This weeks preps check-in

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We got the propane connected to the house today. The furnace is on so we have heat in the house now. Still can't find anyone to hang the drywall yet. The wood stove will be hooked up later this week. I need to start looking for a big chunk of walnut or oak for the mantle. The builder started putting siding on the house today. The redwood for the deck was delivered last week. The house will have about a 1,000 sqft of redwood deck on 3 sides. We're hoping to have the house finished by mid March, before the road turns to mud.
We have a farm kill truck come up to butcher our pigs. My brother in law has a farm kill truck too but he lives in another State.
Eventually I plan on building a small butcher shop for processing the chickens and wild game. For the pigs and beef I'll call the guy.
Pigs are really not that hard. Once they get over 300 we will send off though. The little ones are not an issue. Basically cut in 6 parts for the pit for the majority. The head will always get saved for head cheese, sausage or scrapple.
We got the propane connected to the house today. The furnace is on so we have heat in the house now. Still can't find anyone to hang the drywall yet. The wood stove will be hooked up later this week. I need to start looking for a big chunk of walnut or oak for the mantle. The builder started putting siding on the house today. The redwood for the deck was delivered last week. The house will have about a 1,000 sqft of redwood deck on 3 sides. We're hoping to have the house finished by mid March, before the road turns to mud.
I haven’t seen any redwood around for a number of years now. Beautiful stuff but scarce around here. You can usually find guys with the portable saw mills and find good mantel material.
Getting some more oak flooring installed right now. (Got tired and decided to break for this for a few minutes). I will have 3/4’s of it done in an hour or so! Looking forwards to moving on to installing the bookcase and two closets on each side of it. This room should have been finished 10 years ago. Oh well, better late than never....
I haven’t seen any redwood around for a number of years now. Beautiful stuff but scarce around here. You can usually find guys with the portable saw mills and find good mantel material.
Yeah redwood is getting hard to find, and very expensive too.
There's a couple portable mills around here buy I'll have to go out of the area to find a walnut or oak log. I'd like to find a timber out of an old barn that's already been seasoned.
Yeah redwood is getting hard to find, and very expensive too.
There's a couple portable mills around here buy I'll have to go out of the area to find a walnut or oak log. I'd like to find a timber out of an old barn that's already been seasoned.
I remember a guy trying to sell me reclaimed boards from an old place. It was well worn chestnut, with holes and damage from the removal. I was interested until he said it was three times the cost of new flooring. I’m really into repurposed materials, but not when it’s more expensive than new.
Yeah, flooring is finally done and I installed the last of the cabinets that I got from my sisters remodeling. That’s just the last of the ones used in this room anyways, I still have enough to deck out my laundry room too, but that will be the next project. I’m really glad she decided to remodel! This was a lot easier than building from scratch and these were free. I will make a closet unit on each side of this cabinet and will share my office with the master bedroom. Done working for the day now and will enjoy some of the muscadine wine now!
That floor looks superb, BrentS!

I went out to see a lovely wee property yesterday: ~800 sq.ft. bungalow, full-footprint loft with lighting and about half floored, wood burner; 3.6 kW output solar panels that brings a bit of income from feeding into the national grid; hen run, small summer house, mostly south-facing garden, raised beds, greenhouse with established grape vine, small but well-established top-fruit orchard, shed with storage on one side and second hen/goat house on the other, space for a humanure compost heap. Comes with plenty of split wood and trunks ready for splitting - and no problems getting more in Dumfries and Galloway!

It's on a rutted track with an agricultural farm at the far end, so I'd need a landrover or similar. I'd need to work on the loft and the garden, but the house doesn't need a lot of work other than redecorating - right now, it sports some of the most startling wallpaper I've ever seen!
That floor looks superb, BrentS!

I went out to see a lovely wee property yesterday: ~800 sq.ft. bungalow, full-footprint loft with lighting and about half floored, wood burner; 3.6 kW output solar panels that brings a bit of income from feeding into the national grid; hen run, small summer house, mostly south-facing garden, raised beds, greenhouse with established grape vine, small but well-established top-fruit orchard, shed with storage on one side and second hen/goat house on the other, space for a humanure compost heap. Comes with plenty of split wood and trunks ready for splitting - and no problems getting more in Dumfries and Galloway!

