So we lost London today, gone but not forgotten, London voted for a MUSLIM Mayor and got over 50% of the vote !!, When the west lost Constantinople it got renamed Instanbul, I wonder what London will be renamed as ?
Do not you think that in 2 years, Ukraine on the battlefield against Russia has already proved its right to membership in the European Union ???Erm the Irish voted NO to the EU so they made them vote again until they voted Yes, Just last month the DANES voted no to letting the Ukraine join the EU and the EU announced they are ignoring the vote, so NO Jonnte it is going to come down to force of arms if we want to be free.
No Sir, The west had a gentlemans agreement with Russia not to go intruding on its traditional sphere of influence, its BECAUSE of the expansionist attitude of the Euro Federalists that has caused the problem in the Ukraine. The Ukraine has never been a part of Western Europe its always operated towards the Russian culture and world.Do not you think that in 2 years, Ukraine on the battlefield against Russia has already proved its right to membership in the European Union ???
The sphere of influence of Russia on the territory of Ukraine extends exactly as far as Britain's sphere of influence extends to Canada and Australia. Only difference is that Britain, unlike Russia does not interfere in the affairs of its former colonies.No Sir, The west had a gentlemans agreement with Russia not to go intruding on its traditional sphere of influence, its BECAUSE of the expansionist attitude of the Euro Federalists that has caused the problem in the Ukraine. The Ukraine has never been a part of Western Europe its always operated towards the Russian culture and world.
In this regard, I have no doubt. Srl is natural that the majority of British and West Europeans prefer to host immigrants from Syria, Iraq, Eritrea, Afghanistan. Thanks to them, the European economy will continue to grow, and the well-being of the population increase, and culturally and ethnically they are the majority of Britons and Western Europeans nearer..
Ask most Brits and Western europeans and they will say we dont want millions of impoverished Ukranians pouring west we already are blighted by Albanians, Romanians, Hungarians, Estonians, Latvians, Poles sucking our economies dry. Sadly the Ukranians like the Turks are Europes version of South Americans trying to get into the US.
The sphere of influence of Russia on the territory of Ukraine extends exactly as far as Britain's sphere of influence extends to Canada and Australia. Only difference is that Britain, unlike Russia does not interfere in the affairs of its former colonies.
In this regard, I have no doubt. Srl is natural that the majority of British and West Europeans prefer to host immigrants from Syria, Iraq, Eritrea, Afghanistan. Thanks to them, the European economy will continue to grow, and the well-being of the population increase, and culturally and ethnically they are the majority of Britons and Western Europeans nearer.
I want to reassure you. The vast majority of Ukrainians are not absolute **** live in Western Europe or Britain. And the main reason is not a lack of cultural links but the fact that the laws in force in Western Europe and especially in Britain, from our point of view, look so that limit our rights. Even the rule of law which operate in neighboring Poland, we will be considered as unacceptable and dictatorial. So by the way the Poles say, adding that coming to Ukraine, they relax the soul. The desire of the population of Ukraine to join the EU due to a much more mundane desires than you think, for the most part consumer.Agreed Sir we did not invade Georgia recently RUSSIA did, WE did not kidnap Estonian and Latvian citizens from inside their own borders RUSSIA did, We did not arm and support the Eastern Ukranian seperatists. Russia recognises NO borders its just like the US in that matter.
I would prefer the Asiatics to the Ukranians as they are better skilled and educated in general and have a long cultural association with the former Colonial powers we have no cultural links with the Steppes, we have a hard enough time accomodating the Poles.
The greatest difference between most European countries and the Brits is historically the Euro countries lay down and surrender far to easily ( Stalin, Hitler Mussolini etc) to bullying neighbours .
N.P...their are some American's with ties to wife's grandfather emigrated from Ukraine, prior to it being absorbed by the USSR. Their are many North Dakotan's who would open up their homes to those who are homeless.
