The Walking Dead Thread

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So what predictions do you have for season 4?

I think we are going to see major character death. Duh.
I think the baby is gonna get it.
I am pretty sure Hershel gets a prosthetic leg out of thin air. Kinda like his shotgun and infinite supply of shells.
I think Carl is going to implode and becomes quite the nightmare for Rick who probably gets into a parenting discussion that creates internal strife among the original team.

My predictions?Well....I got a few,lol.

I think Hershel and Daryl will take the leadership of the group over as Rick will have his hands full with Carl,just like you say.

I think Carl is full of anger and hatred more towards humans now than zombies and may become an out of control killing machine.

I also think that a large part of the group drama will come from within.Some of the Woodbury residents that are still loyal to the governor would be my guess.

I still think the gov will come back around,even without his army,just for revenge.But i'm predicting Martinez will undermind the gov and join Ricks group,possibly being the one that stops the gov.

And lastly,if Daryl and Carol don't get together this season,i'm stepping in and gonna bang their heads together,lol.
I think Carl is eventually going to bite it. No doubt Hershel, Daryl, and Glen will be running the show for a bit.
I think Daryl and Carol will get together. I think we'll see Tyrese play a bigger role too.
I think the baby will end up being with Maggie and Glen.
Is it really even following the comic? I heard there were a lot of major differences. Also, TV is a different animal. Characters that get a following are less likely to get killed off, despite the source material.
Also, you have to keep viewers coming back. So, you can't kill off waves like you can in books. (well, unless you're Game of Thrones it seems).

The actor who plays Hershel was told the date he was going to die in the show. Then, that date came and went, and then he got his leg chopped off. He thought for sure that was it, but nope, he's still on the cast. So, they do make adjustments it seems. (by the way, when I asked who the biggest practical joker was on the set, they ALL looked at Hershel....)
I've heard the comics varies wildly vs. the show,but yet some things are right in line with it (I dunno since I don't read the comics) but just didn't want anyone to go past where the show is at now on this thread.The thrill of the way they leave you hanging from one episode to the next is part of what keeps the show a blast to watch and I just don't want that ruined for anyone that watches (including me).Sorta like playing a game of Clue and telling who did it before the game starts.

And the way Hershel acted when Milton wanted to see his stump,you could tell he had a pretty good sense of humor,not surprised at all that he would be a joker on the set at all,lol.I really like ole' Hershel now,I didn't so much in the second season until towards that last 2-3 episodes.But Shane had alot to do with him being a big ole grump.
What I see will happen in the show would be:
Darryl will be obsessed in searching for the Governor to avenge his brother
Rick will be pushed aside as leader due to mental issues, I see that Glen will lead the group with the guidance of Hershel...

and the one gonna die is __________! (fill in the blank LOL)
3 days to go!


10.5 Apocalypse (earthquake), The Day After Tomorrow (iceberg), I Am Legend, The Book of Eli (awesome!), loved The Road, The Resident Evil movies, Zombie Apocalypse, Stake Land.

How many of you have seen No Blade of Grass (1970)? The first plausible post-apocalyptic film I can remember. A British film about a grass disease that spreads throughout the world.

The fact that it was completely plausible made it all the more chilling. It sure left a lasting impression on me!
Never heard of it Dr.Henley,but it does sound right along the lines of the types of movies that I like.I'll do a little search and definitely will be checking it out,thanks for the heads up!
How many of you have seen No Blade of Grass (1970)? The first plausible post-apocalyptic film I can remember. A British film about a grass disease that spreads throughout the world.

The fact that it was completely plausible made it all the more chilling. It sure left a lasting impression on me!
The first post-apocalyptic film I watched was The Day After with Jason Robards.