It's on a rutted track with an agricultural farm at the far end, so I'd need a landrover or similar. I'd need to work on the loft and the garden, but the house doesn't need a lot of work other than redecorating - right now, it sports some of the most startling wallpaper I've ever seen!
Sounds promising!

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Thanks, Doreena :) I'm trying not to pin my heart on my sleeve for it just yet, though! There are at least three other very nice properties that I've got to get out to see, and there will be more that I haven't found as things around here often go on word-of-mouth rather than estate agent adverts.
I wish you good luck in finding a great place. I have been looking for over a year, found two very good places, came to a verbal agreement, but when it came to the finalization it just wouldn’t go. So I keep on looking...

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I hired a new painting contractor today. This guys from out of the area.
The plumber still hasn't shown up yet to finish the plumbing. So now the drywallers can't finish hanging the sheetrock. If the local plumber doesn't show by Friday I'll fire him too. I found another plumber, also from out of the area, that can come out next week. I'll have to pay travel time, but it'll be worth it to replace the local guy.
I hired a new painting contractor today. This guys from out of the area.
The plumber still hasn't shown up yet to finish the plumbing. So now the drywallers can't finish hanging the sheetrock. If the local plumber doesn't show by Friday I'll fire him too. I found another plumber, also from out of the area, that can come out next week. I'll have to pay travel time, but it'll be worth it to replace the local guy.
I always seem to find flaky contractors. For the amount of money they charge, you would think they would be eager to show up and get the job done.
added some israeli bandages and rats-touriquets to my preps.

..and had a semi-serious talk with my bro,from wed he will send me a txt msg,I'll have to send one back,just so that we know all is well,same time every day,he's kinda "semi-prepping" ;)
it's nice to see the change,but a child does that.
We have changed our cell phone provider. We were paying $216 per month. We went with a different carrier and we are now paying $90.00 per month. They also pay for our Amazon Prime. We had two separate accounts for Amazon Prime. My husband paid his up front for the year. I paid month to month. We realized that was dumb. So now we have one account under the mobile service.

The other thing we have been doing is watching Netflix a show called, "Tidying Up" with Marie Kondo. She is a Japanese lady that shows people how to get rid of clutter in their home. My friend (who admits to being overwhelmed by decluttering and a little bit of a hoarder) told me about her. She finds her to be calming and watching her show has motivated her to declutter. I was curious about what could motivate her. I watched the show, my husband was with me, and he started cleaning out drawers while the show was on. I always initiate the cleaning process around here. So I was intrigued and kept watching. He cleaned out all of his drawers, and then went on to mine. I love this show! So this morning I started on the closet. He came in and started on his side to. I finished. I only occupy 1/3 of the closet, he occupies the other 2/3 of the closet. I am finished. I found a large stack of things that brought me "no joy" as Marie Kondo says. He is still working on his half, but he is getting there.

It feels like prepping on a level that lets you know what you really need, what you don't need, and what you already have.
We have changed our cell phone provider. We were paying $216 per month. We went with a different carrier and we are now paying $90.00 per month. They also pay for our Amazon Prime. We had two separate accounts for Amazon Prime. My husband paid his up front for the year. I paid month to month. We realized that was dumb. So now we have one account under the mobile service.

The other thing we have been doing is watching Netflix a show called, "Tidying Up" with Marie Kondo. She is a Japanese lady that shows people how to get rid of clutter in their home. My friend (who admits to being overwhelmed by decluttering and a little bit of a hoarder) told me about her. She finds her to be calming and watching her show has motivated her to declutter. I was curious about what could motivate her. I watched the show, my husband was with me, and he started cleaning out drawers while the show was on. I always initiate the cleaning process around here. So I was intrigued and kept watching. He cleaned out all of his drawers, and then went on to mine. I love this show! So this morning I started on the closet. He came in and started on his side to. I finished. I only occupy 1/3 of the closet, he occupies the other 2/3 of the closet. I am finished. I found a large stack of things that brought me "no joy" as Marie Kondo says. He is still working on his half, but he is getting there.

