This weeks preps check-in

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I went to a gun/prepper show in Atlanta today. It was really interesting and I saw tons of stuff at pretty fair prices. There were a lot more guns there than everything else, but they had a good turn out from prepping companies too. I mostly drooled over the military grade weapons, but resisted really well. If only I was rich! Of all he things I saw I was most impressed with a guy who had turned ammo cans into really well made stoves. The welding was top notch, and the design was great. It was designed to use twigs, and was almost a rocket stove, but didn't have an adjustable air vent down low, (the only flaw I could see). At 165.00, I passed, but for a long lasting portable stove, it was nice. I did notice people buying guns and ammo, but didn't notice a lot of prepping stuff being bought. Over all it was fun and interesting. Also reminded me I need to work on my medical bag. I need a minor surgical kit with sutures and antiobiotics. Some lidocaine would probably be appreciated by the patient as well.
Some lidocaine would probably be appreciated by the patient as well.

Lidociane is the stuff you apply topically as a deadening agent, right? On the skin or on the gums before the needle goes in? If that's the stuff, let me/us know where to acquire some of it. I could have used it last week. I pulled (another) one of my teeth and I can tell you, THIS patient would have danged sure appreciated some!
Lidociane is the stuff you apply topically as a deadening agent, right? On the skin or on the gums before the needle goes in? If that's the stuff, let me/us know where to acquire some of it. I could have used it last week. I pulled (another) one of my teeth and I can tell you, THIS patient would have danged sure appreciated some!
I was talking about the injectable kind. There may be a topical kind for rubbing on the skin, but I'm not familiar with it. I haven't looked for any yet, but there's a lot online that you can't buy over the counter. I was a surgical tech in the military, so I could at least do some minor repairs for people. Infection is the big problem after any injury post shtf.
I'm impressed you were able to pull a tooth! I know that must have been a mother. I hope you at least took a shot of whiskey, or 8 or 10....
Amazon is amazing. I just got a surgical kit and multi packs of sutures. The sutures were about 1.20 a pack and the surgical kit was 37.00. They sell all kinds of stuff, which you can compare prices and quality. Anyways, a good addition to my first aid kit, and was something I've wanted to do for a while now. I was even able to use prime for free shipping and my reward points from the business use, so I kind of got the stuff for free!
The next thing I want to do is get a 9mm carbine to consolidate the ammo use thing, I was looking at high points for 330.00. The reviews on it are great. I saw several higher end brands at the show, but most were around 700.00. The high point is good enough for something I hope to never have to use! (Who am I kidding, I'll be target practicing in the back yard like no tomorrow!)
Got the wrong insulation for the pump house so I need to return it for the right stuff. The propane heater should be here next week. I'll need to find a couple 100 pound propane tanks to connect the heater to. I decided for safety reasons to put the generator outside next to the pump house, now I need to build a platform and a roof over it. I extended the battery cables to put the battery inside to stay warm this winter, should make the generator easier to start. Need to find a 55 gallon barrel for fuel too.
The wife should be home on Tuesday. Gonna take a few days off.
Number one rule to never eat wild mushrooms. Simply too dangerous. I'll only eat ones I plant myself.
nah,you just have to know what to pick,in my neck of woods I follow one simple rule my dad tought me,take the mushroom,twist a piece from its cap,if there comes white sap,it's edible,if the sap is clear give it to your worst enemy ( toxic),this goes for 99% of mushrooms,some not,like chantarelles and black trumpets
nah,you just have to know what to pick,in my neck of woods I follow one simple rule my dad tought me,take the mushroom,twist a piece from its cap,if there comes white sap,it's edible,if the sap is clear give it to your worst enemy ( toxic),this goes for 99% of mushrooms,some not,like chantarelles and black trumpets
The only mushroom that I recognize and pick is the moreal. I don't eat them but give them to other people. Most people seem to like them.
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Fun fix it weekend...

