The Ladies

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So these are the two places the lady looked at for me today, both in the city. One is a guest house behind a much larger home and the garage is included. There is not much of a kitchen but lots of space for smokers/grills. The second is a loft apartment with 2 parking spaces. She thought I would like the guest home more, but she liked the apartment more. Which of course also had a lot of amenities like a work out center and a pool.

Then she tossed this out at me "It's more than you wanted to pay, but I could help out if you would let me". So that sugar mama crack has come back to haunt me already. I am seriously considering sitting down with her and showing her my finances so she stops acting like I am living from paycheck to paycheck. I banked a lot of money in my military contractor days and fair amount when I was a full time security contractor.







Chapter 901 - Part 1:

The lady asked if I would join her at the cinema this fine evening, with the added pleasure of her younger clone and the poor boy she treats like a boyfriend in every way except the ones that count. The movie they wanted to see was a crime based comedy about a murder and a lot of money. I figured why not, who better to double date with than her own smaller and younger duplicate. Plus maybe I could give the poor boy some advice or help nudge the daughter one way or the other. We decided to just meet at the film house for the sake of convenience. Theaters are getting very fancy nowadays with food and drink options I would never have imagined as a child growing up staring at big screens. Ticket and food prices reflect this too. Good thing a law firm is keeping me flush with easy money. Nothing exciting happened at the theater, not even the movie itself.

After the flick we decided to hop over to a nearby Moroccan / Mediterranean restaurant that was not within my normal dining parameters. The lady is much more adventurous than I am when it comes to certain things, like food. A quick review of the menu confirmed this as even after reading the detailed description of each item I was still not sure exactly what I would be eating if I ordered that specific dish. Words like tajines, couscous, harrira and bastilla filled the page. Then I found a word I knew, gyros. A delicious pita filled with a rotisserie cooked beef, pork and lamb mixture, tomatoes, onions, and a creamy cucumber sauce. I was relieved and excited at the same time. I would explain what everyone else ordered but even after seeing their food I had no idea what it was.

Most of the conversation revolved around the movie, pop culture stuff I knew nothing about, the upcoming college school year and a planned shopping trip. I noticed that the friend zone guy was talking as little as I was, so I tried to strike up a side conversation. I asked what he was going to school for, but his response might as well have been part of the menu. Something involving computer controlled production & manufacturing was all I walked away with. The kid seemed like he was probably smarter than average and sturdy enough to hold his own if he had to. The food arrived and there was a lot more eating than talking. These dishes may have had weird names, but they smelled good, and everyone seemed to enjoy what they received.

On our way out the door I immediately observed two males in close proximity to our parked cars. One was sitting on the hood of the lady’s Audi posing while the other was taking pictures with a smart phone. I stopped the forward moment of the dinner party and asked them to wait inside for a minute. I walked over to the two younger ‘men’ and asked the one to get off the car. They both looked at me like I had uttered some kind of racial epithet or insulted them in some other way. The wannabe car model did jump off, but the photographer came right over and started running his mouth. I refrained from using my sarcasm to entice a confrontation instead opting to just let him go off in the hopes that he would wander away right after. He didn’t. Instead, he started to invade my personal space ‘asking’ if he could “borrow $50”. I guess no one ever taught him to size up his opponent. I said “I’m not a bank” as I stepped inside his personal space preparing to strike him in the throat. A fast and effective move I have performed several times with great success. Fortunately for all of us the other male shouted “Let’s ****ing go”, he turned, and they both walked away hurling a few insults as they continued down the sidewalk. It was the best outcome, but some parts of me would have been perfectly okay with providing a valuable life lesson that resulted in fleeting consciousness.

I went back and got the group who couldn’t really see or hear what was happening, sans maybe the daughter’s friend zone buddy. I just stated that a couple kids were taking pics by the cars, and I asked them to move on, “No big deal.” The daughter asked if she could take the Audi and go get some dessert, but the lady did not seem too keen on the idea suggesting she just take her own car after they got home. The daughter asserted that they were already in the part of the city where they wanted to go, and it made no sense to go all the way home just to come back. For some reason I can’t explain, I offered to let her take the Challenger. I don’t know who was more surprised, the lady, the daughter, or me. The words came out before I even really thought it through. The daughter very quickly agreed and ran over to the dark blue beast with the keys in her hand. A few weeks ago, this would not have happened due to certain items in the trunk, but valet parking taught me a valuable lesson about storing such property in a car that may leave my possession. I grabbed my overnight bag before the lady and I climbed in the Audi as she said “I hope you have full coverage insurance” then laughed. I didn’t need to hear that.

