The electric peeps finally deemed us worthy enough to put up our electric poles, 3 of them. We just gotta connect it to the house, about 50 feet, and we will have juice. Lucked out, my niece's husband works for the electric people and is willing to help us trench the wire and hook us up, saving us some dough. Once that happens things will progress quickly and we can get moved.
Had another bout of renting equipment for the road. Electric people's truck got stuck, requiring a tractor to pull it out. Luckily we knew someone. But the huge trucks and tractor took a bit of toll on our road. Didn't help Oklahoma got a crap ton of storms that night and totally messed up our single lane road leading to our house. Thank goodness hubby's boss is a good sport and let him take the day off to fix it. Going to go pack it down better after dinner tonight.
Got a few things planted in big tubs out there, as well. A few tomato, peppers, and jalapeno plants. The spot we have picked out to extend the garden area at the moment is covered with a huge pile of down trees from the clearing of the place. They'll make a big pile of cut logs soon.
Hubby said, in good spirits, to get used to this kind of stuff, it comes with country living. haha
Oh yeah, on another side note, finally got the hubby to consider a composting toilet. Why? Well, funds ran out to dig our septic and with imminent moving soon, says we can give it a go 'while we save up for a septic'. It is my hope he realizes that it's actually beneficial. A grey water septic that will be needed will be way easier on us to get done quickly.
I'm just so darn excited and antsy to get out there. Can y'all tell?