This weeks preps check-in

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Glad you are okay. Couple months ago I got out of bed one morning and the world started swimming. I fell and hit the large oak bed table beside my bed. Hubby grabbed me up and carried me to the car and we were Emergency room bound. Ended up with a concussion and after tests determined that I had vertigo. Woke up next morning to 2 black eyes and the entire side of my face black and blue. Still get dizzy if I stand up too fast or turn my head too quickly. I now have a walker with wheels that I use when I start getting dizzy. Now that garden season is upon us Hubby has threatened to put all terrain tires on my walker. Talk about feel old. Stay safe
I had a bout with vertigo as well, but not so bad as that. I went to a friend who is a physical therapist and he moved my head around to work the crystals that were apparently causing the vertigo and I haven’t had any problems since. Depending on what is causing yours, there may be exercises on line you can try at home if you don’t want to go to a pt.

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Miatas are cool little cars and fun to drive, but agree there not great for carrying a 2nd bag of groceries! There are lots of clubs for them around here. I see groups of them driving together in the mountains with 30+ cars together. They definitely obtained a cult status.
Of course this was pre covid times....
Probably going to the tail of the dragon...

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Probably going to the tail of the dragon...

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Been there a lot. We have a whole lot of good curvy roads around here that are fun to drive. Sometimes I miss the bikes but I’ve broken enough bones over the years....
I was getting into an 18 wheeler in the driving school where I was the boss in Stuttgart in April of 2017. As I was getting in, I hit my head on the roof of the door jam, I blacked out and only got caught by the other instructor. Jammed my neck, went deaf in the left ear, ripped off the bone protrusions off of my 4th lumbar vertebrae and had epileptic spasms for 8 months, lying on the floor for up to 6 hours at a time...after 2 years of taking pain pills they found out about the vertebrae and operated. That was a year ago now as of April 2020. Dizziness is scary, you have no control anymore and I am too heavy with 200 lbs. for my 120 lb wife to hold...she just threw a blanket over me and left me on the floor till I could get up by myself again a few hours problems since Jan. 2018 but still have no drivers license yet. Working on that again in May.
Yeesh! Glad your better at least. Makes my general aches and pains seem pretty insignificant!
Last night I fell asleep in my recliner. Around 3 am the damn chair fell over backwards and folded up on me. I had a hell of a time getting out of that death trap. When I got the light turned there was blood all over. I cut the back of my hand pretty bad. Not sure on what though. Worse thing is the dang dog never woke up while I was flopping around trying to get out of that chair.
You just never know what's going to bite you in the a$$, or when.
Dang that's terrifying. I'm glad you weren't more seriously hurt. Hope your hand is okay.
I had a bout with vertigo as well, but not so bad as that. I went to a friend who is a physical therapist and he moved my head around to work the crystals that were apparently causing the vertigo and I haven’t had any problems since. Depending on what is causing yours, there may be exercises on line you can try at home if you don’t want to go to a pt.

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Doreena I have had some pt and it has helped. I am slowly getting better. I guess for some it can take time. Just so scary that you go to bed and think you are healthy and the next morning you are face planting into the furniture. You just never know.
Enjoy each day, tomorrow is promised to no-one. We all prep for something we think we will see coming, a tornado, an hurricane or forest fire. Then there are the things we cannot see coming, EMP, earthquake or volcano. Lastly, there are the things we do not prep for, sudden paralysis, heart attack, vertigo or just a slip of the foot or hand. How do you prep for those? Build a house with no steps so your wheelchair can still get you to the bathroom, have enough food so the spouse can survive till they find another partner, have communication with someone who can and will come help you before you freeze or bleed to death...Hard thoughts that need to be made, also need to be discussed with family and friends. Do we all have our testaments made? Does your spouse know all your passwords to your computers and safes? Do you have a list of where your silver and gold is hidden so it will still help the family if you suddenly expire? Does your family have a full power of attorney to close your bank account or open your Safe Deposit Box? Where are your personal documents in case you go and the kids have to find them? Gotta do some thinking again in case I go dement and the wife can't ask me all the questions up front anymore...Live free, GP
Need to shorten the interval between my archery practice, left myself with a nice raised wiel on my arm where the string smacked me this morning.
Yeah that string can be rough! My fingers were pretty sore the last time I practiced. It’s like anything, practice and build up skill and stamina slowly. I miss my youth for the fact that most things like this came naturally and easily for me then. Now it takes effort.
Doreena I have had some pt and it has helped. I am slowly getting better. I guess for some it can take time. Just so scary that you go to bed and think you are healthy and the next morning you are face planting into the furniture. You just never know.
I know what you mean. I hope you get 100% soon. I know that mine wasn’t that bad, but it was still bad enough!