We drove to her place and had some dessert of our own before settling into her comfy sofa for some cuddle time and classic soft rock music. She thanked me for being so nice to her daughter, suggesting that she needed a male role model who wasn’t a liar and a cheat and informing me that she was concerned about how the last few years would affect her future dating and married life. All I said in return was that people learn more from watching than from words, so the best thing “we” could do for her was to have a healthy and happy relationship. That got me a kiss and another “You’re my favorite person.” She has been saying that a lot lately.
Chapter 901 - Part 2:

After waking up earlier than expected, with coffee in one hand and electronic devices in the other, we were both suffering from morning grogginess just waiting for the caffeine to work its magic and force our brains to kick in. We shared a few kisses and the lady told me about a dream she had the night before. We turned on some light music and just sat together in relaxation mode as the day started to unfold. Eventually I brought up my future living situation which brought us directly to the topic of money.

As the lady and I looked at apartments, condos, guest houses, cabins and other residential options, we kept discussing my budget. She has a tendency to select and tour places a little more expensive than the top of my desired monthly allotment, giving her the impression that perhaps I don’t have very much in the way of financial resources. What she doesn’t seem to know is that my time as a military contractor and later as a full time security contractor involved me banking the majority of my income and living like a broke college student. When your life revolves around work with only a few weeks off here and there, you don’t care about posh living quarters, big televisions and nice cars. Plus my current savings and investments did not include the payment I will inevitably receive for my property when everything is finalized. I decided to remedy this and brought out my expanding folder full of bills, receipts, balance sheets and my checking account ledger with checks. I am not saying this was a mistake, but I am saying that while this lady struggles with doing dishes and occasional bursts of attitude, she does not struggle with money management and fiscal activities. In fact she seemed to actually enjoy it.

Before I knew it she had everything laid out, was writing checks on my account to pay my bills, had reorganized my binder, created a new budget on HER laptop, found ways of improving my return on investments, laughed a few times and essentially became the Chief Financial Officer of ‘me incorporated’. That seemed like a really good time for me to just go into the kitchen and start making breakfast. I heard every word she said while I was cracking eggs, dicing ham, chopping broccoli, shredding cheese and putting together a crust-less quiche, it was just that most of it went over my head or sounded like a foreign language. She compared her ROI to my ROI and while mine sounded good, hers made mine sound pretty darn average. As the quiche went into the oven and I started washing strawberries, blackberries and blueberries she revealed her personal financial status to me. I am not going to turn this into a ‘you know what’ measuring contest, mainly because I would lose by a large margin. It was like someone excitedly telling me they had over a dozen guns, before I opened the gun room and the heavenly lights of John Moses Browning & Eugene Stoner began to shine all around them as harp music played. I am okay financially, she is considerably better than okay, and I think I will leave it at that. She is going to start paying my bills, using my money of course, and managing my investments through my wealth manager. I suppose that means I have to keep cooking her meals, doing her dishes and protecting her car from delinquent Instagram models.

As the quiche cooked in one oven and some from-the-tube buttermilk biscuits cooked in another, I got out some place settings and put the berries on the dining counter. The lady texted her daughter advising she was getting yet another home-cooked breakfast and as expected she joined us shortly thereafter. I found a variety of jams and preserves to put out, as well as some soft butter. The lady had money on her mind and kept thinking of additional things to ask or tell me of a fiduciary nature. The daughter laughed and made a crack about her mom thinking that budgeting was fun and exciting. The conversation turned to my living situation again and the places we had looked at together and separately. I decided to reschedule the walk-through of the rental house planned for later in the day and instead I would spend the afternoon looking at places online and relaxing. I don’t feel a sense of urgency as I am perfectly okay with checking into a pay-by-the-week hotel and renting a storage garage until the right place becomes available. We also talked more about college, which is starting up again in just a few days, and about the daughter leaving the fast paced world of coffee slinging to take a job at the dental practice to gain experience.

After our meal I cleaned up as the ladies went right back into the places that provided them the perfect ratio of comfort, access to entertainment and inactivity for a lazy Sunday. I joined them a short time later, carving out my own cozy space, and we proceeded to just let the day go by, one smart phone tap, one touch pad swipe and one keyboard stroke at a time.
Don't do that , let her believe that you are living paycheck to paycheck. You are not trying to het her money but she might quit work or get involved in a law suite that could bankrupt her. Then you would have step in. Too complicated. Just enjoy the now.
Some things are best left unsaid.

No need to demonstrate your wealth to her ... at least as long as you're just dating.

Too late. Also turns out that compared to her I am living paycheck to paycheck. Seems managing money and resources is something she not only considers to be "fun" but is something she is exceedingly good at. As is her father who is apparently very wealthy and comes from "old money".
Too late. Also turns out that compared to her I am living paycheck to paycheck. Seems managing money and resources is something she not only considers to be "fun" but is something she is exceedingly good at. As is her father who is apparently very wealthy and comes from "old money".
Sounds like you've just given up control of your finances.

