The Ladies

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I ran hard for along time, years in fact. I guess I really never had much trouble getting rid of a woman if I wanted to. From what I have read in this thread I’m not sure you want her gone. Hell, just try bringing another one home either she will be into it or she will leave. Win win either way 🤣🤣😉

Maybe the Brazilian will show back up and we can play reverse Oreo. On second thought, I don't think I could keep up with both of them. They were/are both wildcats. At least my corpse would be smiling when they put it in the oven.
So the lady just texted and told me she was excited about dinner but even more excited about dessert. I really hope that is just a suggestive inuendo. It's been like 25 hours now and I am fully rested and restored. I thought about packing an overnight bag, just in case, but with her kid living there too it's probably unlikely that I will staying.
Maybe the Brazilian will show back up and we can play reverse Oreo. On second thought, I don't think I could keep up with both of them. They were/are both wildcats. At least my corpse would be smiling when they put it in the oven.
... and why on Earth would you want the Brazilian back ... under ANY circumstances?
So the lady just texted and told me she was excited about dinner but even more excited about dessert. I really hope that is just a suggestive inuendo. It's been like 25 hours now and I am fully rested and restored. I thought about packing an overnight bag, just in case, but with her kid living there too it's probably unlikely that I will staying.
PACK, you never know!!😉
I ran hard for along time, years in fact. I guess I really never had much trouble getting rid of a woman if I wanted to. From what I have read in this thread I’m not sure you want her gone. Hell, just try bringing another one home either she will be into it or she will leave. Win win either way 🤣🤣😉
That helps to explain why you lived in the garage for five years when you were married to your ex-wife!
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So the lady just texted and told me she was excited about dinner but even more excited about dessert. I really hope that is just a suggestive inuendo. It's been like 25 hours now and I am fully rested and restored. I thought about packing an overnight bag, just in case, but with her kid living there too it's probably unlikely that I will staying.
Know the Boundary's, You just will Never know when Her Daughter will meet You in the Shower...?!?

Chapter 822:

Tonight I actually made it inside the hallowed sanctuary of the lady, in the form of her luxury apartment. Turned out that her offspring, roommate and protector had been sent away for the evening. Rest assured this leased residence was much nicer than average. The ceilings were so tall I felt like I was in a museum or the lobby or a ritzy hotel. There were also so many windows that light seemed to emanate from every direction. Everything seemed to have a place even if a few of those places were overflowing with stuff. The rooms I could see were nicely decorated and properly color coordinated. It was almost like a demo apartment set up for perspective buyers to see how it might look after they moved in. The kitchen was large and open, a counter island that doubled as a dining area with stools that divided the cooking space from the living space. Older classic rock music was playing from somewhere.

I didn’t get a tour; I was just let in and followed her straight to the kitchen. She went to the counter wearing a cute little apron and started cutting up veggies after placing a couple of pots/pans on the convection cook top. I went around the counter and interrupted her cooking for the necessary embrace and kiss that should have happened once inside the door. She was a good recipient of my advance and did not resist in any way. This went on for what felt like 5 minutes but was probably only 20 seconds. Once slightly apart from one another she looked straight into my eyes then without hesitation the cook top was turned off, the pots/pans set aside, meal prep came to an immediate halt, and I got to see a different room. That room was also very nice and had a few pieces of personal art on the walls plus a bookshelf that was heavily loaded. Her sleeping space was big and comfy with more pillows and thick plush coverings than any three people would need, and it was just for her. Or it was just for her. Pillows hit the floor with reckless abandon; the door was shut and locked, just in case, and we stretched our “winning streak” to 5 days.

