This weeks preps check-in

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I'm with you. I used to bounce. Now I splat.

There used to be an IT consulting company here named Red Klay Inc. Same thing there? Slick as snot when wet and hard as a rock dry......
Even a pick axe has trouble when this stuff is dry. In Fla. you could dig a footer by hand, here you need heavy equipment.
Wish she could stay with you for a few weeks. Maybe you could join her to help out?
I wish she could stay home too. She has to be at work tomorrow morning so I'm taking her to the airport in a couple of hours. Yesterday the doc said she should be able to fly if shes careful. She doesn't have a replacement for her position at work and everyone's schedule is made out annually. It's really hard to make schedule changes on short notice too. She did get some good pain meds that seem to help. Fortunately she has an office job where she can take it easy.
We both really appreciate everyone's concerns and best wishes. It means a lot.
Update: She has several broken ribs, one of which is close to the kidney. Nothing was punctured but the doctor was concerned that it's still a possibility. Shes flying back to Alaska tomorrow, which I'm sure will be an uncomfortable trip for her.

Oh no :( I had to go up and read what happen. Damn, I hope and pray she gets better Arctic.
Even with the wife's accident I still managed to get something done around here. This week I got the barn loft almost finished. Just have the floor and stairs to go. Will add lights under the loft later. Started on the stall divider. Got bids on the house, shop and fur shed. They'll start construction as soon as the snows gone. The biggest accomplishment this week was that I paid off the ranch.
Even with the wife's accident I still managed to get something done around here. This week I got the barn loft almost finished. Just have the floor and stairs to go. Will add lights under the loft later. Started on the stall divider. Got bids on the house, shop and fur shed. They'll start construction as soon as the snows gone. The biggest accomplishment this week was that I paid off the ranch.
Paying off bills is always a cause for celebration! I'm a big believer that if you can't pay for it, then you can live without it.
I got the roof on our new equipment shed today! There's still a lot of work to do, sides, finishing touches, etc. but at least we have dry storage now! Just in time too, rain is forcast for the next three days.
Just an FYI, fellow prepper, they're saying that we may have hail, high winds, tornadoes, death, destruction, etc and so on on Wednesday.....
Just an FYI, fellow prepper, they're saying that we may have hail, high winds, tornadoes, death, destruction, etc and so on on Wednesday.....
The news loves to embellish and spread fear now days. In all honesty though, it does seem like more extreme weather happens now than in years past. Oh well, that is what insurance is for. Either way, am glad some of our equipment is covered now.
Oh yeah, barring a direct hit we are fine. Actually, it was the national weather service that's talking about it, so I'll give it a little more faith than the news.

The NWS also said here we can expect spring to come about 25 days earlier than normal. We'll see about that as well.
Oh yeah, barring a direct hit we are fine. Actually, it was the national weather service that's talking about it, so I'll give it a little more faith than the news.

The NWS also said here we can expect spring to come about 25 days earlier than normal. We'll see about that as well.
Damn, you just made me think that I need to go out and close up the greenhouse!
We had the best day weather wise that you could ask for today. It was just slightly cool, but great for working. Clear blue sky and probably upper sixties. My only complaint was every time I had a sheet of metal roofing going up on the roof it got a little breezy! I thought I could strap a sheet on my back and try gliding a couple times there.
Damn, you just made me think that I need to go out and close up the greenhouse!
We had the best day weather wise that you could ask for today. It was just slightly cool, but great for working. Clear blue sky and probably upper sixties. My only complaint was every time I had a sheet of metal roofing going up on the roof it got a little breezy! I thought I could strap a sheet on my back and try gliding a couple times there.

Same weather here, but supposed to rain tonight into tomorrow, then Tuesday through Wednesday, the cool again. Maybe spring is here....

I was finishing a trench for underground utilities today. The had digging part.... bet I feel it tomorrow...
Same weather here, but supposed to rain tonight into tomorrow, then Tuesday through Wednesday, the cool again. Maybe spring is here....