I am, perhaps the only person on the planet who has not seen a single minute of "the walking dead"
I was very surprised this show lasted as long as it did. I like it so that has nothing do to with it. I wouldn't mind a little back story on Michone. Oh, and I was upset the blonde died last season, so they better get a couple good looking ones! My fun is watching Daryl's crossbow switch from scene to scene. As for books, if you're into a lot of post nuclear gun play, check out THE SURVIVALIST by Jerry Ahern. Its a series. I stopped reading after 15, though I think he wrote a couple more.
I was very surprised this show lasted as long as it did. I like it so that has nothing do to with it. I wouldn't mind a little back story on Michone. Oh, and I was upset the blonde died last season, so they better get a couple good looking ones! My fun is watching Daryl's crossbow switch from scene to scene. As for books, if you're into a lot of post nuclear gun play, check out THE SURVIVALIST by Jerry Ahern. Its a series. I stopped reading after 15, though I think he wrote a couple more.
It started out as a mini series only meant to run like 6/8 episodes but the ratings were so high that they are running with it-Hello season 4!But the show originated from a comic book thats still going on (as far as I know,as i've never even seen a Walking Dead comic book)

On a side note-I see an 870 is your fav weapon,great choice,there are a few in my house.
That's a great movie Clyde,ironically my wifes best friend and I was talking about it just last night.The old "duck and cover" system didn't work out so well for them.
I remember doing those in school, for both nuclear war and earthquakes.
We also did them in the Army... Only the Army could never agree if your feet faced the blast or your head when in a prone position.
When we watch the Walking Dead, Fries, our 13 year old daughter is always commenting on how everyone bitches about eating squirrel. Says they need to kiss Daryl's butt for feeding their sorry hides because she's not too sure she'd be that bothered by people who treated her like dirt.
squirrel is some good eatin! but i am from kentucky so just about anything is good eatin to me.
How many of you have seen No Blade of Grass (1970)? The first plausible post-apocalyptic film I can remember. A British film about a grass disease that spreads throughout the world.

The fact that it was completely plausible made it all the more chilling. It sure left a lasting impression on me!

No Blade of Grass ( John Christopher) and the original TV production of Day Of The Triffids ( John Wyndham) along with the truly fabulous great superb SURVIVORS by Terry Nation are in pride of place in my DVD collection. I also liked Jerimiah and Jericho with the later being one of the best US made PA dramas to come out in a long time.

As for the WALKING DEAD its got to be great because the lead good guy (RICK Grimes) and the lead bad guy ( The governor) are both Brits !! :)
Ok,haven't been talking much on it as I haven't been around as much lately and have been wrapped up into the show.But for the 4th episode of the 4th season,I think it is starting out really good so far,but I wish they could/would get away from the prison (it's getting old,like at the farm in season two).Still kinda shocked and surprised at the way things went down with Carol but I have a strong feeling that's not the last we'll see of her.I'm betting on Daryl to reason with all,including Tyreece,and will go after her (just a prediction).
I'm curious to see how they are going to solve the Carol/Darryl pickle. He's one of the most popular characters in the show, so they have to keep him. But how, with what happened?

Maybe Carol will come in to save the day with another group, when the Governor attacks the prison (because you KNOW this is coming)....
Pity the bloody governor is back, I didnt like his character at all, I think Carol will be back and I think Michonnes Katana will eventually meet the Governor.
Its been quite awhile since anyone has posted on this thread which is surprising. This is an awesome show! Daryl made the cross bow popular again, Carol had balls and damn good with a knife. Their tactics should have improved by now, still ametuer.
The myth busters just did a zombie show that was pretty cool. They therorized you could get thru small groups, and that it would take reinforced doors to keep them from knocking down doors.
Well I can tell you this much we are just into Series 4 of TWD in the UK and its a damn sight more realistic than the new series of Doomsday preppers.
I watched DDP last night with this guy from Alaska with a dome in the boonies, even my kids picked up on the shooting of the "" Mooose" was staged.
1 they show you this young male moose
2 he fires but you dont see the moose fall
3 he is shown waving a moose antler around that he has sawn off that is bigger than the ones on the suposed target
4 they show a picture of a moose on the ground that is stiff as a board and looks like a fibre glass model AND its antlers are still intact
5 they show them slaughtering the beast again and again it looks like a different animal.

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