This weeks preps check-in

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I got a new generator yesterday delivered to the door. I found a new dual fuel 3750w (4800 peak), from eBay. I got it for 150.00 less than everywhere else and it was delivered to my gate. Friggin awesome considering you can’t find a generator anywhere local now due to the storm. I honestly bought it mostly for using with the camper but since my sons place uses propane for all his appliances it will be just big enough to run his house. I like the idea of being able to take the camper to places that don’t have hookups as they tend to be a lot more scenic and less crowded.
I got the new water filter for the well today. Amazon again. This is a whole house filter specifically for removing iron and manganese. It is completely automatic and backflushes as needed. The filter media is supposed to be good for 5yrs between changes. It was not cheap but I like the low maintenance of it. I will still filter the drinking and cooking water with fridge filters and the Berkey. I still need to pour the slab for the well house, install the filter and build a removable structure to keep it warm before winter, but am getting there. It will be nice for the toilets to not be rust colored anymore!
How'd your new well turn out? How deep did you have to go? I'm guessing that you have a good water table where you're located at. I'm planning on drilling a new well next spring closer to the house, depending on if we have any money left after building. Right now my well is over a quarter mile away and over a hill from the house and I'm lifting the water close to 650' high.
How'd your new well turn out? How deep did you have to go? I'm guessing that you have a good water table where you're located at. I'm planning on drilling a new well next spring closer to the house, depending on if we have any money left after building. Right now my well is over a quarter mile away and over a hill from the house and I'm lifting the water close to 650' high.
Ouch, that’s a lot of elevation for a pump. The well was only 280’and has great volume. The only issue is it is in granite and has iron and manganese in it. I just got a new filter to remove those, another 750.00. I’ll get that installed this coming week, and have non orange toilets again hopefully. I’m just glad to be self reliant waterwise and will disconnect from the county once I’m completely done with the pump house. It’s a lot cheaper to use county water but I didn’t want to have to rely on their system. At least I had that option though.
Ouch, that’s a lot of elevation for a pump. The well was only 280’and has great volume. The only issue is it is in granite and has iron and manganese in it. I just got a new filter to remove those, another 750.00. I’ll get that installed this coming week, and have non orange toilets again hopefully. I’m just glad to be self reliant waterwise and will disconnect from the county once I’m completely done with the pump house. It’s a lot cheaper to use county water but I didn’t want to have to rely on their system. At least I had that option though.

