (later on they are Quoted as saying: "...The Satanic Temple describes itself as a “non-theistic religion that views Satan as a mythical figure representing individual freedom.”..blah, blah.." Right. So, in other words: Don't 'buy' this 'oppressive' idea that you have a Creator to-whom you should be held-accountable to for the way you 'behave' / treat Others in life, but rather, 'Be your Own God', and Decide for Yourself, what is "Right and Wrong" - Just like satan asserted / Did. Yah - that 'worked out Real well', didn't it?
Absent a 'Superior Moral Code' (superlative to what Humans could ever come up with, Especially with the Theory of Evolutions' tenet of 'Survival of the Fittest - Not the 'Morally Upright'..) this Entire 'train of ideology' ALWAYS goes 100% Off the Rails, and ends in Everyone devolving into 'Jeffrey Dahmers'..
(..and by That, I mean just, literally That: What he, himself said was (paraphrasing) 'If Evolution is True - and there Is No "God" to whom we need to answer, then it should be up To Me to decide what is 'right or wrong', based on what I Like or think is Right or feels 'Good' to Me..' - And he's Totally Correct.. (in the abstract..)
However, I, for one, have Never met a Single Individual - no matter How 'free thinking' / personal-Liberty-championing' they Are, that would, ie: Be 'OK' with someone Else coming over to Their home, and robbing / raping / pillaging / murdering, etc, at-will. When such-like 'asserters of personal sovereignty' have things / People They Value, threatened, well, then suddenly, 'Hey! No, that's "Wrong!"
..and, b) This 'Moral Relativism' (the "it's ALL Good" philosophy..) is a Mortal Coil.. ie: Homosexuality is a Civilization Ender, (Ergo: sorry SoyBois, drink All the Starcucks ya want, you'll Never carry / birth a Baby via yer BF, and neither will you '******' procreate without a Father in the mix..) not some 'path to Greater Enlightenment / Happiness' - Such-like 'Relativism' Always devolves into self-destructive Collapse - just like Jeffrey Dahmer - because That's Just Not How we were Designed to function / Be Happy..
Thus, why I assert that this 'Moral Relativism' is "Dangerous to Survivalism", because the 'it's All Good'ers will NEVER be Able to be 100% Trustworthy, in a 'MAG' or Group.. or in any 'Future Leadership', because they are Hopelessly Broken by the Devils ORIGINAL LIE (...just like the hawkers of this 'benign club for kids'
) and are like 'rudderless Ships, carried about by Winds, and ending up smashed upon unseen rocky-shoals'.
...And they will NEVER find satisfying 'Answers to Life'.. nor True Happiness.
https://www.dailywire.com/news/illi...s-after-school-satan-club-for-elementary-kids Yah... (and, just to 'get this out of the way', My .02 on that is the Same as those who came up with / host / push 'Drag Queen Story Hour' in Elementary Schools, as well:
Ergo: I Do, in fact, support their "Right" to Believe thier assertion (that thier 'purpose' is Not to "convert" to satanism, but rather, to 'champion personal sovereignty'..) But the Problem I have is this:
a) They're Liars.. (later on they are Quoted as saying: "...The Satanic Temple describes itself as a “non-theistic religion that views Satan as a mythical figure representing individual freedom.”..blah, blah.." Right. So, in other words: Don't 'buy' this 'oppressive' idea that you have a Creator to-whom you should be held-accountable to for the way you 'behave' / treat Others in life, but rather, 'Be your Own God', and Decide for Yourself, what is "Right and Wrong" - Just like satan asserted / Did. Yah - that 'worked out Real well', didn't it?
Absent a 'Superior Moral Code' (superlative to what Humans could ever come up with, Especially with the Theory of Evolutions' tenet of 'Survival of the Fittest - Not the 'Morally Upright'..) this Entire 'train of ideology' ALWAYS goes 100% Off the Rails, and ends in Everyone devolving into 'Jeffrey Dahmers'..
(..and by That, I mean just, literally That: What he, himself said was (paraphrasing) 'If Evolution is True - and there Is No "God" to whom we need to answer, then it should be up To Me to decide what is 'right or wrong', based on what I Like or think is Right or feels 'Good' to Me..' - And he's Totally Correct.. (in the abstract..)
However, I, for one, have Never met a Single Individual - no matter How 'free thinking' / personal-Liberty-championing' they Are, that would, ie: Be 'OK' with someone Else coming over to Their home, and robbing / raping / pillaging / murdering, etc, at-will. When such-like 'asserters of personal sovereignty' have things / People They Value, threatened, well, then suddenly, 'Hey! No, that's "Wrong!"
..and, b) This 'Moral Relativism' (the "it's ALL Good" philosophy..) is a Mortal Coil.. ie: Homosexuality is a Civilization Ender, (Ergo: sorry SoyBois, drink All the Starcucks ya want, you'll Never carry / birth a Baby via yer BF, and neither will you '******' procreate without a Father in the mix..) not some 'path to Greater Enlightenment / Happiness' - Such-like 'Relativism' Always devolves into self-destructive Collapse - just like Jeffrey Dahmer - because That's Just Not How we were Designed to function / Be Happy..
Thus, why I assert that this 'Moral Relativism' is "Dangerous to Survivalism", because the 'it's All Good'ers will NEVER be Able to be 100% Trustworthy, in a 'MAG' or Group.. or in any 'Future Leadership', because they are Hopelessly Broken by the Devils ORIGINAL LIE (...just like the hawkers of this 'benign club for kids'
...And they will NEVER find satisfying 'Answers to Life'.. nor True Happiness.
