Got a new (used) work truck today! It's a Chevy van with a box built to the cab, and storage bins on both sides. We've been working out of a nice pickup truck with tool boxes and ladder rack for a while, but this thing has 4 times the carrying capacity. Ok, not much to do with prepping, but I'm psyched anyways!
I believe that Panel vans are the best overall vehicle for use as a family BOV, I just wrote this on another forum on a thread about loads for BOVs
""I think vehicle type itself is as important as what goes in it when it comes to preps, all to often BOVs morph into big boys toys, Huge great 4x4s with bling and boxes and bash guards, lights, CBs, winches and other nice but often questionable BLING. Absolutely superb for rock hopping and gully crunching in Nevada in the summer. Great for post apocalyptic movies but not real life, But what about Nebraska, Montana, New York, Washington etc in the WINTER with a wife and three kids PLUS possibly a grand parent and a dog??.
BOVs should be sensibly off road capable, a mechanical or electric winch is fine as is sand and mud mats, but most family oriented preppers need to think more about where they are going to sleep en route to their BOL when its snowing, raining, windy and cold. Bovs for many of us should be based more around PANEL vans rather than 4x4s ( 4x4 panel vans are good ) Ideally along with the essential kit mentioned in the article you need to consider the family being able to sleep IN THE VAN, out of the crap weather and away from biting, stinging critters and parasites..
When you park up your fully laden BOV if your not on tarmac, concrete or rock park on 4 pieces of 1/2 by 2 by 2 ft marine grade ply to prevent your vehicle from sinking in over night. Reverse into your lay over location, park up so that if you have to move at short notice you are already pointing the way you want to go.
One further VITAL aspect of life saving BOVS is the extra kit, tools, supplies, equipment etc should all be INSIDE and out of sight of prying greedy eyes and not bolted in please steal me style down the outside of the vehicle. Your trying to survive in hostile territory in a hostile world with hostile people also trying to survive, not look pretty in front of your buddies in a saturday morning.""