At least those are secondary contaminant (iron and manganese) not harmful though with granite radon could be a problem if it isn't aerated
At least those are secondary contaminant (iron and manganese) not harmful though with granite radon could be a problem if it isn't aerated
yeah, everything I read says it’s fine to drink, but it smells a little and really discolors the toilets. I swear I clean them! Anyways, the filter I bought specifically cleans for these minerals and aerates and has something to do with silver too. The main reason I got it is it only needs the media changed every 5yrs and has an automatic back flow that takes no maintenance. I will order two refill kits for it after I get it operational. I need to pour the slab around the well before installing the filter, and my intentions were to do it today. I got the concrete in the back of the truck and was ready to start. The problem is I opened a gallon of wine from 2014 and suddenly I just have no more ambition for the day. The wine is amazing though.
I guess most really consider this a prrp, but I do. We had a new granddaughter born this last Friday evening, which she came 5 wks early. Her weight was not too bad at 4lbs 11 oz but had to be put on a low oxygen levels to help breath. We were there that evening and did get to go back into the NICU to see her and even hold her hand. She is being feed every 3 hours with a feeding tube since she hasn't learned how to breath, and swallow at the same timetime. From what I understand this is normal for premies. But tonight son called to say that we can now go up and hold her, so tomorrow after I get off, we will make the hour and a half drive over. I cant wait! She will be an addition to what we prepare for in life. As these little granddaughters get bigger they, they will learn life lessons on how to be more self sufficient in life and how to raise and grow their own. The almost 3 year old already comes to help with the animals and out in the garden. Just have to make it fun and in whatever level they are on at the time. I want my grandkids exposed to this way of life. If and when the time comes, they will know what they can do to help the family.
I guess most really consider this a prrp, but I do. We had a new granddaughter born this last Friday evening, which she came 5 wks early. Her weight was not too bad at 4lbs 11 oz but had to be put on a low oxygen levels to help breath. We were there that evening and did get to go back into the NICU to see her and even hold her hand. She is being feed every 3 hours with a feeding tube since she hasn't learned how to breath, and swallow at the same timetime. From what I understand this is normal for premies. But tonight son called to say that we can now go up and hold her, so tomorrow after I get off, we will make the hour and a half drive over. I cant wait! She will be an addition to what we prepare for in life. As these little granddaughters get bigger they, they will learn life lessons on how to be more self sufficient in life and how to raise and grow their own. The almost 3 year old already comes to help with the animals and out in the garden. Just have to make it fun and in whatever level they are on at the time. I want my grandkids exposed to this way of life. If and when the time comes, they will know what they can do to help the family.
I agree with this being the most important prep of all! Congratulations on the addition to your family and I hope she gets to be going home and healthy soon.
A couple hours ago while I was driving home I had an accident about 4 miles from home. I was coming around a corner and another truck loaded with logs pulled out in front of me from a side road going the other direction. The ******* didn't have his load tied down and a 2 foot diameter log rolled off his trailer right in front of me. I hit the log at about 40 mph. Fortunately I managed to keep the Jeep upright.
The two loggers got a little belligerent at the beginning, but they calmed down once I started taking pictures and they saw my dog and pistol.
I guess the moral of this story is to never drive a low ground clearance vehicle in the mountains and to remain calm in case of an accident. And to keep the proper "tools" in case you need to defend yourself. If I was driving a vehicle with low ground clearance it would have been totaled and probable injuries too.
The biggest problem we have around here are deer hits, they go over the vehicles, sometimes into the car. Deer hits are common. A guy was killed last week on his motorcycle due to a deer hit. No way to prepare for these things. Except the biker might have lived if he had a helmet on.
I guess most really consider this a prrp, but I do. We had a new granddaughter born this last Friday evening, which she came 5 wks early. Her weight was not too bad at 4lbs 11 oz but had to be put on a low oxygen levels to help breath. We were there that evening and did get to go back into the NICU to see her and even hold her hand. She is being feed every 3 hours with a feeding tube since she hasn't learned how to breath, and swallow at the same timetime. From what I understand this is normal for premies. But tonight son called to say that we can now go up and hold her, so tomorrow after I get off, we will make the hour and a half drive over. I cant wait! She will be an addition to what we prepare for in life. As these little granddaughters get bigger they, they will learn life lessons on how to be more self sufficient in life and how to raise and grow their own. The almost 3 year old already comes to help with the animals and out in the garden. Just have to make it fun and in whatever level they are on at the time. I want my grandkids exposed to this way of life. If and when the time comes, they will know what they can do to help the family.
Kids make good berry pickers. LOL. They love to make things too.
Isn’t it a good feeling to not have to worry about having to run out and buy stuff right before a storm. Not to mention when I’m deciding what to have for dinner I have lots to choose from and rarely don’t have a needed ingredient.
My mother called me a month ago, even though she has a pantry, asked if I had some pineapple. sure I said, what kind do you want, crushed, chunk or sliced? It is nice for sure. They live a mile or so away so it is better to come here than drive to town.
Well I started my 4th food pantry after buying more supplies from Walmart and our little nieborhood grocer. It was our gameroom closet with games, party supplies, crafts and decorations. I threw a lot of it out and put all the board games on the very top shelf. I will get more out of there to make more room for preps. Once I see what all I can fit, I will rearrange everything.

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There is a grocer going out of business nearby. Bought several snack size freeze dried fruit. It says best by 113019 but I thought freeze dried lasted a lot longer than that. What gives?
The biggest problem we have around here are deer hits, they go over the vehicles, sometimes into the car. Deer hits are common. A guy was killed last week on his motorcycle due to a deer hit. No way to prepare for these things. Except the biker might have lived if he had a helmet on.

