This weeks preps check-in

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So I did a very rough estimation and think it would be around 9 cents a load. The last 8 weeks I have been doing about 6 - 7 loads of laundry a week and before that was only around three sometimes four depending. Now that the goat with the broken leg is outside full time and no longer in the playpen, my laundry loads have gone back to normal. My hunny has done laundry a handful of times since I made detergent back in early Feb and he doesn't pay attention to the black line I drew on the measuring cup and will just scoop and dump in so probably uses a little more than double what is supposed to go in on a normal load.
This girl was from Thailand and didn't know wool from any other fabric. Fortunately these were inexpensive wool lap blankets that I picked up in New Zealand, and not my good Point blankets.
I wear a lot of wool and wool/silk blend in winter. Natural fibres are always best as compared to the cheap synthetic crap made from plastic bottles.
Down here in the deep South it is hard to find 100% wool anything. We have found a select few of socks at stores in the mall but that's been years ago. Not sure if they would still have them.
Down here in the deep South it is hard to find 100% wool anything. We have found a select few of socks at stores in the mall but that's been years ago. Not sure if they would still have them.
I was visiting a friend outside of Savannah and he said that the confederate soldiers didn't wear cotton as the humidity simply rotted the clothes off their backs, they wore wool when they could get it. Wool can be woven very thinly like a fine scarf. I actually have some from around the 1860 time, it is very fine and not heavy at all. But to find this type of fabric these days is difficult. Everything seems to be polyester, rayon and other such stuff.
So I did a very rough estimation and think it would be around 9 cents a load. The last 8 weeks I have been doing about 6 - 7 loads of laundry a week and before that was only around three sometimes four depending. Now that the goat with the broken leg is outside full time and no longer in the playpen, my laundry loads have gone back to normal. My hunny has done laundry a handful of times since I made detergent back in early Feb and he doesn't pay attention to the black line I drew on the measuring cup and will just scoop and dump in so probably uses a little more than double what is supposed to go in on a normal load.
That's good to know. Still much cheaper than store bough premade detergent unless you find a bargain.
I was visiting a friend outside of Savannah and he said that the confederate soldiers didn't wear cotton as the humidity simply rotted the clothes off their backs, they wore wool when they could get it. Wool can be woven very thinly like a fine scarf. I actually have some from around the 1860 time, it is very fine and not heavy at all. But to find this type of fabric these days is difficult. Everything seems to be polyester, rayon and other such stuff.
Or spandex blend which I hate!!
Went to the bank at lunch and stopped by a yard sale. bought several containers of dental floss, 25 cents each. 3 dish tubs for 1.00, 4 cans of fuel for 1.00 each, several lip balms for .25 each. Adding to the stash a few bucks at a time when the opportunity arises. Total of ten dollars worth for a tenth of what I would have to pay regular retail. I am the master of prepping for the poor. LOL, I am a tightwad by necessity.
Tell that to the man down the road who still wears his bikini Speedos to mow his lawn. . . I used to know the name of them when I worked retail. Obviously that is a part that has been blocked from my memory.
Hide your grandbabies. No child should be exposed to that. The other day I was in the grocery store and some fruitcake was in there wearing Spandex bicycle pants. I can only assume that he had a bicycle around somewhere. We just don't see things like that around here very often.
Or spandex blend which I hate!!

Certainly not on men anyway!

Oh god! over here there is a certain set that cycle everywhere in spandex commonly known as MAMILs (middle aged men in lycra). I really do believe some people need a good mirror.

Tell that to the man down the road who still wears his bikini Speedos to mow his lawn. . . I used to know the name of them when I worked retail. Obviously that is a part that has been blocked from my memory.

We know them as Budgy Smugglers. No man looks good in them, :eek:
Ok. Enough of the Spandex stuff. I'm liable to have nightmares now. Although I guess you could pack a lot of Spandex in your BOB....Does Spandex come in camo?

They got the forms in for the house footers yesterday. They should start pouring concrete early next week. The drywall in the shop is finished. I went down south to Home Depot and picked up the paint for the interior.
Today I'm going to rig up an automatic waterer for the chickens. It'll be connected to a 55 gallon water barrel. Haven't seen the cattle for a few days so I guess I better go look for them too.
finally,finally have two days off from work;so it's time to fix my plate carrier from swat black to something else,will post pics of the finished thing. and got
me some ballistic inserts too and the best part is,I'm allowed to use it when having my reserve trainings...and the weight is a fraction of that of the issue stuff.
20180721_195617.jpeg 20180721_195505.jpeg front and back,could say I'm satisfied with the outcome.
I have a huge pot of peeled tomatoes simmering down now. I added a load of carmalized onions, garlic and bell peppers along with some Italian seasonings. Once it thickens some I will can most of it but have a pound of ground turkey in mind for some right away. I’m just craving some spaghetti. Actually since I started my first ever diet I’m pretty much craving everything..... doing well though, 6lbs down so far.
I bought two cans of weiners, a couple bottles of shampoo, some aspirin, detergent, boxed milk this weekend. Went to the one dollar store. Found 4 ceramic tiles to make the homemade water purifier at the goodwill store. Have been cutting up old clothes and washing wool. Scouting around for old lumber.
I was able to meet a couple like minded preppers yesterday who it seemed had some of the same concerns that my hunny and I have. We were able to eat lunch and talk together for a couple hours. So nice to sit down and talk about what you do without someone looking at you like you have a screw loose. I normally do not do this kind of thing. . . Venturing off away from home for a long road trip, but hunny & I did & it turned out quite enjoyable.

Went to go buy a nice freeze dryer, pump & a few accessories to add to the ways I can preserve foods. The gentleman's wife was kind enough to give me a copy of her cheat sheet which had how many trays of what item and how long it processed for which I am sure will come in handy. I think my first attempt will be strawberries then maybe some patty and butternut squash. I just need to order some oxygen absorbers first.

Of course playing in the garden is a given for me. I planted two beds this morning. 1 bed which was 3 rows of zipper creams & another bed which was 3 rows of brown crowders. Right now I am just planting southern type beans until it starts to cool down. Did some weeding & pruning too. As long as I can keep my tomatoes from dying off they should start producing well again in September. Temp yesterday was 101 with heat index of 108 from what the neighbor told me this morning.
Thought I would share one of three shelves that my husband made...and I LOVE...

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Your husband did a very nice job on your shelves. Love how it is custom made to hold either a pint size or quart sized jars so no waste of spaces. I do like to see all the different colors in jars of a well stocked pantry. I'm kinda cheesy that way. :)
Took the AR and 1000 rounds to the BOL to add to the community stores.
Helped clean up some trees, and do some fencing. I cleaned the kitchen ( what can I say? It needed a good cleaning) and sorted some canning supplies.
Brought an old wringer washer to the shed for repair.
Should be down to barter some work on roofing the second farm house, in exchange for unlimited water and electric while I redo the Airstream.
One of the community members found me a 460 motor for the Ranchero. It was built up by a friend of his as a truck pull motor, so I will need to change the cam. He traded the guy a different motor he wasn't going to use, and sort of gave me the motor he got. I'm going to help build an apartment over one of the sheds, so it's kind of barter, but I would obviously have done the work for nothing. Still, 2k or more worth of motor for free, I'll take it.

There are now 7 of us working, all life long friends ( and one of our kids) working toward intentionally building a prepping community. We normally don't talk about it, but it came up, and everyone agreed it's the way to think of it.

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