The Walking Dead Thread

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Awesome Friend
Jun 16, 2013
Hey all.I know there has to be some fans of the series on here and thought i'd start a "chat" thread on the show itself.

I just find the show to be well written.I love the twist,turns and suspense of the show while at the same time,filled with action packed drama,great characters,plus zombies!What more could you ask for?LOL.

I am pumped and ready for season 4,I don't read the comic version,but i'm dying to know what happened to the governor after he split.Do you think he'll be back for more or did he just run off?

But to try to get the thread started here's a few funny pics to help get it going.
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I'm a fan and I think it's cruel and unusual punishment that they make us wait 6 months for the next season. I even went out and bought the Xbox game but it had none of the show characters in it. It was a fun play but not worth the price because you can play through it pretty fast and once you're done you don't want to play it again. The game with Darryl in it was beyond my abilities. I'm actually a fan of all apocalyptic/end of the world series and movies. I was so disappointed when Jericho stopped airing. Psychiatrists say that we are fascinated with these shows because we are so depressed with the way life is now. I don't believe I'm depressed, but I'm definitely ready for some big changes.
Absolutely love this show. Anyone who tells me they havent seen it, the next words out of my mouth are "do you have netflix? If so, youre busy for the next few days."

Netflix is whats been keeping me busy till oct,lol.
I'm a fan and I think it's cruel and unusual punishment that they make us wait 6 months for the next season. I even went out and bought the Xbox game but it had none of the show characters in it. It was a fun play but not worth the price because you can play through it pretty fast and once you're done you don't want to play it again. The game with Darryl in it was beyond my abilities. I'm actually a fan of all apocalyptic/end of the world series and movies. I was so disappointed when Jericho stopped airing. Psychiatrists say that we are fascinated with these shows because we are so depressed with the way life is now. I don't believe I'm depressed, but I'm definitely ready for some big changes.

I'm a big fan of post apocalyptic stuff myself and if you know of any good movies/series or books feel free to list them,i'm always looking for a new one to watch or read.

Funny you mentioned Jericho I just finished the series on netflix two days ago.Good show and the 2nd time i've watched it.The Survivors series is also pretty good,not as good,but worthy of watching.A few other really good movies i've seen lately are World War Z,Hell,The Road (very good),and a couple reads i'd suggest is "One second after" (one of the best books i've ever read) and the e-book "When the walls came tumbling down"written by MainePrepper.
10.5 Apocalypse (earthquake), The Day After Tomorrow (iceberg), I Am Legend, The Book of Eli (awesome!), loved The Road, The Resident Evil movies, Zombie Apocalypse, Stake Land.

Somehow the excitement never comes through in books for me.
Stake land pretty good?I see it's on netflix but always pass it up,mabey i'll have to give it a watch.Not too many zombie or blockbuster disaster movies that I haven't seen,lol.

"One second after" it's only in book form,but I think they're making it into a movie,however,i'd rather watch than read myself too,but this book is a real eye opener,a "must read".Can be found for free all over the web.
I'm 44yrs old,I grew up on those,haha! I take it Stake Land is something along those lines?
One of my go to shows, even if their vehicles seem to never be out of gas....
When we watch the Walking Dead, Fries, our 13 year old daughter is always commenting on how everyone bitches about eating squirrel. Says they need to kiss Daryl's butt for feeding their sorry hides because she's not too sure she'd be that bothered by people who treated her like dirt.
I'm actually meeting the actress who plays Maggie, and the kid who plays Carl tomorrow, at a local Convention. :) Maggie's darn cute.
I'm actually meeting the actress who plays Maggie, and the kid who plays Carl tomorrow, at a local Convention. :) Maggie's darn cute.

Lucky Dawg! Maggie is Hot! And a kick ass member of the gang.Sounds like it'll be a fun day.I'm still chewing my nails for October to get here.

And yes it does seem that their cars always have gas,but I want Hershel's shotgun,that thing never runs out of shells,lol.
Maggie was great (and I love her accent, she was born here, then moved over to England as a teen). Only disappointment was she wore glasses, which hid those beautiful eyes of hers a bit. And it was Tyrese there instead of Carl, but a good panel discussion. We even brought up prepping a bit in our question to her, asking her if she thought she'd do ok (as her) in a real zombie apocalypse. She said she'd like to think she would, as long as the adrenaline kicked in....but probably not.

Here is my geeky family dressed for the Convention. (I think my wife snapped some pics of Maggie, so I'll post when I have them).
First day, we did Batman villains, second day, Medieval.

Haha,wow,you guys really do get into that stuff.I have a brother-in-law thats into role playing games and anime.He also goes to conventions,you should see some of his costumes,lol.Some of the role playing medieval ones are pretty cool.The anime-not so much,lol.