Deer and Elk are a big problem in these parts, my son found out the hard way hitting a elk in Montana at highway speed.
The biggest problem we have around here are deer hits, they go over the vehicles, sometimes into the car. Deer hits are common. A guy was killed last week on his motorcycle due to a deer hit. No way to prepare for these things. Except the biker might have lived if he had a helmet on.
Deer, elk, bear and cows could be on the road at any time around here. Last night coming home from town I came around a corner and a bunch of black cows were standing in the middle of the road. Black cows on a dark road are almost impossible to see.
Deer, elk, bear and cows could be on the road at any time around here. Last night coming home from town I came around a corner and a bunch of black cows were standing in the middle of the road. Black cows on a dark road are almost impossible to see.
A lot of loose barbed wire fences around. A person could get killed easily. At least they are usually slow moving, but at night, man that is an accident in the making.
Back to the going out of business grocer today during lunch. 50% off. Had a cart full, I have never bought so much food at one time in my life. Ahhhhh, security. If they go down to 75% I will go back and see if there are some things left, maybe stuff I don't buy because of how much they cost. Pays to have the cost book, some items even at 50% off I was able to purchase some where else for less. Still too high on canned milk, soups and canned sauces. Funny how some people think well it is half off so it is a bargain, but it isn't if you can go down to the next little store and buy it for less at regular price.
I’m working on restocking my freezer with meats. Just got the sirloin steaks on sale at least. I still want chicken, turkey and hams. Thanksgiving is good for turkeys, and I will get 8 or 10 while they are on sale. I almost got turkey breasts for 1.25 lb the other day. Kind of regret I didn’t. Oh well. I mostly cleaned out the freezer over the last few months and it’s just time to restock.
A lot of loose barbed wire fences around. A person could get killed easily. At least they are usually slow moving, but at night, man that is an accident in the making.
It's all open range around where I live so there are no fences. This time of year it's common for many of the range cows to start making their way out of the mountains and down the road down to their home ranch. The ranchers will push them back up until the road until it starts snowing.
It's all open range around where I live so there are no fences. This time of year it's common for many of the range cows to start making their way out of the mountains and down the road down to their home ranch. The ranchers will push them back up until the road until it starts snowing.
What are they homing cows? LOL. Do they have their calves up there? How do they keep from getting eaten by predators? Even around here if cows are getting ready to birth the farmers will go out in the night and drive around the pastures looking for newborns to bring in before the coyotes get them. My ranching knowledge is limited. But, I'm interested in this.
I've picked up a load of books on wine/mead, livestock, growing medicinals, etc., some preserving mason jars, and crochet hooks, and tomorrow I'm getting some more demijohns and another solar shower bag. Really looking forward to my first batch of homebrew!
What are they homing cows? LOL. Do they have their calves up there? How do they keep from getting eaten by predators? Even around here if cows are getting ready to birth the farmers will go out in the night and drive around the pastures looking for newborns to bring in before the coyotes get them. My ranching knowledge is limited. But, I'm interested in this.
I thought about predators too when I read this.
I've picked up a load of books on wine/mead, livestock, growing medicinals, etc., some preserving mason jars, and crochet hooks, and tomorrow I'm getting some more demijohns and another solar shower bag. Really looking forward to my first batch of homebrew!
The mead is interesting but was just too sweet for me. The wine has been a really cool hobby, and gets easier with every batch you make. I’m sipping on a muscadine right now that’s better than 99% of any of the wines I’ve ever bought. I like to gift bottles to friends pretty frequently too. I’d rather give something that I made than just run to Walmart and buy a gift and card for someone.
I just came in from pouring the well house slab. I ended up making it a little larger, going with a 9’ by 6’ slab. I need to make it so the roof can come off over the well casing so the pump can be replaced or repaired down the road. I kind of have a design in mind but am kind of winging this as I go. As soon as I get the roof and sides in place I can install the filter! That’s my main goal right now, Orange free toilets again.....
I've picked up a load of books on wine/mead, livestock, growing medicinals, etc., some preserving mason jars, and crochet hooks, and tomorrow I'm getting some more demijohns and another solar shower bag. Really looking forward to my first batch of homebrew!
I made some apple wine and it was great, I also made elderberry, tastes fruity but is has a lot of alcohol in it. I am considering putting it out to freeze when the weather gets real cold, scooping the ice off and having some jack to keep for medicinal purposes.
The mead is interesting but was just too sweet for me. The wine has been a really cool hobby, and gets easier with every batch you make. I’m sipping on a muscadine right now that’s better than 99% of any of the wines I’ve ever bought. I like to gift bottles to friends pretty frequently too. I’d rather give something that I made than just run to Walmart and buy a gift and card for someone.

Yep, I tend to give home-made things, too. A few years back I made Yule cards for close friends, each one 2 hours' worth of hand-painted mediaeval hares and foliate borders. Great fun but very labour intensive! Easier are medjool dates stuffed with peanut butter and dipped in dark chocolate and candied orange peel with chilli chocolate.

I made some apple wine and it was great, I also made elderberry, tastes fruity but is has a lot of alcohol in it. I am considering putting it out to freeze when the weather gets real cold, scooping the ice off and having some jack to keep for medicinal purposes.

Elderberry's one of my favourite wines, and very good for you, apparently.
What are they homing cows? LOL. Do they have their calves up there? How do they keep from getting eaten by predators? Even around here if cows are getting ready to birth the farmers will go out in the night and drive around the pastures looking for newborns to bring in before the coyotes get them. My ranching knowledge is limited. But, I'm interested in this.
"Homing cows". I like that. A lot of springs and water holes start drying up late in the summer so some of the cows start heading down out of the mountains looking for water or better feed.
Every rancher loses a few cows/calves to predators; wolves, mountain lions or bears. It's just part of doing business.
Later in the Fall the ranchers get together and round up all their cattle and drive them down to their winter range, usually at their home base, for feeding and calving. Calving around here is usually between December and March. Some guys leave their bulls with their cows year round so they could calve at any time.
Yep, I tend to give home-made things, too. A few years back I made Yule cards for close friends, each one 2 hours' worth of hand-painted mediaeval hares and foliate borders. Great fun but very labour intensive! Easier are medjool dates stuffed with peanut butter and dipped in dark chocolate and candied orange peel with chilli chocolate.

Elderberry's one of my favourite wines, and very good for you, apparently.
BlackBerry is one of my favorites. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an elderberry, but would try fermenting it in a second. If you were close I’d trade wine for candied dates in a heartbeat!
The wife and I took the day off yesterday to go metal detecting at an old mining and town site on the north part of our property. We've been wanting to go up there for quite awhile. We didn't find anything of real value, but we did find some old hand tools, parts of a wood cook stove and a lot of old bottles. Next time we go we'll dig through some of the old houses. There's also an old stage stop in the area.

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