Lawnmower just wasn't cutting well at all. Figured I'd sharpen the blades or something (I'm not a lawn tool mechanic, so what do I know?). So, I Google it, and says to take off the whole mow deck. Did so, then flipped it over.

Barely had any blades left! So I replaced them (about $45 for all 3 blades). Then pressure washed it, and got it all pristine, and put it back. Cut like a dream after.

Then fixed the tractor, again. Seemed electrical, and tried all kinds of things, before finally noticing a wire not attached. Once that was taken care of, started right up...(just was in a dark spot, so hard to see).

More fence repairs. A gelding (who acted more like a stallion) we used to board is now gone, but this was the last of fixing his constant attacks on my fences. Good riddance, though I'll miss the board fee....I won't miss these repairs.

The pressure washer was new this weekend. did I live without one of these things? Our dirty horse trailer looks like new....discoloration from plants on the house...gone in minutes. Simply amazing. I can't wait to use this thing on other dirty stuff! Prepping to repaint the house, so wanted to get one of these. So glad we did. I highly recommend one!
Started putting up No Trespassing signs around the property to get ready for hunting season. I don't mind someone crossing my property to hual out an elk, but they cut my fence to get their horses through. I have gates every 1/2-3/4 miles around the perimeter and they're too dam lazy to use one. The a-holes from the city have no respect for other people's property.
I have another property a few miles away that I let a group of spring bear and fall elk hunters camp out and hunt there. They treat the place like it's their own.
And the wife comes home tomorrow so I better clean up the cabin. No more bachelor pad for me. For the next week anyway.
Put directions to the nearest gate on the no trespassing signs. ;)

We still, believe it or not, get horse thieving now and then in the area, so we take trespassing pretty seriously. Pretty cool with most things during the day, when someone is home and up (and the gate is open to do business)...but once we lock down for the night...a whole different ballgame.

Amazon is amazing. I just got a surgical kit and multi packs of sutures. The sutures were about 1.20 a pack and the surgical kit was 37.00. They sell all kinds of stuff, which you can compare prices and quality. Anyways, a good addition to my first aid kit, and was something I've wanted to do for a while now.

I'd like to convert one of the unused stalls into an infirmary, (explaining it to the wife as more of a veterinary infirmary and guest bedroom), but no dice so far. She and the kids want an art studio stall conversion first. One of the folks that'd come to the ranch used to be an EMT, so when we talk about, I get her input on what she'd need, and what would be best. is clean up/out the garage day.besides the humidity,that part aint to bad.what is,is taking everything up to the attic,that needs to go there.on account.the only ladder to it,is one thats built to the garage wall.and the opening to it..

P.S. edit.. well.the weather decided it's time for a time out break on started to rain..but yet no problem.on account i got enough done with it.where im happy with it.and there's at least 2 things i can do while the car is in the garage..
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Fun fix it weekend...

Lawnmower just wasn't cutting well at all. Figured I'd sharpen the blades or something (I'm not a lawn tool mechanic, so what do I know?). So, I Google it, and says to take off the whole mow deck. Did so, then flipped it over.

Barely had any blades left! So I replaced them (about $45 for all 3 blades). Then pressure washed it, and got it all pristine, and put it back. Cut like a dream after.

Then fixed the tractor, again. Seemed electrical, and tried all kinds of things, before finally noticing a wire not attached. Once that was taken care of, started right up...(just was in a dark spot, so hard to see).

More fence repairs. A gelding (who acted more like a stallion) we used to board is now gone, but this was the last of fixing his constant attacks on my fences. Good riddance, though I'll miss the board fee....I won't miss these repairs.

The pressure washer was new this weekend. did I live without one of these things? Our dirty horse trailer looks like new....discoloration from plants on the house...gone in minutes. Simply amazing. I can't wait to use this thing on other dirty stuff! Prepping to repaint the house, so wanted to get one of these. So glad we did. I highly recommend one!
Funny, I hate pressure washers! Yes, they clean things, but I usually get as wet as they do! Seriously, a handy thing to have.
Put directions to the nearest gate on the no trespassing signs. ;)

We still, believe it or not, get horse thieving now and then in the area, so we take trespassing pretty seriously. Pretty cool with most things during the day, when someone is home and up (and the gate is open to do business)...but once we lock down for the night...a whole different ballgame.