I do not know what movie you have in mind, but the eastern part of Ukraine where your description of the village are currently under russian occupation and the only place where people inhabit this part they can move is Russia. A special feature of the region is the fact that since the 50's of the 20th century on the location of where the company sent conditionally released prisoners from all over the Soviet Union, which as a rule there and settled. By the way that this explains the commitment to the people of Russia.We have enough third and fourth world types already buggering things up in Europe and the UK, the thought of Ukranians and Turks fills me with dread, Vlad is welcome to the Steppes. Just watch a documentary of rural eastern Ukraine where the local dudes Kidnap girls to marry and its culturally acceptable !!!, where interfamily disputes are resolved in tit for tat killings that go on for decades, we dont need that over here. The Ukraine should stand on its own two feet.
N.R, what about those "sharia" patrols I read every now and then,those that attack and terrorize pubs for serving and punters for drinking??
had a little row about that when I took the liberty of answering a FB comment after London became Londonistan,one Brit was quite ready to shoot me...
some future
I do not understand why you are this at itself are allowing ...Yup, Sharia Patrols illegal as hell but our cops are terrified of being accised of racism by the Muslims so they turned a blind eye until things got really out of hand. these Shariah patrols started having a go at non muslims first men telling them not to drink in " muslim areas" then they started verbally and physically abusing white girls who had uncovered arms and legs. The police had to step in before riots happened. Unforunately and its beyond all debate the fact is the UK police are more concerned about being inclusive and politically correct than they are about protecting society as seen in Rotherham. For FIFTEEN years young girls reported being groomed and sexually abused and passed around gangs of Muslim men, FIFTEEN YEARS, The BNP party tried to expose it and its leader was prosecuted THREE times for Racism ( aquitted each time) A Labour MP tried to expose it and got ridiculed for her efforts, THEN Channel 4 TV exposed it as being true and the police wanted to prosecute the TV station.
All comes to all the girls had told the truth, but it got worse, it turned out that 1400 young white girls had been abused by Muslim men for 15 years and not only did the police do NOTHING , NADA, ZIP, ZERO, but also the local Socialist Labour City council knew of the abuse and had covered it up ALL to ensure they did not upset the Muslim community.
AND its gets even WORSE. It turns out the organised grooming, raping, beating and abusing of young white girls as young as TEN years old has been going on in over FIFTY British towns and cities. There are also parts of london, Leicster, Birmingham, Bradford, Halifax where they are NO GO AREAS for whites especially girls.
To date not one Policeman or Politician or Social worker has been sacked or prosecuted.
I know deeeeeeeeeeeeep **** we are..
Unforunately and its beyond all debate the fact is the UK police are more concerned about being inclusive and politically correct than they are about protecting society as seen in Rotherham.
For starters...
At this point, John has an 36hr window,
A) Stay put at the airport at a minimum 24hrs but no longer than 36hrs. if John has the leave by foot then he shouldn't leave as a tourist (local/road target by predators)
1) if possible establish communications with the wife, give instruction as the events unfolds to the wife, only use text (not phone calls) text being written instructions for the family (easier for the frantic spouse than relying on memory).
B) Airports have stores, purchase two water bottles or one 36oz (preferably metal) purchase bottled water to fill up the harden bottle(s). In John's small backpack he should only keep what can be utilized out of the backpack for a hostile environment.
2) listen to the news (national and local) get a local and national map, pay attention to the events in and around the airport and city, take notes on the weather forecast 7-day.
C) within 24hrs plot escape routs out of the city, locate truck stops along the routs back home or near home, public and commercial transportation are targets now, don't utilize them, relay this information to the wife and son (text).
3) If john must leave by foot, he should head to the nearest truck stop on his planned rout back home, forage for a plastic tarp, if possible john should take a picture of the truck and license plate with his phone and send it to the wife or son, relay the rout to the wife and son providing John found a ride
One of the problems John should be aware of is having a firearm in a commercial truck can land one in hot water especially in a hyper sense of security/fear.
in short,
I would be concerned with being in a major city, John should make contact with his wife's co-worker and see if the family can use the cabin in Frisco, If unable to make contact I would attempt to head to the cabin. Hopefully John has enough wits and gear for a winter stay if need be and that he realizes he is right off a main state artery that at anytime can be restricted.
I have a question from the scenario. In it the President ordered the inactive to report for duty, ie the retired. So, my fellow preppers and eyes open individuals, if you are retired, like me, would you report in? I already know what I would do.
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