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Enjoy each day, tomorrow is promised to no-one. We all prep for something we think we will see coming, a tornado, an hurricane or forest fire. Then there are the things we cannot see coming, EMP, earthquake or volcano. Lastly, there are the things we do not prep for, sudden paralysis, heart attack, vertigo or just a slip of the foot or hand. How do you prep for those? Build a house with no steps so your wheelchair can still get you to the bathroom, have enough food so the spouse can survive till they find another partner, have communication with someone who can and will come help you before you freeze or bleed to death...Hard thoughts that need to be made, also need to be discussed with family and friends. Do we all have our testaments made? Does your spouse know all your passwords to your computers and safes? Do you have a list of where your silver and gold is hidden so it will still help the family if you suddenly expire? Does your family have a full power of attorney to close your bank account or open your Safe Deposit Box? Where are your personal documents in case you go and the kids have to find them? Gotta do some thinking again in case I go dement and the wife can't ask me all the questions up front anymore...Live free, GP
Very true. I am going thru just that now. I had to semi hack into Greg’s stuff to do the taxes, let alone trying to do right by his clients. That doesn’t even touch all the prepping stuff that he was responsible for that I never had a chance to learn. Food is fine...I did that part! But there are tons of stuff I am not even sure what it was luck I even found a life insurance policy...and finding another partner seems pretty distant at 63...:D

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and finding another partner seems pretty distant at 63...
I don't even want to think what you are going thru. I get sick to my stomach just thinking of my wife not being here, we still hold hands in our sleep and dance to oldies in the living room at 2 am. Every thing is suddenly turned upside down when you lose somebody, especially if they loved you so much, but ignored the follow-ups of trying to get along without them. I have forced my wife to go with me to do the taxes, drive more, prep with me, learn to do herbal cough syrup, start fires, work in the cellar with rotation of the food and things. The house, the car, the bank account and the trailer are all in her name...all my passwords are written down in a small safe and she knows how to open it, my son too. All my phone numbers are in a book with copies of my passwords...I went to Hungary to work on the house and she stayed in Germany for a total of 2 months alone and got more self-sufficient. She would make it without me. Smart and pretty, just not strong against the coldness and violence of this world sometimes. God bless Doreena, hope you make it well. GP
Very good CF, keep working on doing something every day or two till you learn what works for you and what not. The challenge is to do something you have never tried before and see if the final product is like that what you read about or saw a picture of...Dry some apples or peaches now and see if it works too. GP
I made my first challenge which was to make a kg of dehydrated potatoes and vacuum seal them. I am proud of myself.
Cool, I think that when I go to the grocery store I will get a big sack of potatoes and freeze dry them raw as chunks. I have cooked and mashed freeze dried, but the raw would be better for stews. I have done that with turnips so I don’t think it would be a problem with potatoes.

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Cool, I think that when I go to the grocery store I will get a big sack of potatoes and freeze dry them raw as chunks. I have cooked and mashed freeze dried, but the raw would be better for stews. I have done that with turnips so I don’t think it would be a problem with potatoes.

