Hope she stays safe. The news is very scary... so many ways that can be interpreted, especially about the volcanologist...I have no updates on my preps, I'll just fill you in on the Wife and I'll keep it short
Wife has been in California, she was requested by her old boss from the USGS after the 7.1EQ. She called last night and said there are a lot of concerns with the Seismologist including the earthquake specialist from NASA, there were no greet and smile when she arrived, she described it as walking into a scientific void, the USGS also sent a team of Volcanologist from Hawaii to California, she will call tonight and fill me in on why they were called in. Today she is spending time out in the field with two geophysicist from MIT. She described the whole theater down their as ominous.
Throughout the conversation with her and sometimes cryptic, I taken that she has a big concern and feels uneasy about being their.
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