This weeks preps check-in

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Yeah, the well drillers are here! I finally fired the first company after three missed start times and not a single phone call. The work ethic in Ga. really sucks. On the upside, it makes it easy for our electrical company to look really good! It’s amazing to me that people don’t even call or stay in touch. Now the only problem is I’m going to have to pay these guys!
The trusses are going up on the shop today. The excavator guy should be up next week to dig the foundation for the house. Earlier this week I picked up a 21 foot lenght of 6 inch schedule 40 pipe for the solar panel mount. Not sure how I'm going to mount the panels myself yet. Some of the parts I can mount on the pole while it's still on the trailer.
We have one sharp corner on our road that is hard to get around with a truck and trailer. The truss truck got stuck there and had to be pushed around with the backhoe. I cut several trees out and widened the corner by about 8×50 feet.
The cows were supposed to be delivered yesterday, but it looks like they'll be here tomorrow now.
Got the auto start connected between the generator, battery bank and the inverter. Just need to program the charge controller and inverter to make it all work.
We've had a lot of rain lately (by our standards anyway) and cool weather. The garden is looking good, but the hail storm we had a few weeks ago damaged all the plums and apples. Some of the grape plants that were beaten to the ground are coming back up and looking good.
Went on a wild edibles walk to test out my new skills at identifying plants. I'm mildly pleased with how much I have learnt in such a short time but if you don't hear from me again it probably means I've accidentally poisoned myself.
That's a wonderful skill to have. Just be very careful on the mushrooms ;).
Yeah, the well drillers are here! I finally fired the first company after three missed start times and not a single phone call. The work ethic in Ga. really sucks. On the upside, it makes it easy for our electrical company to look really good! It’s amazing to me that people don’t even call or stay in touch. Now the only problem is I’m going to have to pay these guys!

Yeah Trump has the businesses doing so well they can afford to blow off some customers.
I've had the same problem with building contractors around here. We have about 3 or 4 qualified builders in town, and a couple of drunken hammer swingers.
Don’t even get me started about how bad it gets during hunting season! Lol
Don’t even get me started about how bad it gets during hunting season! Lol
Fishing too, and winter, or if it looks like rain. This is part of the reason we're going on 3 years without a house. My builder is now telling me that he may not have the house finished until next spring! If I was a few years younger, and had help, I'd build my own house.
Fishing too, and winter, or if it looks like rain. This is part of the reason we're going on 3 years without a house. My builder is now telling me that he may not have the house finished until next spring! If I was a few years younger, and had help, I'd build my own house.
I built this one by hand, and my sons too. But I just don’t have the energy I used to have. I think my sons was the last one I’ll build. It really is terrible trying to rely on others to get things done though. The damned well guy missed three times he was supposed to be here, with no phone call or anything. Each time I had to call him and he would give me another week or so to get started. I lucked out when the other well guy had an opening two days after I called him.
The construction on the shop is coming along nicely. We're getting raspberry and strawberries out of the garden, also some kale and radishes. Started hauling our winter supply of hay home yesterday. The wife fell off the trailer and possibly broke her foot. If her foot isn't better today she may have to go see the doctor. But I still need to get the hay out of the field by next week. We managed to get 2 loads home yesterday and stacked next to the barn. Once the shop is completed I can move the stuff out of the barn and then move the hay in to the barn. But for now I'll cover it with tarps. In a couple of years I'd like to replant some of our meadows and cut our own hay. Just a lot of equipment to buy first.
The well guy came yesterday and set the pump in the well! I got an 80 gal tank and all the fittings for it set up before he arrived, and ran power to it. We ran cold clear water out of it for several minutes, yeah! I still need to run a new supply line over to my house before finishing the connections and then build a small shelter for it before winter. One more self sustainable prep almost checked off my list. Even though I have two creeks that I can pump water from, I wanted a cleaner source of water with less chance of contamination. I still tell people that a new AR is cool and flashy, but water should be your number one prep.
The construction on the shop is coming along nicely. We're getting raspberry and strawberries out of the garden, also some kale and radishes. Started hauling our winter supply of hay home yesterday. The wife fell off the trailer and possibly broke her foot. If her foot isn't better today she may have to go see the doctor. But I still need to get the hay out of the field by next week. We managed to get 2 loads home yesterday and stacked next to the barn. Once the shop is completed I can move the stuff out of the barn and then move the hay in to the barn. But for now I'll cover it with tarps. In a couple of years I'd like to replant some of our meadows and cut our own hay. Just a lot of equipment to buy first.
Hope the wife’s foot is ok.
The construction on the shop is coming along nicely. We're getting raspberry and strawberries out of the garden, also some kale and radishes. Started hauling our winter supply of hay home yesterday. The wife fell off the trailer and possibly broke her foot. If her foot isn't better today she may have to go see the doctor. But I still need to get the hay out of the field by next week. We managed to get 2 loads home yesterday and stacked next to the barn. Once the shop is completed I can move the stuff out of the barn and then move the hay in to the barn. But for now I'll cover it with tarps. In a couple of years I'd like to replant some of our meadows and cut our own hay. Just a lot of equipment to buy first.
Hope your wife's foot is not broke. . . She'll be feeling that break for years to come if so, especially in the cold temps. At least that is how mine went.
The well guy came yesterday and set the pump in the well! I got an 80 gal tank and all the fittings for it set up before he arrived, and ran power to it. We ran cold clear water out of it for several minutes, yeah! I still need to run a new supply line over to my house before finishing the connections and then build a small shelter for it before winter. One more self sustainable prep almost checked off my list. Even though I have two creeks that I can pump water from, I wanted a cleaner source of water with less chance of contamination. I still tell people that a new AR is cool and flashy, but water should be your number one prep.
That is one of the best preps in my book. Your garden plants will grow so much better without all those added in chemicals. Besides, you can always hook up the generator to it if need be or even turn it into a hand pump.
This is what I had picked day before yesterday evening. Tons of patty and butternut squash still coming. Yellow and zucchini squash along with tomatoes are trickling in. Yesterday morning I added a bunch more peppers, tomatoes cantaloupes, cucumbers and 3 eggplants. Peppers got froze this go around.. Tomatoes got canned into sauce, cantaloupe got canned and eating fresh, pears got canned into pint jars for hunny to snack on, patty squash is getting dehydrated, butternut, well some got made into pumpkin pie filling, but they do store well so still have majority. Dukes got made into mock apple pie filling and canned.

