The Ladies

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Hmmm, do hear a vague hint of living together?? Daughter is not going to leave mom! šŸ¤”

She did find fault with every place we looked it, but now I am not so sure it wasn't because she just wants me to keep my options open for now. Pretty sure the kid is going to be wherever she lives throughout college and she has a few years left to go.
I did find the perfect place, but the lady said no. It was fully furnished!

Once again, WOW, this is serious!!šŸ˜‰

So I sort of misunderstood and ended up parking the car. Apparently in a place like this you have to get your keys from the main office and every key must be signed for and issued by the them. NO copies allowed. If I lose the key I have to rekey the entire apartment at my expense. Yikes. I am now the proud possessor of Key #4. The lady has her main key and a spare in her office, the daughter has one and now I have one. Plus I was given the secret code to the parking garage. Shhhhh, don't tell anyone.

tell her forum said hi !

She said, and I quote "Hello survivalists!". And then she left for her 20+ minute routine of hitting the head, changing clothes, reading her mail and whatever else women do at the end of their work day.
I liked it, horribly empty and bleak with almost no color. Plus the deck overlooks some railroad tracks so I would get to hear trains all the time!
A cousin of a friend is an interior decorator. She spent some time in my house suggesting colors to paint, furniture arrangement, what needed to go. She told me to have walls mostly the same color with maybe one room a coordinating color. She doesn't do accent walls like we see so often. She said the real spark in a home comes from the fabrics such as the curtains, pillow coverings, table cloths and runners and art. Since I am an earthy person, almost all of my rooms are a color called Spanish sands, but one room is a green/gray color, but from the same color collection. Trim is called bone, a creamy color.

That place would be great with a solid colored sofa such as gray or brown or even black. I love brown leather but the designer said to be careful with where you have that. I think leather is seen as more manly, so I think a dark brown would work in that place.
keep your place...its a thorn in the developers side...sit out there shoot guns,grill and boink hot dentist on the deck and discharge weapons....keep going to your sitting spot on the rocks !

The issue is the road, which is on land owned by the developer. Without the road I would need to have a jet pack to come and go from my place. The entire area, all 4 properties, were originally 1, all owned by the same guy. When he died his kids broke it up into 4 lots but mine borders the road. Since it is not incorporated, township, county or state the owner has full control over it, according to my attorney.
A cousin of a friend is an interior decorator. She spent some time in my house suggesting colors to paint, furniture arrangement, what needed to go. She told me to have walls mostly the same color with maybe one room a coordinating color. She doesn't do accent walls like we see so often. She said the real spark in a home comes from the fabrics such as the curtains, pillow coverings, table cloths and runners and art. Since I am an earthy person, almost all of my rooms are a color called Spanish sands, but one room is a green/gray color, but from the same color collection. Trim is called bone, a creamy color.

That place would be great with a solid colored sofa such as gray or brown or even black. I love brown leather but the designer said to be careful with where you have that. I think leather is seen as more manly, so I think a dark brown would work in that place.

That's sort of what the lady suggested too. But I think the place would look amazing with a lawn chair and a futon. They are both universal.
This has been one of the best threads we've had on the forum.

I am happy everyone is enjoying watching my life unfold. šŸ˜Ž I think I am going to start posting about my work too. Have already had 4 assignments and 3 of them were kind of interesting, 1 was stupid.

None of this has really been aimed at me yet, but chances are the day will come. Fortunately the arrogant bastard I see in the mirror has a very thick skin and a slow burn temper.

So that was a stupid thing to post, like I somehow willed it into existence. I had to apply some first aid to my neck earlier tonight after she bit my head off. I will tell you all about it tomorrow when I get home, but no worries, it's all good now.

And yes @Pearl she definitely wants to cohabitate at some point down the road IF things continue to progress like they have been. Just not in the next year or so. She renewed her lease on July 01, 2024. So my independence is safe for now.
Chapter 830:

With my new key in hand and the parking code memorized we went up to the ladyā€™s apartment. She changed into comfy clothes, did what ladies do after work, and joined me in the living room. After telling me over and over how much she loved the flowers and how her co-workers loved them too, we started that old debate men and women have been having since the Garden of Eden; what to have for dinner. Fortunately there were no snakes here to offer up an apple or worse yet, a weird pasta salad containing tuna and peas. Something she was apparently very fond of. I may have pushed it a bit far making fun of the horrible sounding meal but not far enough to get my head bitten off the way I did. She went from happy to ballistic faster than a Dodge Demon can run the Ā¼ mile, and her bark has some bite. I could feel the temperature in the room rising as my mind wondered how things got so heated. I made the conscious decision not to lash back out at her; I just sat there and didnā€™t say a thing as my cognitive recorder tried to backtrack and analyze. She has had some irascible moments before, often involving a dirty look, but not like this.

After a few minutes she calmed down, looked sort of dejected and sat down next to me. After another minute or two, she told me it was hard to explain but she sometimes got very upset over little things that should not result in her losing her temper. In those moments she existed like an uninvolved party inside her own head watching the situation unfold, feeling bad about it but continuing just the same. It was a direct result of her ADHD, a condition she has known about for a long time but very infrequently discussed with others. ā€œWhat am I supposed to do when that happens?ā€ I asked. She replied ā€œJust hug me, reassure me and donā€™t take it personally.ā€ I said ā€œI can do that, but Iā€™m not eating that nasty tuna saladā€. She punched me in the arm and managed to laugh instead of biting my head off. She seemed really happy that her condition, which wasnā€™t that big of deal to me, was out in the open.

We settled on ordering Thai food, turned on some music, and talked about ADHD and all the things she had to do to overcome it until the food arrived. Other than moments of having an unpredictable temper, and some random forgetfulness, she sometimes has problems with organization or messiness; like having a sink full of dirty dishes that just becomes too overwhelming for her to deal with mentally. She told me that she had it pretty much under control until our relationship started to ramp up. ā€œI am so comfortable around you that I just let go, relaxed and stopped holding back so much. I guess that wasnā€™t a good idea, I will have to work harder.ā€ I quickly responded, ā€œ********, not for me. I donā€™t mind doing dishes, I donā€™t mind searching for a missing car keys, and I donā€™t mind getting yelled at as long as I know itā€™s coming from the ADHD and not you.ā€ I then suggested that maybe we should set up a danger word, like ā€œdynamiteā€ so I know when she is actually pissed off at me versus acting on an instinct she might not be able to control. The lady came over, wrapped her arms around me, placed her head on my chest and just held onto me, refusing to let go for some time. She thanked me and said she felt very ā€œseen, heard andā€¦ lovedā€.

We relocated to the kitchen island where our Thai food was sitting just as her daughter came home and asked what the lady ordered for her. She was thrilled with her spicy basil chicken and jasmine rice. She asked what was going on, possibly sensing the moment we just had, and her mother informed her that we were just talking about ADHD. She let out a snort like laugh, walked over to me, climbed up on a stool while putting her arm around my neck and said ā€œWell buddy that makes two us, good luckā€ before she laughed again, collected her food and started to eat. It seems I am outnumbered. Itā€™s a good thing I have the innate ability to control my thoughts and my temper the majority of the time. I wonā€™t be perfect, but I will do my best which is pretty damn good. The more I learned about this lady, the more I wonder if we arenā€™t the natural yin to the otherā€™s yang. We seem to complement each other in just the right ways. I was just happy that I finally brought something to the table other than enhanced personal security, a fast car and lots of ammunition.

After some random dinner time discussion and some tumultuous talk about chocolate chocolate-chip pancakes being the best thing ever, the daughter retired to her bedroom and the lady and I returned to the sofa for more music, a glass of wine for her and some laptop time for me. Time I spent reading all about her condition and how I could best help her with it. We talked a little more about the condos we toured and she reiterated her desire for me to keep my options open. She just renewed her lease on the 1st of July and seemed a little displeased about it, presuming if I correctly interpreted her woman-speak. I made the comment, ā€œGood that gives me a year of freedom before I have to worry about it.ā€ She did not shout out the danger word, but I did get a look that felt like a warning that it might be coming. I confessed it was nice being here and sleeping in bed with her, but it was too soon for cohabitation anyway and she agreed. For now we are just going to keep having fun and let things happen as they happen. Like being invited to stay over again, making it my second sleep over in a row. I knew for a fact that in an hour or two we would both forget all about ADHD, living together or anything else as we would be quite busy focusing on other things; wonderful things involving titillation and bliss, the perfect cure for any condition.
And on a side note, I sold my property today. Or should I say I accepted their offer and started the process moving forward. My attorney earned his money and I will be coming out of it way ahead. The bad news is he thought I would have 90-180 days to vacate, but they upped their offer but reduced the time frame down to 45 days from when I have the money in the bank. So I need a new place SOON.

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