I'd like to convert one of the unused stalls into an infirmary, (explaining it to the wife as more of a veterinary infirmary and guest bedroom), but no dice so far. She and the kids want an art studio stall conversion first. One of the folks that'd come to the ranch used to be an EMT, so when we talk about, I get her input on what she'd need, and what would be best.
No doubt, having some medical supplies, both for humans and animals is wise. I really like the idea of having a dedicated space for treatment. I guess having horses mandates having the space as you're not bringing one into the house! I'm working on building a respectable assortment of medical supplies, antiobiotics, and printed info on which ones to use for what, will be next on my list.
The wife and I are off for about a week as of tomorrow. We typically do an annual vacation trip to a Convention in Atlanta, but funds are just a bit too tight for it this year. So, instead, we're hitting theme parks closer to home. (if we don't get rained out).

But, we'll still get a lot done around the ranch too. Mostly cleaning (especially with the pressure washer). I really should have taken some before and after's just that amazing. Can't wait to get rid of those nests and cobwebs, etc.

Going to retake the craft room (and pack up all my daughter's stuff she hasn't gotten out of there yet, though she's had ages to do it...her old room).
well,im now tackling the closet..and there's Cd's there i forgot which im having to go through them all.good news is,im getting some blank Cd's out of it..
Got my minor surgical kit and an assortment of suture packs today! It's a good addition to my medical kit. Was about 45.00 but is a good thing to have. As I said earlier, antiobiotics are the next thing I want to add. That and the 9mm carbine Im getting this Thursday.
Picked the wife up today. It's an 10 hour round trip to the airport. That included a stop for lunch and a short visit with the grand baby's.
They started trenching today for the waterlines between the well and shop/house site and the barn. About 1800 lineal feet x 5' deep total. It'll take about 3 days of digging with a 311 Cat. By the time we're done putting in waterlines we'll have just about a 1/2 mile of buried pipe. When that's done the septic is going in.
We're going to take a couple days off starting tomorrow and visit my son up north.
View attachment 6040 Got my minor surgical kit and an assortment of suture packs today! It's a good addition to my medical kit. Was about 45.00 but is a good thing to have. As I said earlier, antiobiotics are the next thing I want to add. That and the 9mm carbine Im getting this Thursday.
That's a nice looking set. It reminds me that I need to put together a good medical kit too. I'm at least a 2 hour drive on a good day to the nearest emergency room. Plus I'm here alone 80% of the time and phone coverage is limited.
What kind of carbine you looking at? I like the idea of multiple guns sharing the same cartridge.
That's a nice looking set. It reminds me that I need to put together a good medical kit too. I'm at least a 2 hour drive on a good day to the nearest emergency room. Plus I'm here alone 80% of the time and phone coverage is limited.
What kind of carbine you looking at? I like the idea of multiple guns sharing the same cartridge.
Highpoint has one for 330.00 in 9mm. I know lots don't like the brand, but the reviews on it are really good. I own one of their 9mm handguns and have no complaints with it at all, other than its too heavy for a ccw. I got a s&w 9mm for ccw, as its light and compact. I really just want to consolidate the ammo with something, and this fit the bill. 9mm was my choice as its the most common ammo here, for both price and availability. I've read that the two high points even share the same magazine.
Ordered hive boxes (5) after burning our old ones, we going to start our hives backup after a prolonged absence next spring, kids got a good size area for planting sweet clovers. The prices for queen bees have gone through the roof so hopefully no more mites infested queens this time around.
Highpoint has one for 330.00 in 9mm. I know lots don't like the brand, but the reviews on it are really good. I own one of their 9mm handguns and have no complaints with it at all, other than its too heavy for a ccw. I got a s&w 9mm for ccw, as its light and compact. I really just want to consolidate the ammo with something, and this fit the bill. 9mm was my choice as its the most common ammo here, for both price and availability. I've read that the two high points even share the same magazine.