Sounds like you've just given up control of your finances.


Yeah, she has a tendency to ignore boundaries she doesn't want to exist. I was just showing her that I am not broke and she took it upon herself to start reorganizing and "improving" things. At the same time I really hate dealing with money, bills, and all that crap so if she wants to do it then more power to her. Worst case scenario is she steals all my money and throws me out on the street. I can always just get that gold digger career going with some 60+ year old rich divorcee or widow. I don't know how to clean a pool or teach tennis, but I am a quick learner. Those aren't the services she will really want anyway.

She jut told me in casual conversation that she has a sister. That's new information. Then she showed me a picture of her and they look ******* nearly identical. What the hell. She's deep diving into my finances and making plans to live together someday and I am just learning that her dad was married twice and each wife produced a daughter. Crazy. I guess she found an old box of photos when she was like 18 and decided to track down her older sister and have a relationship with her. The sister is an event planner here in the city and is married to a former pro-athlete. I might need to water board this lady to find out what other info she has hidden away in that brain of hers.

She jut told me in casual conversation that she has a sister. That's new information. Then she showed me a picture of her and they look ******* nearly identical. What the hell. She's deep diving into my finances and making plans to live together someday and I am just learning that her dad was married twice and each wife produced a daughter. Crazy. I guess she found an old box of photos when she was like 18 and decided to track down her older sister and have a relationship with her. The sister is an event planner here in the city and is married to a former pro-athlete. I might need to water board this lady to find out what other info she has hidden away in that brain of hers.

I believe "tell me more about yourself" is an all inclusive question that should cover every potential topic. ;)

#1 ?, How's the "Challenger"... 🤣

So I may have found a reason to go out and see her this morning. She smells like teenage girl perfume, the gas gauge is lower, but is otherwise in perfect order.
A few minutes ago I made a joke that put her in the dark place, she lashed out a bit then gave me her dirty look and declared she was mad at me. I told her she was not actually mad, then I discovered that light kisses on her neck and ear lobe bring light to the dark place and she perked right back up. Her daughter then declared "You are going to need to be available to do that when she's mad at me. I will text you and you need to get here right away".
A few minutes ago I made a joke that put her in the dark place, she lashed out a bit then gave me her dirty look and declared she was mad at me. I told her she was not actually mad, then I discovered that light kisses on her neck and ear lobe bring light to the dark place and she perked right back up. Her daughter then declared "You are going to need to be available to do that when she's mad at me. I will text you and you need to get here right away".
that nitro that fuels the bedroom fuels all the other emotions as to duck and weave faster for flying dirty dishes.
YEA....not letting others look at my bank account,investments etc. and such...especially this soon.

thats a red line for me.

I am sure that's the reasonable normal thing, but I don't think either of us are reasonable or normal. She loves the financial stuff and I really don't care about such things. Plus I have never worked for money in my life, I work because I like what I do or did and it kept me from every having to get a real job. Other than this lady, maybe her kid, a couple of my guns and my Challenger, I don't really have an emotional attachment to anything. Especially money.
I am sure that's the reasonable normal thing, but I don't think either of us are reasonable or normal. She loves the financial stuff and I really don't care about such things. Plus I have never worked for money in my life, I work because I like what I do or did and it kept me from every having to get a real job. Other than this lady, maybe her kid, a couple of my guns and my Challenger, I don't really have an emotional attachment to anything. Especially money.
then i would say to keep this relationship on even steven plain i showed you mine now show me yours!
then i would say to keep this relationship on even steven plain i showed you mine now show me yours!

She offered. Looking at her finances would be like going to see her work on someone's teeth; gross and uninteresting. She has more money invested in just Berkshire Hathaway than I have total. I will stick to keeping her happy in the sack and making sure she doesn't kill me in my sleep.
She offered. Looking at her finances would be like going to see her work on someone's teeth; gross and uninteresting. She has more money invested in just Berkshire Hathaway than I have total. I will stick to keeping her happy in the sack and making sure she doesn't kill me in my sleep.
well i guess you kids can keep dating then...permission granted...but check with @Pearl first please !
Found this place, made from a shipping container! The lady thinks it's too small.

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tell her its all you need to function as a dog house when she runs you off...especially since you got a key now..look at her say i be over here 70% of time and 20% gone for work and dog house rental the last
Another little option that used to be a hotel. $1,000 a month and there is a washer/dryer and some storage behind a locked door across the hallway that I would share with 2 of my neighbors. A single stall garage is available for $100 a month more. I kind of like it.



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