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I’m wondering if soaking them in some diluted lemon juice would help keep them from browning? Or would it change the taste too much? It’s fun for me to try different ways on things to see what works best for me.
Cool, I think that when I go to the grocery store I will get a big sack of potatoes and freeze dry them raw as chunks. I have cooked and mashed freeze dried, but the raw would be better for stews. I have done that with turnips so I don’t think it would be a problem with potatoes.

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Freshly dug up potatoes store so well through the winter I just keep them in the basement and bring some in when needed. I find it better to make a bulk load of mash potato with the ones left over and freeze in portion sized containers. Not sure what they do to store bought potatoes to stop potato fries going soggy after freezing. Do they blanche them first like with other veg? I tried it with turnips and swedes. It was ok but the texture was a little tough on the outside.

I started freezing whole onions because I just couldn't eat them all before they went off. They go a little soggy but i find if you put them in the microwave for 10/20 seconds they slice easily and then start to cook before they have defrosted.
  • 04:37:14 Duration
  • 25.30 km Distance
  • 5.5 km/h Avg. speed
  • 2219 kcal Energy
  • 46.3 km/h Max. speed
  • 2342.75 / 2305.67 m Ascent / Descent

due to some work related shyt and some family stuff,I was able to complete that little stroll in some sun/rain/hail/sleeth today,but my knee feels fairly ok,must say those knee supports aren't that bad..
I’m wondering if soaking them in some diluted lemon juice would help keep them from browning? Or would it change the taste too much? It’s fun for me to try different ways on things to see what works best for me.
I have some of that citrus based powder that you put on peaches when canning and that doesn’t change the taste, but I don’t think freeze drying would make them turn brown...I hadn’t thought about it. Maybe someone else has on line.

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I have some of that citrus based powder that you put on peaches when canning and that doesn’t change the taste, but I don’t think freeze drying would make them turn brown...I hadn’t thought about it. Maybe someone else has on line.

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I’ve had potatoes start turning off color in spots while I was still peeling the rest of them. Just dropping them in a bowl of water helps. I’ve done dehydrated potatoes and they get darker than the store bought ones.
I’ve had potatoes start turning off color in spots while I was still peeling the rest of them. Just dropping them in a bowl of water helps. I’ve done dehydrated potatoes and they get darker than the store bought ones.
Harvest Right suggests blanching the potatoes but an other individual said to just put them in water first.

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Harvest Right suggests blanching the potatoes but an other individual said to just put them in water first.

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How long does it take to freeze dry a batch of potato chunks?
While I was out riding the fence line just now I found another baby calf. I think this is the last calf for this year. Mom and baby are doing good. Its a beautiful little red heifer. Mom wouldn't let me get close enough to tag her and give her shots. Once the corral is finished I'll run everyone through the chute, tag, brand and cut the bull calves. It was a good day.
25 homemade cloth masks to supplement the masks that I already have. Not going off the property much so not using many but you never know. Always good to have a few extra on hand.
I have made a few myself but ran out of elastic. . . Id have to rip something apart to make more and I'm not willing to do that yet. Hopefully Joann s will open back up soon. I guess I could go to Wal-Mart but honestly I avoid that place like the plague. Or I could make them to tie on if needed.
I have made a few myself but ran out of elastic. . . Id have to rip something apart to make more and I'm not willing to do that yet. Hopefully Joann s will open back up soon. I guess I could go to Wal-Mart but honestly I avoid that place like the plague. Or I could make them to tie on if needed.
Dani I made up a few with what elastic I have but I guess like everything else there is a shortage country wide on elastic. Imagine that :rolleyes:
I read an article today that the best fabric for cloth masks that one lab tested is several alternating layers of cotton with silk or rayon. This combination creates static which traps even tiny particles. The article said the filtration was close to the equivalent of an N95 mask, but also warned that unless you can make it seal around the face then you won't get that level of protection.