It feels like prepping on a level that lets you know what you really need, what you don't need, and what you already have.

Getting rid of useless kibble, no matter how nice it might be otherwise, is always refreshing :) I'm staying with my cousin while I house-hunt, doing handy work in lieu of rent. My cousin's partner died a couple of years ago and a LOT of stuff got shoved into the garage and potting shed, so I'm helping them clear it out - what stays, what goes and where does it go (secondhand shop, sell, recycle, bin, etc.). It's all good.
Getting rid of old stuff really is refreshing. I’m hoping to take a load to goodwill tomorrow. I may call habitat though as they will come pick it up. I have a nice couch and loveseat, old kenwood stereo with speakers, a lg screen tv, wedding dress, a load of clothes and some other misc. stuff. I figure if I haven’t used any of this for over six months then I can live without it!
I bought some 1/10th oz gold coins today on eBay. If anyone is thinking of gold or silver ebay is the cheapest place to buy it. You still have to search and compare from the different vendors, but you can buy close to the spot price most days. I want something that isn’t tied to the economy of any country in case there is a depression. I think of the people in places like Venezuela that worked hard, saved and invested only to have their currency devalued down to nothing.
Getting rid of old stuff really is refreshing. I’m hoping to take a load to goodwill tomorrow. I may call habitat though as they will come pick it up. I have a nice couch and loveseat, old kenwood stereo with speakers, a lg screen tv, wedding dress, a load of clothes and some other misc. stuff. I figure if I haven’t used any of this for over six months then I can live without it!

I need the tv if it works and has HD that work with a tv antena.the one i hav went out on me..
I need the tv if it works and has HD that work with a tv antena.the one i hav went out on me..
If you were closer it would be yours Jim! I’m afraid the drive here would cost you more than the tv is worth. I would have kept it for years but my son bought me a new one that is smarter than the old smart one. Complete waste on me though, I don’t do anything near what it can do. Normally I’m not a huge tv fan anyways, but today is rainy and cold so I’m relaxing in front of it all day. Got the pit curled up against me right now too. Pretty good day.
Getting rid of old stuff really is refreshing. I’m hoping to take a load to goodwill tomorrow. I may call habitat though as they will come pick it up. I have a nice couch and loveseat, old kenwood stereo with speakers, a lg screen tv, wedding dress, a load of clothes and some other misc. stuff. I figure if I haven’t used any of this for over six months then I can live without it!
I have the same philosophy, except I will go a year before I get rid of things. I need to go through my place soon and take a load to the resale shop. I go to a local resale shop that supports a homeless shelter.
I have the same philosophy, except I will go a year before I get rid of things. I need to go through my place soon and take a load to the resale shop. I go to a local resale shop that supports a homeless shelter.

We ended up with 3 lawn bags by the time it was done. I gave them to my friend. She is living on her own for the first time. She is having financial difficulty. I told her she could take them to the resale shop and keep the money. I don’t have time for that right now. She was happy to do it.
We ended up with 3 lawn bags by the time it was done. I gave them to my friend. She is living on her own for the first time. She is having financial difficulty. I told her she could take them to the resale shop and keep the money. I don’t have time for that right now. She was happy to do it.
That’s like me, I know I could sell it and make a little money, but am glad to be able to help someone else with it. I did not make it this weekend though.... it’s on my list though!
Ok, for the technologically literate people out there, this is probably lame, but I am really siked right now! I got a new computer for the office just before the end of the year. Well today I finally pulled it out of the box and set it up. I transferred everything over to the cloud and then managed to remember all the passwords to the programs I use most. Everything is up and running great now! Ok it was pretty simple to do, but I’m really pleased I figured it out. When you plug it in the computer talks to you (Cortana) and pretty much helps you through setup. Even an old fart like me can do it! Welcome to the 21st century! Ok, my son was watching over my shoulder most of the time, but I didn’t even need him.....

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