I worked in the garden this morning but waiting till it cools off for picking tonight. Did get some cleaning and rearranging of my canned goods in the stockroom done this morning. After doing inventory of everything, it looks like I need to do up some more beans, chili, and meats, mainly defined chicken. I only have one quart sized of the chicken, but still plenty of the leg quarters, just have to debone so not a high issue. I did take some time and watched 4 or 5 YouTube videos of other people's food storage of canned goods. Kinda gives an idea of what others are stocking up on.
That's a great crop Danil. The planters I have potted up are just starting to show signs of producing. Both planters with beans are covered in flowers and one being an earlier variety also has beans nearly ready to pick. The crookneck squash are just starting to flower so it won't be long there either. There's not enough to preserve, but at least I'll have some fresh, the garlic is nearly ready, I'm really surprised how well it has done, much better than when grown in the garden, so much so that I think I will continue to grow Garlic in planters from now on.
Hope your wife's foot is not broke. . . She'll be feeling that break for years to come if so, especially in the cold temps. At least that is how mine went.
Thanks. It doesn't appear to be broken, just badly sprained. Today she can put a little weight on it. She was still able to drive the truck while I loaded the hay. We should have all our hay in by next Wednesday.
Today 7.5 kg rhubarb harvested, 24 rhubarb crumble made so far and in the freezer. I wasn't a massive fan of rhubarb but the previous owners planted 30 plants so I have to make use of it somehow:) Looks like there will be another 15kg to pick. Why on earth did they needed so much of the stuff? On the plus side it requires zero work to grow.
Thanks. It doesn't appear to be broken, just badly sprained. Today she can put a little weight on it. She was still able to drive the truck while I loaded the hay. We should have all our hay in by next Wednesday.
:) Love she still helped with a bad sprain. . . That says a lot about your sweet wife! So many would prop their foot up and be done for weeks on end. I still drove my standard pickup with my broken ankle, but it was in a fast at the time. It's all about how determined you are to get things done.
@Karloshi I loved the rhubarb pie my grandmother used to make. Down where I'm at we can't seem to grow it, but my neighbor told me it grew wild in PA when he lived there as a kid.
Today 7.5 kg rhubarb harvested, 24 rhubarb crumble made so far and in the freezer. I wasn't a massive fan of rhubarb but the previous owners planted 30 plants so I have to make use of it somehow:) Looks like there will be another 15kg to pick. Why on earth did they needed so much of the stuff? On the plus side it requires zero work to grow.
Here turnips and kale grow like weeds with zero effort. Can’t stand either one.... if shtf though I could probably learn to though.
View attachment 8864 View attachment 8863This is what I had picked day before yesterday evening. Tons of patty and butternut squash still coming. Yellow and zucchini squash along with tomatoes are trickling in. Yesterday morning I added a bunch more peppers, tomatoes cantaloupes, cucumbers and 3 eggplants. Peppers got froze this go around.. Tomatoes got canned into sauce, cantaloupe got canned and eating fresh, pears got canned into pint jars for hunny to snack on, patty squash is getting dehydrated, butternut, well some got made into pumpkin pie filling, but they do store well so still have majority. Dukes got made into mock apple pie filling and canned.

