Brent, Sears has a DieHard Advanced Gold AGM marine/RV battery on sale right now. It's I think about a 92 amp hour battery, for 138 bucks. The Q&A says it's a 105 amp hour, but one of the reviewers said the battery says "92 amp hours". They both could be right because amp hour ratings are based on the time of discharge, and marine batteries use a different rating than car batteries.
It's an online only sale so you have to buy it online for in-store pickup. If we still had a Sears here I'd pick up one today...but the nearest Sears is north of Atlanta, and the cost of driving up there cancels out the savings for me. You might be close enough...
I couldn't find "AGM" in the description, but if you look at the picture of the battery, it says "Genuine AGM" under where it says "Advanced". This line of batteries are all AGM.
It does say "Exchange price" but the last time I bought a battery at Sears for an inverter (when we still
HAD a Sears
) they waived the core charge when I told them what it was for.
Here is the battery: