The Ladies

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My only worry for your forward and very wonderful path of romance and life is the time when her heart and soul are so deeply involved in your life and profession that she will be in mortal fear of what you do.

I know these jobs, and they are very inherently dangerous sometimes, it is like going over a cliff you have looked over with a microscope and finding a loose rock that was missed by all the investigation.

You are driving a car in a high speed protected caravan to a undetermined destination on backroads watching the car ahead for three timed brake light flashes to stop and reverse directions at 90mph and GO.

You are picking up a sealed briefcase with a driver and taking it through the night following all laws exactly to a destination and delivering it sealed as it was, answering only a few expected questions and leaving alive.

She may invade your arena when she gets to that point, I pray not.

I pick up what you're putting down. We have talked about it a few times and she is definitely concerned for my well being, but she has also commented that what I do is part of who I am and she wouldn't want that to change. She is shockingly open minded compared to the Brazilian who wanted me to change everything about me she didn't like.
No face to face contact today, just a few texts and a lunch time phone call. The lady has some stuff going on Tuesday, so it seems we will not be together again until our normal date night, which is not going to be a normal date night. The lady has been helping me find places to live in or near the city that might work for me and she scheduled some walk-thrus. I will say this for her, she is a ******* go-getter and does not sit around and wait for stuff to happen. At this point I could just hand her a check blank and wait until she said she found the perfect place. And it would end up being the perfect place.
Does this woman have ANY flaws??!!!

Yeah, he's 5'9" weighs about 160lbs and used to be married to her.

She hasn't farted in front of me yet, so that could be a real issue. Plus she may be one of those ladies with horrible PMS. I have somehow been spared that experience as well.

Seriously though she is very competitive and likes getting her way. She has even told me that compromise is 'the other person conceding' to her will. I think that's why she held out so long on bedroom fun, to determine my level of fortitude and grit. She even said something about being strong and stubborn as her without hurting her in the process. None of this has really been aimed at me yet, but chances are the day will come. Fortunately that arrogant bastard I see in the mirror has a very thick skin and a slow burn temper.
Oh! And she has this mean look that is scary as ****. Like she is peeling the skin off your skull with her eyes. I have seen her daughter get it and she showed it to me once when I beat her in a card game. Not pleasant. Could just be the look every mom has, I wouldn't know because mine was a heartless **** who took off and never came back.
Yeah, he's 5'9" weighs about 160lbs and used to be married to her.

She hasn't farted in front of me yet, so that could be a real issue. Plus she may be one of those ladies with horrible PMS. I have somehow been spared that experience as well.

Seriously though she is very competitive and likes getting her way. She has even told me that compromise is 'the other person conceding' to her will. I think that's why she held out so long on bedroom fun, to determine my level of fortitude and grit. She even said something about being strong and stubborn as her without hurting her in the process. None of this has really been aimed at me yet, but chances are the day will come. Fortunately that arrogant bastard I see in the mirror has a very thick skin and a slow burn temper.
That is not a Flaw of Hers, She has a Beautiful Daughter as She Thought She was doing the "Right Thing with Marriage", then She got Abused...!!!
That is not a Flaw of Hers, She has a Beautiful Daughter as She Thought She was doing the "Right Thing with Marriage", then She got Abused...!!!

True, but it becomes a flaw when I have to hear about him calling her and being and ass while simultaneously not being allowed to crumple him into a little ball.
Didn't see the lady yesterday, didn't see the lady today, but she has called like 3-4 times and texted frequently. When she called earlier she mentioned to me that she would love to get some Mexican food tomorrow on our date, which was fine by me. I am hoping for a sleep over too but am unsure of how that would work with it being a week day. I might have to get up and be on my way nice and early.

Still working on a gift of some sort, I posted my ideas but still haven't hit on the perfect one yet.
Yeah, he's 5'9" weighs about 160lbs and used to be married to her.

