This weeks preps check-in

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I did that last week. All rifles are dead on at 100 yards. They have all been cleaned and oiled and ready for active duty, if called upon. As soon as the reloading press gets here, I will bolt it down and start the process of reloading more ammo.

You must be one helluva marksman if you are going to shoot all those corona virus germs :)
Well, with all this free time lately I’ve been doing much needed and neglected yard work. I pruned all the fruit trees and grape vines, got about a third of the blackberries weeded, mowed between the blueberries and just started weeding at the bases of them, got the greenhouse tilled and planted and mowed the main garden. This has been a weeks worth of fun so far. I still have two weeks worth of yard stuff planned. I had really let this place go... when this is over I’m going to hire somebody. Hopefully this will help with producing more this year, and hopefully I won’t have to rely on eating it to keep fed!

My husband is grouching around that this whole lock down thing is hard work.
We only have a balcony since the borders are closed and we cannot make it to Hungary. We just planted potatoes, garlic, parsley, basil, snap beans, green beans, pinto beans and thyme in bigger boxes. They are on the south side and looking into the sun. Lets hope it is only for the fun and activity and not really for the need. GP
It’s a good healthy hobby anyways. But there’s a very real chance it will be a lot more than that this year.
For those of you that grow and use herbs you may want to stock up on seeds for your favorite herbs. Mountain Rose herbs which is where I get many of my teas and dried herbs has had to close filling orders to catch up. So I would suggest if you don't have them already to order some seeds to your favorite medicinal and culinary herbs. I topped off my seed stash with some fresh herb seeds and received them yesterday so many of the seed companies are still shipping. Those herbal teas are great and those dried herbs can make those bland food stores taste a whole lot better. I like to grow garlic. basil, chives, mint, lemon balm, echinacea, chamomile, catmint, dill and borage. Also the plantain is starting to sprout as the weather warms. I like to harvest that first growth of plantain as I think it is the strongest and best for plantain salve.
For those of you that grow and use herbs you may want to stock up on seeds for your favorite herbs. Mountain Rose herbs which is where I get many of my teas and dried herbs has had to close filling orders to catch up. So I would suggest if you don't have them already to order some seeds to your favorite medicinal and culinary herbs. I topped off my seed stash with some fresh herb seeds and received them yesterday so many of the seed companies are still shipping. Those herbal teas are great and those dried herbs can make those bland food stores taste a whole lot better. I like to grow garlic. basil, chives, mint, lemon balm, echinacea, chamomile, catmint, dill and borage. Also the plantain is starting to sprout as the weather warms. I like to harvest that first growth of plantain as I think it is the strongest and best for plantain salve.
Southern exposure seed exchange is another good source of seeds for the south East. I ordered some but have more seed collections in my freezer. I seed store myself, plantain is right outside my door, but I didn’t know that the younger ones are more potent.

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Southern exposure seed exchange is another good source of seeds for the south East. I ordered some but have more seed collections in my freezer. I seed store myself, plantain is right outside my door, but I didn’t know that the younger ones are more potent.

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I have never tried Southern Exposure. I will have to take a look at them. Thanks
We're still a couple months away from being able to start on the garden. (I really need to get that greenhouse built this year). We've got enough seeds to last for years. The wife wants to get a couple grow lights and start some seeds inside the root cellar. Its unclear at this point when she'll be able to come home from work to help out around here.
We're starting to see some green grass popping up in some bare patches of ground now. The snow is melting fast and the pond is almost ice free in places.
I've got a load of hay on the trailer that I need to unload. The frost is going out of the ground now and it's too soft to drive to the barn, so I'm kind of stuck in the road right now. I'll probably just leave the trailer there and cover the hay with some tarps. Hopefully I can get my truck out and around the trailer.
With the snow melting off now I can start on fence repairs soon. Part of the west line is almost snow free. I may start there today.
I love spring time in the mountains. Our summer birds are starting to show back up to nest, the deer and elk will soon be making their way up here, the baby calves are running around playing and enjoying the warm sun. I think I have 4 more cows left to calve.
If I didn't turn the tv on, or read the postings on this site, I wouldn't know that there was a crisis going on in the world. From here everything looks normal.
Soon I'll start prepping for next winter. Life goes on.
We're still a couple months away from being able to start on the garden. (I really need to get that greenhouse built this year). We've got enough seeds to last for years. The wife wants to get a couple grow lights and start some seeds inside the root cellar. Its unclear at this point when she'll be able to come home from work to help out around here.
We're starting to see some green grass popping up in some bare patches of ground now. The snow is melting fast and the pond is almost ice free in places.
I've got a load of hay on the trailer that I need to unload. The frost is going out of the ground now and it's too soft to drive to the barn, so I'm kind of stuck in the road right now. I'll probably just leave the trailer there and cover the hay with some tarps. Hopefully I can get my truck out and around the trailer.
With the snow melting off now I can start on fence repairs soon. Part of the west line is almost snow free. I may start there today.
I love spring time in the mountains. Our summer birds are starting to show back up to nest, the deer and elk will soon be making their way up here, the baby calves are running around playing and enjoying the warm sun. I think I have 4 more cows left to calve.
If I didn't turn the tv on, or read the postings on this site, I wouldn't know that there was a crisis going on in the world. From here everything looks normal.
Soon I'll start prepping for next winter. Life goes on.
I am glad for you to have that setting. Hope you all stay healthy. And build some sort of green house. I have seen some interesting ideas that are supposed to work up north that you don’t have to heat and take only led grow lights. I am sure you have already done some research, but just in case you haven’t started yet....

