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okay,now this blond got it....the spin off,saw a few episodes and it didn't quite hit me like TWD.... ;)
Technically and clinically assessing the events in Europe leads me after considering all possible option leads me to the conclusion that Europe is Fu**ed and the UK is not far behind, Oh and if you Merkins dont vote Trump and get that wall built you too will be Fu**ed.
but the zombie reindeer will eat only lichen,so I should be safe from them ;)

no wonder my politicians feel safe while they f*** up things all the time,seems like a back-up plan for them....
Technically and clinically assessing the events in Europe leads me after considering all possible option leads me to the conclusion that Europe is Fu**ed and the UK is not far behind, Oh and if you Merkins dont vote Trump and get that wall built you too will be Fu**ed.

Some nation needs to step up, why not G.B. I hear that it is proposed that they leave the E.U. I never understood why G.B. joined in the first place and yes, I was living in the U.K at the time. when G.B. announced they would keep the pound sterling as their national money...thank god for that. I simply am frustrated at our government for exerting influence on getting G.B. to stay into the union. It is really a shame that once the two great powers of the world, U.S and G.B, have to think that their power is waning in the world and that the U.S. must use G.B. as their mouthpiece over France, Germany and the other E.U. members.

Here is where the U.S. ****** up, we allowed China back into the system, when we recognized it with Nixon blind ambition to stump around the world that he had done something right, when reality is that he was breaking U.S. law. China's economy was rock bottom and with the lessening of restrictions, it allowed China to get back into the world economy and look now, we (U.S. owe them trillions in debt). I can hear Winston now rolling in his grave, as he warned the U.S. about China and Russia. Anyone who understands the Chinese mentality will tell you they have a pragmatic view of the world, China and Asian in general view the Occidental influences as in the fast lane, preferring to wait slowly and allow the Dragon to get stronger, while western powers waste resources on not well thought out reactions. You wonder why my Japanese relations are very concerned about China and why they are proposing to most Japanese nationalists that Japan must being to rearm itself and deter China's ambitions in the China Sea, it is because of China's continued expansion, they are not only applying Japanese thought prior to World War II (Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere), but actually seeing its gains (Spratly islands as an example). Don't even get me started with Russia, but we gave them billions/possibly trillions (hush money for all their stupid ass radioactive crap, which we had to fund to get rid of, and still they have tons of it...see Russia's Nezametnaya Cove, Kola Penninsula. Now Putin is rearming and reasserting Russia not only in some of the former Russian republics, but also has rebuilt his naval and air forces to again challenge U.S./NATO. Is this simply saber rattling or another Cold War? I loved what Trump stated in his "Defense" speech last week. Rebuild the U.S. military, make it feared and then diplomatically deal with Russia and China on terms of strength. I know that this might be wishful thinking on a weakened economy and that many European's fear the rhetoric of Trump, but think of the movie star, turned governor, then know his as Ronald Reagan, he lined himself with good, honest, and expert in their field people, he crossed party lines to do so, despite not being backed by his Republican party leadership, and yet, he became one of America's most respected Presidents and world leaders. Also, he was feared by the Russian leadership for his hardline determination to destroy Communism. Do you think that Trump will be any different. Lets face it, Trump has been bankrupt many times, each time, he survives, as I said to a college kid the other day, he should become a corporate lawyer, as Trump has an army of them, so don't you think this guy is going to try and make America great again and those who are his friends will reap the benefits also. He is shrewd and has no problem speaking his mind. Is that why people worry? He would have no problem stopping immigrations if he were in power of your country!

I shudder to think about the E.U. Jontte and you have mentioned this, we have the same situation here in Texas, and many staunch Texan's have made their voices known that the federal government will not just dump them in our back yard, so they can set up shop. I am not a neo-U.S., but when we have Mexicans who have lived and worked here for years, but are here illegally because they can't get a U.S. immigration card, its sad that we waive this requirement for those who have escaped a war torn Middle East. I know that Emma Lazarus stated "Give me your tired, your poor, but have American's forgot how much our roads are in disrepair, bridges are ready to fall into river (like they did in Minneapolis), our prison system is overcrowded, and our monetary and social security system are at a brinkmanship, let alone our military is exhausted and in need of an overhaul! Does this not underscore, why we need to quit feeling sorry for every person in the world, we have enough problems at home. I am not a isolationist, but a realist, many of my close friends know how sick I am of our school system and how students underperform, that this majority sucks up resources that simply we don't have and we keep trying to get them to pass a state exam that simply they continue to fail. What American dream is there? Oh yeah, the rich get filthy rich, the Middle Class pays for all those social programs that democrats pass and the lower class sits home and watches reruns, ESPN or game, I wish I had that life, sitting on my $#@, while the government robs me again.

Yes Northern Raider and all you in Europe, your next, just look at our blue print and see what your in store. I'd think your country will achieve it faster than us. N.R. can you see Edinburg turn into Detroit?
Bob We Brits joined what we were told was the COMMON MARKET, a simple trading agreement and nothing more, but it morphed from the European Economic Community to the Common Market to the European Community ( thats when the lefties and totalitarians moved in ) to the EU and its definately heading towards becoming the EUSSR. NOW UNDERSTAND THIS, Countries like the UK, France and Eire are friends of the US, but most of the rest are NOT.

