NOTE: This is the first of many scenarios, anyone wishing to contribute may do so. Offer suggestions, tips, etc. In three days, I will post a scenario update input to the story.
September 19, 2016. John, a 43, year old urbanite, living in Denver, Colorado. He considers himself a novice prepper, which he attributes to his Boy Scout days and a two year stint at a private military academy in his junior and senior years of high school. He has been troubled by recent events in Europe and because Denver is a metropolitan city, is concerned about a terrorist event. He is a consultant engineer that builds large high rise buildings throughout the United States. John, has a wife who works near their home, she owns a woman’s boutique. They have three children, son 16, daughter 13 and son 10. John’s family does not take his part-time prepping seriously, often squirreling away prep items in his spare time, without his wife’s knowledge. Typically the family is your typical American family distracted by the pressures of real life and on the weekend, focused on their children’s little league sports. The entire family does enjoy hiking in the mountains, so the entire family has backpacks and other back packing material. Each of his family members have completed a American Red Cross CPR/First Aid training course and have went on some high adventure type outings. The family owns some communication gear, such as FRS radios, a small handheld GPS and each member has an EDC and first aid kit. John’s wife’s coworker has a cabin near Frisco, Colorado, which they borrow for weekend get-a-away.
John must travel to Chicago to work on a planned build in the city. He typically takes a direct flight to Chicago. So today, he catches the early flight out of Stapleton, the weather is clear and there are no travel delays around the country. John typically carries a small EDC and mini first aid pouch in his small backpack that he carries on the plane. John didn’t sleep well, so he decides to take a short cat nap on the flight. One hour into the flight, the pilot announces that he must make an emergency landing in Grand Island, Nebraska. The captain states that he ask everyone to remain calm as this would be an abrupt landing. John asks the flight attendant, the reason for the change, but the attendant simply shrugs her shoulder and goes to her seat. The plane makes the decent and lands in Grand Island.
Immediately, John turns his cell phone and receives a text message from his wife and from his oldest son. The text message reads “are you okay” and another message that states “terrorist attacks have occurred in five major cities”. The captain announces that all flights have been grounded because of the events affecting the nation. He states that the FAA has not determined when normal flights will resume and asks people to begin to deplane the aircraft.
Naturally, by the time, John gets off the flight, he immediately heads to the rental car counter, but is told all the cars have already been rented out and that none are to be expected as a result of the event. So much for his frequent renter points “he mutters”. John’s luggage (a small rollaway) has not much in the way of gear, he brought a change of athletic wear and sneakers, plus 2 days change of socks, t-shirts, boxer briefs, and two clean long sleeve executive shirts, a polo and a pair of Docker pants. A small shaving kit and as always his wife packed him small snacks for his hotel room which consists of four granola bars, a bag of Doritos, two candy bars and some bags of peanuts in mini snack bags.
So what is his next step, and what would you do, if you were in his shoes? What options are for him to get transportation. The local airport has a taxi service and the city of Grand Island has a limited bus system. Greyhound and Trailways service the city and their is a private limo service. An Amtrak station is located south of Grand Island in Hastings, Nebraska.
What should the family do? What would instructions would you tell your wife to do?
Would you consider using the cabin in Frisco, Colorado?
As he begins his journey, he hears that the cities of Dallas, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle and Los Angeles have been attacked by single terrorist attacks.
September 19, 2016. John, a 43, year old urbanite, living in Denver, Colorado. He considers himself a novice prepper, which he attributes to his Boy Scout days and a two year stint at a private military academy in his junior and senior years of high school. He has been troubled by recent events in Europe and because Denver is a metropolitan city, is concerned about a terrorist event. He is a consultant engineer that builds large high rise buildings throughout the United States. John, has a wife who works near their home, she owns a woman’s boutique. They have three children, son 16, daughter 13 and son 10. John’s family does not take his part-time prepping seriously, often squirreling away prep items in his spare time, without his wife’s knowledge. Typically the family is your typical American family distracted by the pressures of real life and on the weekend, focused on their children’s little league sports. The entire family does enjoy hiking in the mountains, so the entire family has backpacks and other back packing material. Each of his family members have completed a American Red Cross CPR/First Aid training course and have went on some high adventure type outings. The family owns some communication gear, such as FRS radios, a small handheld GPS and each member has an EDC and first aid kit. John’s wife’s coworker has a cabin near Frisco, Colorado, which they borrow for weekend get-a-away.
John must travel to Chicago to work on a planned build in the city. He typically takes a direct flight to Chicago. So today, he catches the early flight out of Stapleton, the weather is clear and there are no travel delays around the country. John typically carries a small EDC and mini first aid pouch in his small backpack that he carries on the plane. John didn’t sleep well, so he decides to take a short cat nap on the flight. One hour into the flight, the pilot announces that he must make an emergency landing in Grand Island, Nebraska. The captain states that he ask everyone to remain calm as this would be an abrupt landing. John asks the flight attendant, the reason for the change, but the attendant simply shrugs her shoulder and goes to her seat. The plane makes the decent and lands in Grand Island.
Immediately, John turns his cell phone and receives a text message from his wife and from his oldest son. The text message reads “are you okay” and another message that states “terrorist attacks have occurred in five major cities”. The captain announces that all flights have been grounded because of the events affecting the nation. He states that the FAA has not determined when normal flights will resume and asks people to begin to deplane the aircraft.
Naturally, by the time, John gets off the flight, he immediately heads to the rental car counter, but is told all the cars have already been rented out and that none are to be expected as a result of the event. So much for his frequent renter points “he mutters”. John’s luggage (a small rollaway) has not much in the way of gear, he brought a change of athletic wear and sneakers, plus 2 days change of socks, t-shirts, boxer briefs, and two clean long sleeve executive shirts, a polo and a pair of Docker pants. A small shaving kit and as always his wife packed him small snacks for his hotel room which consists of four granola bars, a bag of Doritos, two candy bars and some bags of peanuts in mini snack bags.
So what is his next step, and what would you do, if you were in his shoes? What options are for him to get transportation. The local airport has a taxi service and the city of Grand Island has a limited bus system. Greyhound and Trailways service the city and their is a private limo service. An Amtrak station is located south of Grand Island in Hastings, Nebraska.
What should the family do? What would instructions would you tell your wife to do?
Would you consider using the cabin in Frisco, Colorado?
As he begins his journey, he hears that the cities of Dallas, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle and Los Angeles have been attacked by single terrorist attacks.