Looks like you's had a great time and Tyresse is cool,from what i've heard,he will become one of the major players of the group and I hope so,he'd fit in well.

I'll just patiently wait for the Maggie pics :)
Here's a pic of Maggie...Lauren Cohan (actress) at the autograph tables. See what I mean about the glasses?

Such a sweet lady though. The Con was really unorganized though. Hope they get it together more next year. Lauren was supposed to be there Sat. but couldn't, but she was there Sun., so we saw her then, since we went both days.


I have some great CosPlay pics, (Costume Players) folks who had Walking Dead costumes, too, that I'll post once my wife downloads them from her camera.
Looks like you's had a great time and Tyresse is cool,from what i've heard,he will become one of the major players of the group and I hope so,he'd fit in well.

He said when he read the script about them siding with the Governor, it was the only time he went to the show's creator, because he didn't think Tyreese would throw Rick's people under the bus, but he said he was relived that it was planned for them to go back there all along. ;)
We're going to DragonCon in Atlanta this weekend. From the Walking Dead, Tyrese is there also, as well as the guy who plays Rick, guy who plays the old farmer, Glenn, Angela, and Merle. Hoping to meet as many as I can.
Wish I had the dough for all the photo ops, but have to prioritize, so only getting a few (gets pricey). So many celebs there.
We have a wall in the hallway we call the "wall of fame" where we hang pics of us and celebs and autographs, because we're just that geeky.... :)
We were able to meet Hershel and Merle (Michael Rooker). Mr. Rooker is a way different kind of guy in person (but same gravely voice). He definitely commanded the panel. When I asked the cast who the biggest practical joker was, they all looked right at Hershel, hehe.



Posed with a pic of my wife.
Very awesome!Glad you guys had a good time.Merle was by far one of my favorites.I could see the good in his character even though he acted like a big jerk,lol.And too cool on the photos.I seen Rooker in another movie here a while back (Hypothermia) where he played a good guy,but none the less,that raspy voice was right there with him,lol.

And now that it's September,we are only one month away from Season 4!!!
My favorite character of the show is Carol. She comes across as the most "real" to me. Second is Darryl but I really wish he'd do something about that hair - that's the same cut he wears IRL, too.
I'm a big fan of post apocalyptic stuff myself and if you know of any good movies/series or books feel free to list them,i'm always looking for a new one to watch or read.

Funny you mentioned Jericho I just finished the series on netflix two days ago.Good show and the 2nd time i've watched it.The Survivors series is also pretty good,not as good,but worthy of watching.A few other really good movies i've seen lately are World War Z,Hell,The Road (very good),and a couple reads i'd suggest is "One second after" (one of the best books i've ever read) and the e-book "When the walls came tumbling down"written by MainePrepper.
a book that I just got done reading that you might be interested in is called Patriots by James Wesley, Rawles. I enjoyed it and I think that you might like it as well.
Glad you guys had a good time.Merle was by far one of my favorites.I could see the good in his character even though he acted like a big jerk,lol.And too cool on the photos

Hard to tell, but on his signed pic, he wrote, "Kill them walkers!"

Not from Walking Dead, but some other celebs we met that weekend:

Garrett Wang (Star Trek, Voyager...we ran into him on the street) - He does an awesome Sulu impersonation, by the way.

Malcolm McDowell (Clockwork Orange, all kinds of things) - My wife was dressed as Penny, a character from Dr. Horrible (see below)

William Shatner (Star Trek, Boston Legal, etc.) - Me as Harry Dresden and my wife as a Merlotte's waitress from True Blood

Adam Savage (Mythbusters) - I'm dressed as Two-Face from Batman (because we're just big geeks like that)

Traci Lords (in addition to "other" things, she's also a Sci-Fi actress (Tommyknockers, for example), and does music for Sci-Fi movies like Mortal Kombat, Virtuosity)
I'm dressed as Dr. Horrible (a web thing Neil Patrick Harris did, for Whedon).

Jaime Murray (Warehouse 13, Dexter, Supernatural, she's on the left)

Eliza Dusku (Dollhouse, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, several other things)

Jim Butcher (author of the Dresden Files books, TV show character) - I'm actually dressed as Harry Dresden, character in the books.

And many, many more (George Tekai, the leads of Defiance, Lee Majors and Lindsay Wagner, etc., etc.).
It's a great convention. We go every year, and always fun to meet folks you grew up watching or still watch, etc.
So what predictions do you have for season 4?

I think we are going to see major character death. Duh.
I think the baby is gonna get it.
I am pretty sure Hershel gets a prosthetic leg out of thin air. Kinda like his shotgun and infinite supply of shells.
I think Carl is going to implode and becomes quite the nightmare for Rick who probably gets into a parenting discussion that creates internal strife among the original team.

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