Please do not think the UKs gun control laws have anything to do with fighting crime, the establishment admitted years ago its more sbout preventing the Brits from overthrowing our corrupt establishment.
Bob, equally I believe that unless the GENUINE Patriotic American peoples who BELIEVE in what your founding fathers believe dont get off their fat apathetic arses and form a CSA of Real American states you will end up just like us High taxes, poor public services, no guns, no rights, no liberties and no future. I no longer recognise the America I got to know in the 1960s.
no wonder that our police wants ,read carefully;machine guns,high caliber rifles (bigger than now in use) APC's and small rockets,that last one can't be used in any hostage situation,only in large scale crowd suppression where it no longer matter if lives are lost or not...

Oh I know that gun control thing, my ancestors left, after the king placed a marker on my ancestors heads. We left in boat loads after that...hence why some live in the Carolina's and the rest live in upstate New York. They simply gave up one mountain for another. I am the only flatlander, who lives in Texas, but I am armed to the teeth, and my kids have the same skills, as I've spent most of my time training them.

Edited after N.P's other thought, I spent months in the Library of Congress and also in the Smithsonian researching where the leaders in 1780's took most of their ideas, we fought for our independence but adopted the tax program from G.B. Wonder why we are so screwed, lol.
no wonder that our police wants ,read carefully;machine guns,high caliber rifles (bigger than now in use) APC's and small rockets,that last one can't be used in any hostage situation,only in large scale crowd suppression where it no longer matter if lives are lost or not...

Course they are, they will use every means possible to reduce the number of Finns with arms, they are not stupid they still remember how a few thousand Finns made the lives of nearly 1 million Soviets absolutely hell, they will use any and every excuse to reduce guns, cut ammo supplies close gun shps and vilify gun owners just like they did here. You need to be buying more rifles and reloading gear NOW and hiding it.

Oh I know that gun control thing, my ancestors left, after the king placed a marker on my ancestors heads. We left in boat loads after that...hence why some live in the Carolina's and the rest live in upstate New York. They simply gave up one mountain for another. I am the only flatlander, who lives in Texas, but I am armed to the teeth, and my kids have the same skills, as I've spent most of my time training them.

Edited after N.P's other thought, I spent months in the Library of Congress and also in the Smithsonian researching where the leaders in 1780's took most of their ideas, we fought for our independence but adopted the tax program from G.B. Wonder why we are so screwed, lol.

Texas should lead the way in getting out of the US, texans are to the US what Brits are to Europe
well, N.R,you have a fighting chance to get rid of EU now....last time I checked the polls were in favor of Brexit.
well, N.R,you have a fighting chance to get rid of EU now....last time I checked the polls were in favor of Brexit.
Erm the Irish voted NO to the EU so they made them vote again until they voted Yes, Just last month the DANES voted no to letting the Ukraine join the EU and the EU announced they are ignoring the vote, so NO Jonnte it is going to come down to force of arms if we want to be free.
Ouch, it opens up a whole new dimension for a world of hurt for u folks, those polititions are some real sly *******s.
Joe we are actually getting Black south Africans claiming asylum here now !!!! its insane, they have HIV and they are costing us millions to treat, house etc and we cannot send them home.
What are they seeking asylum from, because hell knows they have all the rights in the world over here and free HIV treatment and grants up the yin yang, send the buggers back.
I have a question from the scenario. In it the President ordered the inactive to report for duty, ie the retired. So, my fellow preppers and eyes open individuals, if you are retired, like me, would you report in? I already know what I would do.

September 11, 2001 at 6am local, I boarded a commercial flight in Stockholm Sweden bound for JFK airport. At the time I was Stationed in Egypt and on vacation- visited Denmark, Norway and Sweden, then going to visit my parents in Pennsylvania. About halfway through the flight, somewhere over Greenland, the plane turned around and headed home. The pilot did not tell us what happened, only that we had to go back. At this time, I did not know what was going on and really couldn't do anything. I guess it was because I am very aware of my surroundings, and having spent 8 months in Egypt, that I did notice several arabs on the plane.

At the airport, we were removed from the plane and put in some kind of room. I did notice all the arabs were gone right away. It was a few minutes later that we found out what happened. The airport handed out a small supply bag, t shirt laundry powder, hygiene kit, stuff like that and shipped us to a hotel. My travel bag is a backpack and I always have a small stash of airport compliant equipment in it. but I did get a map, some water and travelling food. I called my base and told them where I was, though I made sure to do it late at night in case I was told to go back. I then called the embassy to let them know who and where I was and got their address.

For the next several days, they let us stay at the hotel, fed us and gave us travel passes to the city- there were 8 Americans stranded with me. Obviously, by now no anarchy was happening and I wasn't being recalled. I didn't own a cell phone at the time. I called the Air Force base in Germany and found out they were still flying back and forth to the States while everything was still grounded going to the States. I called SAS airline and had my ticked switched to Frankfurt Germany, which they did free of charge. The next day I flew to Frankfurt, found some fellow military members and got a ride to the base. I put my name on the wait list to fly back and found a day room to crash in, as long as I was out by 6am. 2 days later was on a flight to New Jersey. I called my parents to let them know where I was and they agreed to pick me up. My parents didn't have cell phones either.

The hardest part, was figuring out where my parents were, as my dad would not allow his car to be searched, he would have been armed. I had to bum a ride to the main gate and luckily they were there.

With the gear I had and bought I felt comfortable I could reach something American if I had to while I was in Sweden. For protection, obviously I wasn't going to get a weapon. I already had a good folding lock blade- stowed in my checked baggage, which we did get back, and this was when you could still fly with a swiss army knife in your pocket. I did take a trip to the city and purchased a strong kitchen knife and found out where the hotel kept its mops.

After a few days with my parents- survivalists from the cold war era, seeing things move back to normal, I took another military flight back to Frankfurt, caught a commercial flight back to Egypt and finished my tour.

Afterwards I was stationed in Colorado, and then the fun began.

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