I was finishing a trench for underground utilities today. The had digging part.... bet I feel it tomorrow...
I guess your digging is just like here, somewhere between concrete and steel like. I just got half of our stuff on underground power here. I need to move the service to the side of the house and will then have the power company hook it to the same transformer too. With the ice storms we occasionally get it will be nice to not have to worry about trees taking out the power anymore.
Paying off bills is always a cause for celebration! I'm a big believer that if you can't pay for it, then you can live without it.
I agree with you 100%. Debts are like gambling, don't gamble or enter in to debt if you can't afford it. Next week I'm paying off the equipment trailer and this summer I'll pay off the tractor, even though it's zero interest. Then I'll be totally debt free. I can thank Trump in part because of the record highs in the stock market.
I guess your digging is just like here, somewhere between concrete and steel like. I just got half of our stuff on underground power here. I need to move the service to the side of the house and will then have the power company hook it to the same transformer too. With the ice storms we occasionally get it will be nice to not have to worry about trees taking out the power anymore.

Yep. Petrified concrete coated steel. I could get the excavator a couple feet from the end but that's all...
I got the roof on our new equipment shed today! There's still a lot of work to do, sides, finishing touches, etc. but at least we have dry storage now! Just in time too, rain is forcast for the next three days.View attachment 6539
Nice looking equipment shed. It's really nice to get everything under roof. That's what's getting to me now. All of my vehicles and equipment is left outside. I need to add an equipment shed to my list of projects. Once the house, shop and fur shed are built I'll do the rest of the buildings myself.
Nice looking equipment shed. It's really nice to get everything under roof. That's what's getting to me now. All of my vehicles and equipment is left outside. I need to add an equipment shed to my list of projects. Once the house, shop and fur shed are built I'll do the rest of the buildings myself.
One thing about cars and equipment, if left in the sun and rain it gets old much faster.
Got the quote for the solar power system and the diesel generator. It's actually a little less than I was expecting. Next I need to meet with an architect to draw up the house plans. Got the floor up on the loft, now I just need to figure out how the make the stairs.
Rise 7.25" and run 11.25". Get as close to even measurements of that and you have stairs. They aren't nearly as difficult as most people think.
got me a pocket charger which it comes with a flashlight.and it's deffently bright..on the package/box,it has.up to 6x extra charges..on the i'll see how it holds up,to that..


  • 0304170746.jpg
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i dont see a pic.and i get this when i try to open it,in a new window..

This site can’t be reached
c’s server DNS address could not be found.

Yeah, I know. I'm still trying to figure how to load a picture here. I used to be able to, but now I can't. Not sure what changed. Or if I'm doing something wrong/different. Pretty aggravating . I've got pictures of projects I'm wanting to share & cannot. I suspect my computer has issues.
I have so many unfinished projects around here that I'm not sure I could finish if I lived to be 100 years old! I was looking at the grape vines, blueberries and blackberries and the fruit trees today. They all need attention and I just got a really big commercial account that I've been working on for almost a year. I think my life just changed.... We are trying to find our first employee now, but I'm seeing long hours for a while to come now. It's good for the business, but I'm not so sure for me! Just wish I was still in my twenties as I had unlimited energy back then. I've always tended to just jump in whole heartedly in whatever I do.
Well I saw an architect on Friday to get an estimate on drawing up our house plans. Wow, what a shock! The guy wanted almost $7000 to turn our sketch in to working drawings. It's just a small simple house of only 2200 sq ft. I called around and found another guy who can do the same drawings for about $1500. If we were going with a simple roof truss system we wouldn't need professional engineered drawings. And the county wants 50 cents per square foot just to look at the drawings. What a scam.
good luck the both of yall..

but I'm seeing long hours for a while to come now. It's good for the business, but I'm not so sure for me!

Well I saw an architect on Friday to get an estimate on drawing up our house plans. Wow, what a shock! The guy wanted almost $7000 to turn our sketch in to working drawings. It's just a small simple house of only 2200 sq ft. I called around and found another guy who can do the same drawings for about $1500. If we were going with a simple roof truss system we wouldn't need professional engineered drawings. And the county wants 50 cents per square foot just to look at the drawings. What a scam.
I have so many unfinished projects around here that I'm not sure I could finish if I lived to be 100 years old! I was looking at the grape vines, blueberries and blackberries and the fruit trees today. They all need attention and I just got a really big commercial account that I've been working on for almost a year. I think my life just changed.... We are trying to find our first employee now, but I'm seeing long hours for a while to come now. It's good for the business, but I'm not so sure for me! Just wish I was still in my twenties as I had unlimited energy back then. I've always tended to just jump in whole heartedly in whatever I do.
Congrats on the new account Brent! But at your age, shouldn't you be slowing down a little?

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