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We're still a couple months away from being able to start on the garden. (I really need to get that greenhouse built this year). We've got enough seeds to last for years. The wife wants to get a couple grow lights and start some seeds inside the root cellar. Its unclear at this point when she'll be able to come home from work to help out around here.
We're starting to see some green grass popping up in some bare patches of ground now. The snow is melting fast and the pond is almost ice free in places.
I've got a load of hay on the trailer that I need to unload. The frost is going out of the ground now and it's too soft to drive to the barn, so I'm kind of stuck in the road right now. I'll probably just leave the trailer there and cover the hay with some tarps. Hopefully I can get my truck out and around the trailer.
With the snow melting off now I can start on fence repairs soon. Part of the west line is almost snow free. I may start there today.
I love spring time in the mountains. Our summer birds are starting to show back up to nest, the deer and elk will soon be making their way up here, the baby calves are running around playing and enjoying the warm sun. I think I have 4 more cows left to calve.
If I didn't turn the tv on, or read the postings on this site, I wouldn't know that there was a crisis going on in the world. From here everything looks normal.
Soon I'll start prepping for next winter. Life goes on.

Before you build your greenhouse If I may suggest some research material. Both tried and tested older publications by a well respected author that will help you get the most food production out of your greenhouse dollars. Especially in a Northern growing situation where extreme cold temp are the norm. Building, covering and heating a greenhouse can be a costly endeavor in the North.

Four Season Harvest: 1992 By Elliott Coleman

provides a simple and elegant way for gardeners in any climate to grow vegetables year-round using inexpensive techniques.

The Winter Harvest Handbook: 2009 By Elliott Coleman

Year Round Vegetable Production Using Deep-Organic Techniques and Unheated Greenhouses
Book by Eliot Coleman
Before you build your greenhouse If I may suggest some research material. Both tried and tested older publications by a well respected author that will help you get the most food production out of your greenhouse dollars. Especially in a Northern growing situation where extreme cold temp are the norm. Building, covering and heating a greenhouse can be a costly endeavor in the North.

Four Season Harvest: 1992 By Elliott Coleman

provides a simple and elegant way for gardeners in any climate to grow vegetables year-round using inexpensive techniques.

The Winter Harvest Handbook: 2009 By Elliott Coleman

Year Round Vegetable Production Using Deep-Organic Techniques and Unheated Greenhouses
Book by Eliot Coleman
Thanks for the info. I'll pass it on to my wife since she has internet access at work. She's the smart one. I just do the heavy work around here.
It'll be nice the get some fresh vegetables for a longer period of time.
I seed store myself, plantain is right outside my door, but I didn’t know that the younger ones are more potent.
I mix 60% plantain,20 % stinging nettels, 10% dandelion and 10% thistles together, chopped up small, pack them into a 2 quart jar, cover them with moonshine, vodka or other clear alcohol and let the whole thing stand in the east window for 4-6 weeks. After it all turns black, filter the alcohol from all plants, add some honey to taste and you have a wonderful cough syrup, which also helps reduce the amount of meds for needend asthma, bronchitis and other lung problems. A small shot the first few days ONLY right before bed, after 5 days only a tablespoon is enough. GP
I mix 60% plantain,20 % stinging nettels, 10% dandelion and 10% thistles together, chopped up small, pack them into a 2 quart jar, cover them with moonshine, vodka or other clear alcohol and let the whole thing stand in the east window for 4-6 weeks. After it all turns black, filter the alcohol from all plants, add some honey to taste and you have a wonderful cough syrup, which also helps reduce the amount of meds for needend asthma, bronchitis and other lung problems. A small shot the first few days ONLY right before bed, after 5 days only a tablespoon is enough. GP
I’m not knocking it and it may work well, but honestly that sounds terrible! :confused:
I’m not knocking it and it may work well, but honestly that sounds terrible! :confused:

Brent you may like mine better. Half a pint jar of whiskey of your choice, top it off with honey. Throw in about a dozen hard peppermint candies. Let sit till they melt and refrigerate. Helps the cough. If it doesn't you don't really care.
Brent you may like mine better. Half a pint jar of whiskey of your choice, top it off with honey. Throw in about a dozen hard peppermint candies. Let sit till they melt and refrigerate. Helps the cough. If it doesn't you don't really care.
Now we’re talking! I don’t like whiskey or most liquors but they can definitely help clear the airways and ease the discomfort. That combination sounds like a great idea to bottle and market as a new business venture!
GARY has been busy today...he found one of the three pumpkins from last year in the cellar between all the other goodies. He also found 6 beautiful apples, some leftover flour, sugar and a couple of eggs.....
Then he borrowed some eggs (since he does not prep) and mix all those good things together and got it REAL hot...
Look what happened to it all:

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Just be certain of the research on what a safe dosage is and don’t try to test new limits. Keep yourself safe.

