This weeks preps check-in

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I was working out of our big diesel bucket truck today and came across a 5 pack of n95 masks. Yay! My young, healthy, and stupid son won’t wear a mask so I confiscated them. I’ve had the elastic bands break on two masks so far so finding a few extras was nice. Even with broken straps they are repairable and considering how tough they are to come by I will get every last bit of use out of each of them.
I was cleaning out the garage and found 12 N95 masks and a paint respirator. I gave 4 of the masks away to friends at risk.

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I was cleaning out the garage and found 12 N95 masks and a paint respirator. I gave 4 of the masks away to friends at risk.

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I offered a mask to several people, as I have somewhere close to twelve or so, and so far haven’t had any takers. One sister won’t wear them, the other said she gets them from work, (although she has to reuse it for several days). The few friends I’ve offered them to just aren’t wearing them either. It amazes me how few people are wearing them here in N Ga now. I’d say 85% of people I see out now aren’t wearing them. I even get long stares from many when they see mine. I’m willing to bet that within three to four weeks Georgia will see a huge spike in cases.
I am all for reopening the economy, but doing so without some precautions, like masks and hand sanitizer, is just really a bad idea.
I stayed home today mostly and got a lot of stuff done. I have most of the gardens weeded now. I have two rows left to do over the weekend. Yay! I also planted some more beans, squash, eggplant and cantaloupes. ( this is about the fifth time I’ve planted eggplant and I’ve never had one survive yet).... Weeding is definitely the least glamours part of gardening. I got most of everything watered in well today too and fertilized the garden.
I have been using the backhoe to enlarge one of the ponds here and am almost done finally. The dirt I remove is so wet that it needs to sit for a couple days before I can scoop it up and take it to where I want fill. Most of it has been going to a spot near the deck to level it for an above ground pool. I think I have enough fill there now for the 16’ round pool. It’s mostly level but I will grade it over the weekend and get it just right. I’ve also been moving rocks and cut a few tree stumps below grade. Mowing is a lot easier when you don’t have all the obstacles to work around. I even cleaned the filters on both the shop vac and the good upright vacuum today. I love having productive days here but I’m definitely tired now. Unfortunately I still have a long list for the weekend too....
I offered a mask to several people, as I have somewhere close to twelve or so, and so far haven’t had any takers. One sister won’t wear them, the other said she gets them from work, (although she has to reuse it for several days). The few friends I’ve offered them to just aren’t wearing them either. It amazes me how few people are wearing them here in N Ga now. I’d say 85% of people I see out now aren’t wearing them. I even get long stares from many when they see mine. I’m willing to bet that within three to four weeks Georgia will see a huge spike in cases.
I am all for reopening the economy, but doing so without some precautions, like masks and hand sanitizer, is just really a bad idea.

Free country, people are free to be stupid and take their chances. They all have been informed, know the risks and if they don't care about their safety, why should I. Don't need a law, just natural selection.
Free country, people are free to be stupid and take their chances. They all have been informed, know the risks and if they don't care about their safety, why should I. Don't need a law, just natural selection.
The mask is more to protect others than yourself from what I have read, especially the cloth home made ones.

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The mask is more to protect others than yourself from what I have read, especially the cloth home made ones.

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That’s the issue I have with people not being willing to wear a mask. It is to protect others. It just shows how selfish people are
That’s the issue I have with people not being willing to wear a mask. It is to protect others. It just shows how selfish people are

As preppers we protect ourselves. I don't need or expect anybody or any agency to protect me, that is my job. As for selfish, why is it the responsibility of others to protect us?
As preppers we protect ourselves. I don't need or expect anybody or any agency to protect me, that is my job. As for selfish, why is it the responsibility of others to protect us?
I think we all should have some social responsibility and help to keep all the sick, old, and people with compromised immune systems from getting this bug. It’s just a good thing to do.
As preppers we protect ourselves. I don't need or expect anybody or any agency to protect me, that is my job. As for selfish, why is it the responsibility of others to protect us?
It's not the responsibility of others to protect us, but for us to protect others. I'm not saying we need to expend great amounts of time, energy or money to do any thing for someone else. However, each person has to do the right thing, in regards to themselves and those around them. It is selfish to refuse to do a simple thing that causes no harm to oneself, and may protect another from serious illness or even death. There are many things that we do or do not do on a daily basis in order to protect others from harm.

Consider the store employees who are out there on a day-to-day basis, working to make sure we can still buy the things we need or want. They are at risk every day. Some are elderly, some likely have autoimmune diseases other conditions that make them vulnerable. They could choose to stay home, yet they may also choose to work so they can pay their bills and help make sure others have access to food and supplies. Now a selfish person goes into the store, unknowingly with the virus, and makes these people sick and they die. A simple mask can help prevent this.
The "NON-MASKERS" are the same ones who think they do not need to wait in line at cash registers, leave a plane which has been over-booked or that their children could ever cause a problem in school. They are the most important persons in the world. All we have to do is get them to have a ID card which states they are "non-maskers". If they have a car accident, OK. If they break a leg or an arm: OK.
BUT, if they get Corona....TOO BAAAAD!!! No more health care, no hospital visit, just stay at home without your mask and SWEAT IT OUT, "it is only a little virus!!!"
For your Info: The Mayor of Tübingen here has made a statement which has caused an uproar in all political parties in Germany. He said something like:
"We are spending lots of money on the older persons who would have died of other problems ANYWAY within the next 6 months...."

How far has this world come that someone in politics has the platform and the lack of humanity to say something like that in public??????