She hasn't farted in front of me yet, so that could be a real issue. Plus she may be one of those ladies with horrible PMS. I have somehow been spared that experience as well.

Seriously though she is very competitive and likes getting her way. She has even told me that compromise is 'the other person conceding' to her will. I think that's why she held out so long on bedroom fun, to determine my level of fortitude and grit. She even said something about being strong and stubborn as her without hurting her in the process. None of this has really been aimed at me yet, but chances are the day will come. Fortunately that arrogant bastard I see in the mirror has a very thick skin and a slow burn temper.
I seriously doubt that you are at all arrogant, very confident yes, arrogance and thick skin almost never occur together. real confidence scares the crap out of arrogant people,
I seriously doubt that you are at all arrogant, very confident yes, arrogance and thick skin almost never occur together. real confidence scares the crap out of arrogant people,

Makes sense. I have always been self aware and I have always had a thick skin, but both were enhanced during my time as a HUMINTer.
Date night, without a real date. The lady has scheduled appointments with 3 condos; 2 for sale and 1 for lease. There is also a 4th place that doesn't require a showing, just a show up. Somewhere along the way we are going to eat some Mexican, the food not an illegal immigrant, and then who knows. I have packed a bag and will throw in my laptop before I leave in anticipation of a sleep over. It's been like 3 days and my left eye is starting to twitch. I am actually more surprised she made it this long.
Date night, without a real date. The lady has scheduled appointments with 3 condos; 2 for sale and 1 for lease. There is also a 4th place that doesn't require a showing, just a show up. Somewhere along the way we are going to eat some Mexican, the food not an illegal immigrant, and then who knows. I have packed a bag and will throw in my laptop before I leave in anticipation of a sleep over. It's been like 3 days and my left eye is starting to twitch. I am actually more surprised she made it this long.
Uh oh, maybe trying out the new condos if you catch my drift!😉🫣
Chapter 829 Part 1

When I was much younger and wanted to own a car more than anything in the world, pops told me “Never go looking for a something like that until you have the money in your pocket. If you’re broke you will find the perfect car right inside your price range that will urge you to do something stupid.” As I moved forward through life I discovered that was very true and probably explained the crushing credit card debt so many people have shot themselves in the foot with. Yet even with that advice in my frontal lobe, I did that very thing.

The lady and I set out on our date night not to have a fun adventure or some kind of chaise lounge experience, but to look at some condos. No, I have not accepted an offer on my property and while I do have enough money in the bank to cover the cost of a condo without it, I would never buy something before closing a deal that ensured I had to relocate and leave the compound behind. I just wanted to get a feel for what was available and what kind of money I was going to have to spend. You can do all the online research in the world but unless you see a place for yourself you never really know what it’s like. The lady had strongly suggested we skip our normal date night and go house hunting instead. There was a strong emphasis on “we”. I am hoping she will spend a lot of time wherever I land, so it makes sense to get her opinion. Plus she is more versed in city and suburb life than I am.

The first place we looked at thoroughly scared me. It was like something out a bad 90’s sitcom featuring a single mom struggling to make it. Light color brick façade, popcorn ceilings, cupboards made from some unknown polymer-wood hybrid and blue-green carpet that had to have been original to the place. If all that didn’t scream run away, the price sure did. Fortunately the next place was a whole lot better. The building was older but nicely restored. It had a fully equipped gym, a parking ramp with 2 included spaces and a guest parking area, a community space, a nice roof top patio with a grill and a lot of nearby eateries and shops. There were a couple condos available, one that was thoroughly remodeled and one that was utterly barren. I asked to the see the barren version. The realtor was correct. The condo had a very open industrial feel to it with exposed silver colored plumbing and duct work. The floors and ceilings were concrete with some kind of clear coat and the exterior walls were also concrete but painted white. Interior walls went up maybe 8 feet and then there was an open space above them of about 2-3 feet. They were also white, as was every piece of wood trim I could find. Other than one large bedroom, a semi open sizeable walk in closet, an open laundry room with a stacked washer/dryer and a big bathroom there was one large living space with a kitchen on one end and a glass balcony door and a gas fire place on the other. The place was simple. That is not to say it wasn’t nice, because it was. Everything looked new and modern, just minimalistic. This was the kind of place that allowed one to personalize it by the furniture and décor they chose. If I decided condo life for was for me, this was the kind of place I would want to buy, even if this small condo cost about the same as the entire compound did some years back.