We only use what's been proven for decades to work. I own the book and many research pdfs. We are using it now and I will be sharing our experience with it. We have several of us using it now on maintenance doses.
We only use what's been proven for decades to work. I own the book and many research pdfs. We are using it now and I will be sharing our experience with it. We have several of us using it now on maintenance doses.
One example is my now deceased father in law was a body builder. He was taking a powdered egg white supplement to help bulk up. He saw quick results so decided to triple the amount of what was recommended. He got some sort of discoloration on both of his lower legs. The doctor finally traced it down to the egg protein stuff and told him to never touch it again. He had those dark patches on him for decades up to his death. So the moral of the story is always be aware of not having too much of a good thing. I am not a big believer in the stuff, but liked what Kate said about it. If taken in small enough and known amounts to be safe what is it hurting? And maybe one day science will prove it does have value for this or other things. Science is an ever evolving and improving thing.
One example is my now deceased father in law was a body builder. He was taking a powdered egg white supplement to help bulk up. He saw quick results so decided to triple the amount of what was recommended. He got some sort of discoloration on both of his lower legs. The doctor finally traced it down to the egg protein stuff and told him to never touch it again. He had those dark patches on him for decades up to his death. So the moral of the story is always be aware of not having too much of a good thing. I am not a big believer in the stuff, but liked what Kate said about it. If taken in small enough and known amounts to be safe what is it hurting? And maybe one day science will prove it does have value for this or other things. Science is an ever evolving and improving thing.

Science has proved its value. Pharmaceutical companies will never test it in there labs or pay for studies to be submitted to the FDA. They would be out of business, they cant patent chlorine dioxide or make any profit from marketing it. It's been used safely by 100s of thousands of people worldwide for over 40 years. Not one reported death from its proper use. Side effects are manageable and not serious. Side effects are mostly due to toxins rapidly being expelled from your body. It's a scientific fact less aspirin will kill you before this will. And the doses recommended are 100s of times less than that.
Funny Rellgar, with the statements of only 2 witnesses, you can get a guilty verdict and be sent to the gas chamber or the electric chair...but after 75,000 people being cured within 4-8 hours from malaria by MMS, ++++NOBODY WANTS TO BELIEVE++++
After a whole generation in the US was poisoned by their doctors (supposedly High blood pressure) they found out it was just the nervousness of the persons in the waiting room after reading the scare tactics of the pharma industry.
After a whole generation in the US stopped eating eggs because they were told that "eggs and only eggs" WERE the cause of high cholesterol...
After a whole generation in the US stopped using butter because MARGARINE: "so much more healthier" is that butter, (flies will not TOUCH margarine even tho they do and will eat any type of dead animal or even ****)...
Some people just will keep on believing what is in the propaganda of the industry and the lies of the lobby who are only trying to get their share of the pie and make more millions of dollars off of those who want to believe this simple answer and do not, can not, will not or refuse to do their own research...Gary
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Shops are getting desperate so I took advantage and bought three pairs of approach shoes I wear EDC, five pairs of Jeans and Cargos and ten Polos whilst all are being offered at much lower prices. EG shoes £29.95 instead of £49.95 a pair. A lot of my favourite clothing is imported inc all the above. I dont think they will be available for a long long term after this pandemic.

WHY WHY WHY WHY OH WHYYYYYYYYY can I not buy decent double stitched leather belts at NORMAL prices in the UK ?? I have to rely on friends going to the US to buy decent leather goods at sensible prices.
Shops are getting desperate so I took advantage and bought three pairs of approach shoes I wear EDC, five pairs of Jeans and Cargos and ten Polos whilst all are being offered at much lower prices. EG shoes £29.95 instead of £49.95 a pair. A lot of my favourite clothing is imported inc all the above. I dont think they will be available for a long long term after this pandemic.

WHY WHY WHY WHY OH WHYYYYYYYYY can I not buy decent double stitched leather belts at NORMAL prices in the UK ?? I have to rely on friends going to the US to buy decent leather goods at sensible prices.
Yeah, I’m going to buy jeans, sock, under ware and t shirts online today. Think about long term stuff you may need down the road. We don’t know how all this is going to end up.
Yeah, I’m going to buy jeans, sock, under ware and t shirts online today. Think about long term stuff you may need down the road. We don’t know how all this is going to end up.
If you want some good quality clothing that will last, check out: They're running some good sales right now
I've decided to sell some of my surplus guns. So yesterday I took my laptop to town in order to get on the internet to check on gun values. There's only 2 places in town that I know of to get on the internet; the laundromat and the library. Both places were closed. I hope this overreaction to the flu is over soon.
If you want some good quality clothing that will last, check out: They're running some good sales right now
This is becoming an apoplectic/economic event (not really, but maybe), I’m shopping Don’t care about fashion here and jeans last better than most things. Walmart generic jeans are hard to beat price wise.