The lady truck driver had a dolly and lift ramp for the back of her truck so easy transfer of the generator to our truck. Only had to meet her a couple miles down the road. Once home off loaded with skid steer and now waiting for propane tank to get delivered and installed for connection. Getting so close now.
I ended up with 12 pints sliced zucchini, 2 pints yellow squash, & 2 pints patty squash all done in one canner load. 16 pints pumpkin cubes and 14 pints cream corn. The last batch of corn picked was a disappointment, seemed like most of them were on the smaller side. We had gone over to a friends house the 4th of July and she was having the same problem. The ones planted in March did much better than the ones planted in April. Timing is everything. . . but I did get enough corncob s to make jelly, soak a few in vinegar for the garden and still have some leftover for the pigs. Normally 100 corncobs will do around 12 quarts of kerneled corn, creamed you can almost double the amount of cobs, but when only 5 inches long. . . let's just say it was a lot of scrapping, but oh so worth it!! I saved my corncob jelly to make this morning. I was running out of steam yesterday.
Looks like the garden is about to be just beans & peppers & melons. Everything else is wanting to wilt in the heat we have been having. Heat index today will only be 102 instead of the 110 we've been having. Just glad I got every thing picked this morning already. When it cools back off this evening, I'll go back out and continue pulling squash plants & whatever else to throw to the goats and building my rows back up. I have also decided the next time I plant a new row of beans, they will need to go on a trellis, my back is getting to old to be hunching down beds to pick all morning. I guess I should have takin better care of it when I was younger. . . normally my attitude is suck it up and go on, now I am paying the price. I just don't get to plant as many beans on a trellis vs a bed, which is probably why I haven't done it yet. Who knows, I may change my mind. . . I am female after all .
Last night ended up having to fix a fence. My goat Penelope kept jumping it. She is one of my older goats that I've had for the last 9 years. She has never been a fence jumper, n fact none of them have been, but we had been having a lot of rain which made the ground wet and she discovered that she could stand on the wire fence to sink the t post to jump over. Now that the ground is dried out, new t post have been driven in to stand the fence up higher. She was the only one. . . I really think she wanted to get away from her twins for a little while. She stayed by the fencing munching away on the canal and when I walked out, she was would always jump back over. No harm done, but you just never know when the LNVA will get mowed by the county or another animal goes down it. I would hate for her to get scared off.