BTW: The president of Hungary has set the date for his "dictatorship stipulations" to be running out. He will be finishing his executive declaration of an emergency for my future BOL and place of retirement. (WE were right Georgia Peachie...) Gary
I think we all should have some social responsibility and help to keep all the sick, old, and people with compromised immune systems from getting this bug. It’s just a good thing to do.

Since I am one of the Old, sick, compromised, I think I will not depend on you or any others to protect my azz. The best way for you to protect the other people, don't be around them. They should also take what ever precautions they feel are appropriate to protect themselves. Calling people selfish because they don't agree to the need to wear masks, to protect YOUR butt, is a bit over bearing. They are not responsible for you or anybody else's protection. You are responsible for your protection and your wife's protection. You are not the governor, so you don't get to set the rules. Stay home, stay safe or take your chances. Just that simple. I will protect me and mine and let the others decide their own fates. Main principals of prepping and freedom of choice. The Nanny state mindset is for liberal sheeple and utopia seekers. We can choose to help our fellow man (woman) but we don't get to mandate the help.
After years of using a 55 gal drum to scald a hog, my son picked me up a professional grade 100 gal stainless drum with a built in thermostat made for pig scalding, he paid a $125 for it used once, it also came with 4 bell hog scrapers.
Bet the pigs are not overly chuffed though ?
When I got home from running errands today, hunny said he got a call from the oldest son. He lives in a relative small, close net community, but because they are close to the beach see quite a bit of tourist come thru. He said that he has seen a lot of blacks in his community demonstrating and have been hearing gun fire. This is highly unusual! He actually went out a bought his wife a gun. I'm all for that even when there isn't civil unrest. She knows how to use one and a pretty good shot so I'm not worried at all. Been here target practising plenty of times. I do find it sad though that she "feels the need" to have one on her at all times for saftey reasons. This was an area they would think nothing about leaving their door unlocked while driving their golf cart down to one of their favorite restaurants. Times are definitely changing right now. Oldest son was talking about the defunding police. . . How will be ever be able to sell his home if he ever decided to.
Replaced some of my ageing tactical and work clothing, Soft shells in black or grey, cargo pants, polos, Bought 2 pr more approach shoes, new shemagh, BB caps, gloves. Need new belts and shades. Struggling to source antibiotics as previous source has dried up. Three of 4 vehicles fully serviced and checked out, fourth one needs new gearbox .
Replaced some of my ageing tactical and work clothing, Soft shells in black or grey, cargo pants, polos, Bought 2 pr more approach shoes, new shemagh, BB caps, gloves. Need new belts and shades. Struggling to source antibiotics as previous source has dried up. Three of 4 vehicles fully serviced and checked out, fourth one needs new gearbox .
At the beginning of this virus thing I did the same thing. For me tactical means blue jeans and pocketed shirts. Basically I thought about if the world changed dramatically what would I need? So I have enough socks and under-ware, a new chest freezer, new washing machine, yard tools, had the tractor serviced, loads of toilet paper and paper towels and loaded up on freeze dried foods as well as fully stocked the pantry. I do need some more sneakers now that I think of it.
I installed the 8 solar panels on the Ground mounted racking that I put in earlier. I also got the inverter in at last. Now I just need to wire everything together. This project has taken the backseat to our work load lately, but It did feel good to move forward on it today though. I do still need to get the DC disconnects And overload protections. Hopefully I will have everything done within a couple weeks. This system is going to be one of three. This first part will run half of my house, and the next one will be just dedicated for running the well. Then I will probably roof mount The second house system.
I think I have a broken water line somewhere. Our system will only hold water to the house for about 30 minutes. I've got over a half mile of buried water lines so the leak could be anywhere. I'll make some calls tomorrow and see if I can find someone to come out and start digging up the lines. Or I might just put in a new well and new water lines.
Even worse it snowed most of the day today!
I think I have a broken water line somewhere. Our system will only hold water to the house for about 30 minutes. I've got over a half mile of buried water lines so the leak could be anywhere. I'll make some calls tomorrow and see if I can find someone to come out and start digging up the lines. Or I might just put in a new well and new water lines.
Even worse it snowed most of the day today!
I can’t even imagine snow right now! Sorry about the leak. There are leak detectors that can find where the underground leak is. I imagine your lines are buried deep and I don’t know how deep they can read though. Not a DIY tool but a decent sized plumbing company should have one.
I can’t even imagine snow right now! Sorry about the leak. There are leak detectors that can find where the underground leak is. I imagine your lines are buried deep and I don’t know how deep they can read though. Not a DIY tool but a decent sized plumbing company should have one.
My lines are buried 5 feet deep. I don't know if the ground needs to dry out first. We normally don't have much rain/snow or mud I'm June. I'm going to make a phone call now to our plumber.
My lines are buried 5 feet deep. I don't know if the ground needs to dry out first. We normally don't have much rain/snow or mud I'm June. I'm going to make a phone call now to our plumber.
Wow, I buried my lines here about 1 foot. I love the scenic beauty of where you are but that cold is tough to live in....
My lines are buried 5 feet deep. I don't know if the ground needs to dry out first. We normally don't have much rain/snow or mud I'm June. I'm going to make a phone call now to our plumber.
That's going to be quite the project. I can't imagine snow this time of year. It's getting to nearly 100 degrees here.

I got some new stuff for my preps for my birthday. One thing is a new backpack for my edc. It's slightly bigger than my current one but the design is better so it holds quite a bit more. It has the same one-shoulder design though which I prefer because it's easier to access.