A good friend of mine has a Hi-point and she loves it. Never had a problem with it. Hi-point is a reasonably priced quality American made firearm.
Highpoint has one for 330.00 in 9mm. I know lots don't like the brand, but the reviews on it are really good. I own one of their 9mm handguns and have no complaints with it at all, other than its too heavy for a ccw. I got a s&w 9mm for ccw, as its light and compact. I really just want to consolidate the ammo with something, and this fit the bill. 9mm was my choice as its the most common ammo here, for both price and availability. I've read that the two high points even share the same magazine.
I shopped around on the price for the highpoint. Found one for 245 without the forward grip, new and with the sling. I got an aftermarket grip for 22.00. I like the extra grip as it improves my accuracy, so I got another one for the AR too. I brought it home last night and put the grip on them both, and will shoot it today. I'll post a review later on.
I was just looking thru old post on farming and growing. It was right at three years ago when I put the plastic on the greenhouse. I think it was 120.00 for it. Anyways, it was ripping as it deteriorated with the southern sun we get here. I cut it down today, getting it ready to put the new piece I ordered this last week. I would like to put up acrylic panels as they last a lot longer but just can't swing it this time. Maybe in three more years. I also got the greenhouse tilled, raked out and spread a good bed of leaves on it. I watered it in really well and hope to plant the cool weather crops in it later today.
You have no idea how good it feels to have the last roof panel up! That 13/12 roof pitch made a challenging job, both for the sheathing and the metal. I still need to finish fastening the ridge cap, but am looking forwards to being on the ground again.
Today I got a few cans for the cupboard and finally got round to starting a batch of Carolina Coleslaw fermenting. It must be the right time of year for making slaw over here. Both the red cabbage I got last month and the cabbage I got today were weeping juice as soon as the salt went on. I'm really looking forward to this.
The red sauerkraut is sooooo much better than pickled red cabbage and the bonus is you can rinse it and still use it as normal red cabbage.
Yeah, ridge cap is done! Seriously, I've come to the conclusion that I don't like heights!
Anyways, I got the urge to make some turkey noodle soup today. I have 14 pints of the soup, minus noodles, in the pressure cooker rite now, and have two large bowls, with noodles, in the fridge. Oh, I also have a bowl in my belly :).
Can't tell you how satisfying it is to me to do this kind of stuff. I grew the carrots and onions even. The celery was storebought, but I planted the base I cut off and will get celery for about a year from it now.
Today I got a few cans for the cupboard and finally got round to starting a batch of Carolina Coleslaw fermenting. It must be the right time of year for making slaw over here. Both the red cabbage I got last month and the cabbage I got today were weeping juice as soon as the salt went on. I'm really looking forward to this.
The red sauerkraut is sooooo much better than pickled red cabbage and the bonus is you can rinse it and still use it as normal red cabbage.
I'd like to see your cabbage receipe.
Highpoint has one for 330.00 in 9mm. I know lots don't like the brand, but the reviews on it are really good. I own one of their 9mm handguns and have no complaints with it at all, other than its too heavy for a ccw. I got a s&w 9mm for ccw, as its light and compact. I really just want to consolidate the ammo with something, and this fit the bill. 9mm was my choice as its the most common ammo here, for both price and availability. I've read that the two high points even share the same magazine.

I really hate buying 500 different types of ammo for my defensive firearms thus I try to use the same caliber for specific tasks, 12ga/5.56/40cal. For the 12ga I strictly buy -Hornady Critical Defense buckshot and Military buckshot bulk (when on-sale), the ARs -M193 and M885, 40cal handguns -Hornady Critical Duty with the same optics on all long guns Eotech 552, all handguns use the same magazine same for the ARs. Uniformity, parts swap and with no surprises.

Though I was thinking about and looking at the CZ 9mm Scorpion EVO.... wife said NO :(

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