Eventually we made it back to the kitchen with renewed appetites. As the lady prepared our meal I sat on a stool and watched her work. Offers to assist were refused as she craftily produced a wild mushroom cauliflower skillet and garlic butter “air fried” salmon. Already in the oven was a trio of chocolate lava cakes set inside small white ramekins. The food was delicious and surprisingly light for something so filling. She also served me a white chardonnay in a stem-less wine glass, which she assured me, was the proper wine for this meal. Not that I would have known if she was correct in her pairing or just only had that type of wine available. After letting the meal settle for a moment while gushing over her culinary skills, I jumped up to do the dishes. She objected but I asserted my male dominance and got to work. It’s not as easy to clean up in an unfamiliar kitchen where every drawer and cabinet contains the unknown. Fortunately, she was there to provide guidance. I also got the pretty smile with a twinkle in her eye that said, ‘I like a man who cleans up after me’. Bet the douche bag never did dishes for her.

We retired to the living room where we sat in large plush furniture and just talked as music continued playing softly in the background. I pointed out that the room would be more complete with a nice lawn chair and she hit back with a jab about warehouse living. Once the wisecracks were over we settled into a nicer conversation that went on for a long time. The opposite of that kiss in the kitchen, hours had passed, and I didn’t even realize it. We spent some time engaged in the simple intimacy of holding one another while the best singers of the 70’s and 80’s serenaded us. Then it was suddenly time to go as her daughter would be returning soon. I would not be getting another tour of her sleeping quarters, and I would not be spending the night. At the same time I wouldn’t be taking a cold shower either, so I will consider this a win.

Oh, and before I forget, that music in the other room was actually emanating from an older high-end record player with big speakers contained within a built in desk with drawers and shelves. On one of the shelves were several vinyl records stacked up and a couple on display. I noted that one was a small 45rpm record on a little black plastic easel. It featured a bright orange-yellow label with a colorful swoosh of green, blue and pink on it. The bottom said, “Your Song – Elton John – From UNI Album 73090”. Well now. That answered a couple questions.
Oh, and before I forget, that music in the other room was actually emanating from an older high-end record player with big speakers contained within a built in desk with drawers and shelves. On one of the shelves were several vinyl records stacked up and a couple on display. I noted that one was a small 45rpm record on a little black plastic easel. It featured a bright orange-yellow label with a colorful swoosh of green, blue and pink on it. The bottom said, “Your Song – Elton John – From UNI Album 73090”. Well now. That answered a couple questions.
you know she set that up for you to find spent several bucks buying the record and about $85 shipping for next day air delivery to have it sitting in that easel for you....dude...shes got it bad for you...i think...naw i know you got it bad for her too....its a beautiful thing !
you know she set that up for you to find spent several bucks buying the record and about $85 shipping for next day air delivery to have it sitting in that easel for you....dude...shes got it bad for you...i think...naw i know you got it bad for her too....its a beautiful thing !

Possible but not probable.

As far as her having it bad for me, I must be doing something right because I already got the call that she will be at the compound by late afternoon. Glad I pulled out those pork chops so I don't have to see another cinnamon bread bologna sandwich. She doesn't work Fridays so she may sleep over again, but Friday's are normally reserved for yoga, coffee dates, massages, manicures and other female pampering events. All this road time, for both of us, is the only thing that makes selling this compound worthwhile in my mind.
Possible but not probable.

As far as her having it bad for me, I must be doing something right because I already got the call that she will be at the compound by late afternoon. Glad I pulled out those pork chops so I don't have to see another cinnamon bread bologna sandwich. She doesn't work Fridays so she may sleep over again, but Friday's are normally reserved for yoga, coffee dates, massages, manicures and other female pampering events. All this road time, for both of us, is the only thing that makes selling this compound worthwhile in my mind.
If she did you know its so sweet of her to do that right...or it is or would be to me.

eating the cinnamon bologna sandwich is a small price......if it grossed me out i just say naw i am good....i have.....well never

the word is fasting.
If she did you know its so sweet of her to do that right...or it is or would be to me.

eating the cinnamon bologna sandwich is a small price......if it grossed me out i just say naw i am good....i have.....well never

the word is fasting.