I worked in the garden this morning but waiting till it cools off for picking tonight. Did get some cleaning and rearranging of my canned goods in the stockroom done this morning. After doing inventory of everything, it looks like I need to do up some more beans, chili, and meats, mainly defined chicken. I only have one quart sized of the chicken, but still plenty of the leg quarters, just have to debone so not a high issue. I did take some time and watched 4 or 5 YouTube videos of other people's food storage of canned goods. Kinda gives an idea of what others are stocking up on.
That really is a beautiful site with all the fresh veggies. I feel bad as I’ve let the main garden go wild and haven’t touched it for ages. I should have the first ripe tomatoes in a couple more days in the greenhouse. I still have cabbage and lettuce growing now, as the cover keeps some of the heat off the plants. I picked the last of the broccoli and am still eating on it. I could probably start picking some of the young carrots now too. Our business is doing really well, but it dosent leave much time for other things. I’m barely able to keep the greenhouse up but refuse to give in completely.
@SallyC I'm going to have to give growing garlic in pots a try too since you have had good success with it. Normally I plant in the garden but I did not this year. I had so much garlic left over that I didn't bother. . . Then hunny wanted to slaughter 5 pigs at one time and I was scrambling to make that much room, so all my frozen garlic got made into powder. I should have just left the chopped dehydrated. Live and learn. . . Seems like I had that lesson before though ;)
@SallyC I'm going to have to give growing garlic in pots a try too since you have had good success with it. Normally I plant in the garden but I did not this year. I had so much garlic left over that I didn't bother. . . Then hunny wanted to slaughter 5 pigs at one time and I was scrambling to make that much room, so all my frozen garlic got made into powder. I should have just left the chopped dehydrated. Live and learn. . . Seems like I had that lesson before though ;)

I've never dehydrated or frozen Garlic, I just make a plait of it and store it in the shed. The variety I grow keeps really well lasting from year to year. I found the last bulb in the pantry just the other day. I thought I'd used them all.
This year was a forced experiment, owing to the move we are preparing for. I had the Garlic started in trays ready to plant out so thought I would try growing in planters. I only had room for some of what I had started off, but it's enough to save some to keep the strain going and have a few to use.
Today 7.5 kg rhubarb harvested, 24 rhubarb crumble made so far and in the freezer. I wasn't a massive fan of rhubarb but the previous owners planted 30 plants so I have to make use of it somehow:) Looks like there will be another 15kg to pick. Why on earth did they needed so much of the stuff? On the plus side it requires zero work to grow.

rhubarb wine, rhubarb and ginger jam, rhubarb and elderflower cordial. All are delicious!:)
I’ve been looking for a camper for a couple months now, mostly on craigslist. Anyways, I found one I like, called an R pod. It’s small, but has a bathroom and is really stylish. Well, I’m not sure how much this has to do with prepping, but I guess I could say it might be used for bugging out..... either way, toy or usefull prepping tool, the guy and I are 150.00 apart on the price negotiations right now. I’m hoping he accepts my last offer and I can tow the thing home in the next day or two..... why is buying things so much fun....
He accepted the last offer on the camper! So now I have a place to sleep and bring the dog! Guess I can bring the wife along as well..... seriously, can’t wait to try it out near a waterfall somewhere. We will take it down to Fla to visit my mother in law at least a couple times a year now. So, will go pick it up tomorrow afternoon about an hour and a half away. Too bad it’s a million degrees out there right now, it’s kind of hot to go camping.

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