We looked at another place that was in no way going to work for me, mostly because I am not a 21 year old who believes flashiness and internet speed count for a lot more than build quality and space. Don’t get me wrong, it was very modern and looked new, but I have been in bigger closets. The bedroom was nothing more than a loft on top of the kitchen with a narrow open staircase designed for someone the size of a 9 year old girl. Storage was limited to 10 pairs of shoes and 1 case of ramen, or so I imagined based on the way the place was laid out. The advertisement for the place was created using the best photography tricks and digital deception I have ever seen short of a CNN hosted interview with a liberal candidate for the White House. I was done looking for the time being so we decided it was time for a bite.

We drove down the road until we saw a Mexican place that looked clean and inviting. There were just enough cars in the lot to make them look busy but enough empty spaces to ensure we got a table. Thanks to portable devices and internet, a quick look up yielded good reviews and enticing pictures. Once seated and the chips/salsa delivered we started talking about the condos and other residential options in the area. She asked about the possibility of me renting or leasing for the time being. She expressed some concern about me not living out in or near the country, as well as having an adequate space for my stuff. After some back and forth she made the point I think she was trying to make the whole time; don’t buy anything, not now. Find a place to rent and keep my options for the future open, at least for the time being. “Who knows what will happen in 6 months. Who knows where we will be a year or two down the road.” If my spirit of discernment was accurate, she was saying it’s way too early to make future plans now but someday cohabitation could be an option. So don’t commit to something that might not work for that possibility. I just agreed that maybe renting was a better option and tore into my enchiladas. She seemed pleased, maybe even more than pleased. She smiled the whole time she munched on her tacos ala cart.

We drove back to her place and got comfortable in the living room. She put on some music and poured a couple drinks. I asked how much she paid a month for her luxurious 2 bedroom, when she told me I almost tossed those enchiladas back up. Her annual lease broke down to $4,398 a month plus optional premium parking and other fees. I knew right then and there I would not be living in a luxury apartment when and if the time to become a renter arrived. Not that I had the pedigree or references to get into a place like that anyway. Eventually it was late enough where a choice had to be made; do I stay the night of do I go. I looked over at her and she smiled an inviting smile. I stayed the night.
Part 2

After a wonderful night together the lady’s smart phone alarm ripped me out of a very deep state of rapid eye movement. I can’t explain why I sleep better with the lady than I do on my own, but I do. In a flash she was out of the bed and in the ensuite. Watching a woman get ready is a magical thing. So many different bottles, vials, containers, brushes, swabs, towels, and tools are involved that it makes a man wonder how much a lady invests into her looks every single day. I offered to make some breakfast but she passed saying she wasn’t a breakfast person, not when she had to work anyway. When I was able I snuck into the restroom and used the can before returning to the bedroom to get dressed.

She looked over, stopped what she was doing, and said “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to, you can just hang out here or whatever”. My mind had just figured that when she walked out the door, I would walk out the door. I climbed back into her bed and said “Well then, maybe I will just hang out or whatever”. She laughed at me and continued her beautification ritual, which apparently involved putting on and taking off clothing until she found the right outfit for the day. Eventually she was ready. I received a goodbye kiss, she grabbed her handbag and a tote, and she was on her way to the office. “Now what do I do” was the thought running through my mind as I looked around, like somehow the stuff in her bedroom was going to guide me. And in a way, it did.