Yeah, that would be sweet of her. I am still getting used to being a boyfriend and not the guy that gets called when a woman is in need then wants me to disappear for 2 months. Being attentive, considerate and insightful isn't as easy as just messing up the bed and driving away.

I never met up with that flight attendant and have also ignored two additional hook up texts in the last few weeks, one from a bartender and one from a realtor. My realtor. The one who sold me the compound and then earned her commission a few times over. A part of me is going to miss that lifestyle, just a very small part though.
Chapter 822 Part 2:

Pent up sexual frustration really is something. From what the lady has said, prior to the last several days, it was a long time since she has had intercourse and even longer since she enjoyed the experience. This begs to ask the question, can one forget how to be good in bed? Are there certain perishable skills that disappear with time and inactivity? I can’t really speak to that from the male perspective as I believe practice makes perfect, but I can from the other side of the coin, sort of. The lady may have gone through a long dry spell preceded by a long period of sexual frustration, but she either very quickly returned to peak form or a tigress was sleeping within her all along. She may have even demonstrated a few talents, learned or inherent, that took me by surprise. I know I have already bragged about our sexual compatibility, but I don’t know if I have or will find a way to express in words how very in sync we are when it comes to the horizontal arts. That tigress is definitely awake now.

After a night of passion post karaoke, a quick follow up sleepover at my place, a trip to a hostel and another sleepover at her place I thought maybe the lady would want a day or two off to recover and contemplate how we have taken our relationship to the next level. I was wrong. When she called I thought we were going to just have a nice mid-day chat, like we seem to do often. Nope, she was calling to make sure I was going to be home this afternoon, I was open to a visitor, and I would be limbered up and ready to go. Check, check and check. I was happy that she had a bit of a drive ahead of her because it gave me a chance to throw my bedding into the dryer for a steam refresh, take out the trash and straighten up the place. Plus I had to dust off Limonjalo and make sure he was presentable. I thought about standing outside the way God made me when she pulled up, but then imagined a property developer or surveyor driving by and being forced to question his own sexual orientation. Instead I just sat on the patio and waited impatiently.

When the gate rolled open and she started to drive in, I hopped up and met her at the driver’s side door. I was really happy that the gate was set to shut automatically because we never even made it inside. If I ever tell this story in the future I will claim that she was on me like a CNN reporter on a fake news story, but in truth we were both fully engaged in the moment. Under the sky, in full view of nature and any unlikely passersby, we made certain any reference to dry spells would be past tense. The lady is borderline insatiable and does not suffer from any kind of performance anxiety. I should also give credit to the manufacturer of that Amazon chaise lounge. Strong and sturdy with just the right amount of cushioning and flex. Whatever Chinese youngster built this in Shanghai deserves both a raise and a day off with pay. Don’t take this praise lightly, it really was a quality build that was subject to and passed a rugged endurance test.

Once I caught my breath and received a farewell for the moment kiss, I watched as the lady gathered her clothes and went inside. It was only then that my mind accepted that the faint chime in the distance was coming from her Audi. The door was hanging wide open and it was starting to sprinkle. I put on my boxer briefs and remedied the situation, looking inside to see if there was a travel bag or something that I should bring into the residence. The only thing I saw was a large semi-heavy cloth tote on the front passenger’s seat so I grabbed it just in case. I was unsure if this was going to be a sleepover or just a very fortuitous meet up, I was game either way. She has been calling the shots when it comes to extracurricular activities since the beginning and at this point I saw no reason to change that. Not after that kind of patio passion. I also now know what age women reach their sexual peak, its 43 years old. Exactly 43 years old. If I have miscalculated and its 44, I will likely end up in a wheel chair or will possibly fall into a coma sometime after her birthday.

I went inside and heard the shower running in the bathroom. I shouted over the water advising I had brought in her tote and asking if she wanted something to eat. She said “thank you and absolutely” so I pulled a couple thick cut pork chops out of the fridge that were soaking in brine and put fire to charcoal in the kettle grill. I learned my lesson about being prepared during her last visit. By the time I was slicing, oiling and seasoning some zucchini and squash she appeared, somehow all clean and looking like her makeup had been reapplied. I hit the chops with an ample layer of dry rub and put all the grill bound food on a tray. I asked her if she would mind setting out a couple plates and some silverware as I went outside to start cooking. When I returned she had not only set the table, adding napkins, salt, pepper and other items, she had also placed some freshly washed berries in a plastic bowl and put a cold bottle of cream soda next to my plate. We worked as a team to throw together an above average dining experience. In the same way that we have incredible physical compatibility, we also have incredible harmony outside of the throws of passion. I can almost hear the lady say “teamwork makes the dream work” in my mind, as I have heard her say it so many times. The meal was nice, the company was even better. We talked, we laughed and she told me yet again that I was her favorite person.

The lady retrieved her tote from the counter and asked me to join her on the sofa. Okay, it’s a futon but for the time being I am pretending it’s a sofa. After telling me how amazing the last several weeks have been and how close she feels to me, she reached in to the tote and pulled out a small wrapped box and handed it over. I was a bit surprised but opened it to find a hard plastic jewelry box containing an 18k gold necklace that featured an 18k gold bullet with a small tag on it that said “open me”. I twisted the bullet and sure enough the rim of the simulate case turned to reveal a small handwritten note inside. The rolled up note said “For as long as I have you, I will cherish you, honor you and respect everything about you” followed by three small hearts drawn in black ink. This woman has a way of hitting me in the feels that I am completely unaccustomed to and unprepared to deal with. Fortunately before I had to, she presented another wrapped box, this one rectangular and flat. While I made it known that she did not need to buy me gifts, she eagerly dismissed my words and told me to open it. Inside was a framed and matted multi-color map with documented coordinates, the words “where it all began” and a July date beautifully printed across white cardstock in a separate opening in the matting. It did not take long for me to realize that the center point of the map, where a small red heart was drawn, was the location of the supper club where our two lives intersected. I could see small tears welling up in her eyes as her big smile tried to hide them. The gifts were wonderful, and I made to sure to express that, but seeing those tears made me start to choke up. This lady has clearly tapped into something that has been dormant for the entirety of the life so far. We held each other closely for a moment before I mustered the ability to thank her again and tell her that I truly appreciated the gifts. She exclaimed “There’s one more!” before grabbing the tote and producing yet another wrapped box. “This is too much” I said but once again she dismissed me and told me to open it. I was initially surprised to find a nice well-made black Galco leather belt with a dark buckle inside the small box, until I noticed some words burned into the inside of the leather that made laugh out loud, “now you will always think of me when you take off your pants”.

After some kissing, and confirming our date for Saturday, she suggested we take tomorrow to relax and recuperate. That will officially end our 6 day streak and preserve the opportunity to set a new record in the coming weeks. And just like that, after only 2 ½ hours, she was on her way back to the big city. Leaving me to do all the clean up again, not that I minded.

Pride and ego aside, as happy as I am that I found a salacious lady with the sex drive of a teenage groupie, I am grateful for the day off. I completely understand now why people own hot tubs and why 20,000 tons of ibuprofen are produced every year. I was also feeling a certain kind of way about her gifts and her affection toward me. Like I said earlier, that lady has a way about her that I am unaccustomed to and unprepared for. And something tells me I better get prepared because I don’t think she’s going away any time soon.
I let curiosity win and looked up the gold bullet necklace, not gold plated but gold. I shouldn't have. It was not inexpensive. Now I feel like I need to start working on something for her. I may need to sell some plasma or something too. I'm unjabbed so I would think I could charge a premium.
Be careful buying her something. DO NOT GET HER A RING. It will be misconstrued and it will be an engagement ring in her mind. So when you get married I want to be a groomsman, I know your Pops will be the best man. I image the wedding outside by a water fall with a snow capped mountain in the background with wildflowers in a meadow. All the men will be carrying their bbq pistols and the women be in sun dresses.

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