I got up and made the bed, reapplying her excessive throw pillows in a lame attempt at replicating how they looked when I tossed them off. I also gathered up her clean try –on clothing and returned them to her closet and straightened things up a bit. I decided to shower in her private bathroom before getting dressed and then I thoroughly cleaned her bathroom. I am not a germaphobe or cleanliness nut, but I am see-a-mess clean-it-up type of guy. Eventually this led me to the kitchen, which always greets me with a sink full of dirty coffee cups, bowls, plates, glass containers and silverware. I loaded and ran the dishwasher before scrubbing a large salad bowl and a few pots and pans. And that’s when the daughter, who had escaped my mind, suddenly appeared.

“Tell me you are making breakfast again!” were the first words out of her mouth. I just said, “Sorry but no, I am just doing some cleaning before I decide what else to do with my day.” She looked disappointed, like really disappointed, so I suggested we go get some breakfast out. In minutes she was ready to go and already she had a plan, seems the women in this family are not afraid to exert their will. “My car needs an oil change; can we drop it off first?” Cleaning service, chauffer and breakfast provider all rolled into one. I followed her to the service center and waited until she jumped into the Challenger and continued her plan “Can we go to IHOP? Mom hates IHOP so we never go there.” And just like that we were on our way to the international house of pancakes. We talked the entire way there but it was all superficial chit-chat, other than finding out that mom apparently hates that IHOP puts pancake batter into their eggs to make them fluffier.

We arrived and put our heads together for a selfie with the IHOP sign right above us, which she quickly texted to her mother. Once at our table with menus in hand, our orders in our minds, and our stomachs ready for food; a woman walked over to the table and took our order. The daughter went pure carbohydrate with chocolate chocolate-chip pancakes while I went all in for the bacon omelet. What is it with putting chocolate in breakfast food? Something about that just seems wrong to me. The meal was fine, better than fast food breakfast but not as good as an older road side diner. The daughter seemed really happy with her sugar on a plate and that’s all that mattered.

We had some time to run a few errands before her car would be ready. These errands would be well documented in selfie form with most being sent to the lady as we continued our journey. With stops at the coffee shop that employs her, a store called Forever 21, another store that was basically the same thing, a store the sold college text books in digital form and a small flower boutique. We looked at the various flowering plants, arrangements and other items I could send the lady at work. The daughter found one and declared it the “perfect” arrangement to send her mother. It was called the “Hold my heart” bouquet featuring pink lilies, pink roses, red carnations and red & white mini-carnations in a cylindrical glass vase. I commented that I was led to believe that red was not the best color to send when just dating. She gave me the same stink eye her mom does and made it clear that this was the right one and to stop over thinking things. I set up the delivery and paid before the florist handed me the card to fill out. Again the daughter jumped in to assist with “None of these flowers are as beautiful as you”. I wrote it down in my best handwriting and added my initials. During the flower buying process she was alerted that her car was ready, so we returned to the service center.

When dropping her off it occurred to us that I had no way of getting back in to the apartment and she had to go to work. She offered me her keys and the code to the private parking area, but I told her I would just go see her Mom and then probably head for home since I grabbed my overnight bag on the way out. She hugged me and told me I was the “best boyfriend her mom ever had”, before laughing out loud and heading off for her little bronze colored Audi. I tried calling the lady but her receptionist said she was too busy to come to the phone. I decided I didn’t want to disturb her at work so I left to check out a few less-feminine stores and head for home. About 90 minutes later, when I was just at the edge of the city ready to hit the highway, I received this text “[tear emoji] You are just the sweetest man alive! [kiss emoji]” followed by “I will be home in an hour or so [heart emoji]”. Oh ****, I am not supposed to leave town without making sure she didn’t have other plans. I turned around and drove to the apartment.

Thankfully the apartment’s wifi signal is strong enough to reach me as I sit here in my car typing and posting. She should be here before too long.
The condo I actually liked. I didn't take pics of the bathroom, laundry or storage. It was actually really big and not to pricey at only $350,000.



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