This weeks preps check-in

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Sure hope my shingles vaccine works !
CDS/MMS works against ANY bacterial or virual problem within hours...all your vaccines do is prepare your body for a possible attack from a virus which may or may not be THE virus which you pick up from someone/somewhere...CDS does not care which virus, bacteria, strength, mutation or such you have caught, it destroys them by eating thru and using acid to dissolve the fatty cell membrane and causing each virus or bacterial to explode and die. NO CHANCE OF BUILDING A RESISTANCE!!: LIKE ANTIBIOTICS!!
Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you've had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near your spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles.
Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you've had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near your spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles.
Early on in the pandemic, before the vaccines came out, my husband noticed an increase in shingles cases, particularly in the younger 30-40 year old crowd. Must be due to stress. I've thought about getting my shingles vaccine early.
DrJenner and others: My apology for putting my nose in your business. I really didn't mean to. I felt it was an important teaching moment.
I didn't think you put your nose in my business, I asked for advice, and I thank you for your feedback. Been busy working nights, but will likely pick your brain more about this once things settle out a bit (if you don't mind). Thanks again.
Doc: Best bring a fine pair of tweezers.

P.S. I met a gentleman Wednesday with a landscaping business started in June as an LLC.
I invited him to lunch (on me) on his first rainy day so I can freely cut out the added expenses and set him up so his wife can keep manual books.
It saddens me to see Po folks get cleaned out.
The wife and went down south to the big town to do some shopping yesterday. There's about 5 places to eat in this town, and one happened to be McDonald's. I thought it would be the least expensive place to eat. The bill came to $30 for us and the grandkids! I think this will be the last time we go out to eat. We'll start bringing food from home whenever we travel.
I picked up some carbon fiber arrows, field points and a new string for my bow. I wanted a fish reel too but they were out of stock. Also bought an inexpensive fold up stove. Its made to burn Sterno fuel but I plan on using my wax and wood chip fire starters for fuel.
The wife and went down south to the big town to do some shopping yesterday. There's about 5 places to eat in this town, and one happened to be McDonald's. I thought it would be the least expensive place to eat. The bill came to $30 for us and the grandkids! I think this will be the last time we go out to eat. We'll start bringing food from home whenever we travel.
I picked up some carbon fiber arrows, field points and a new string for my bow. I wanted a fish reel too but they were out of stock. Also bought an inexpensive fold up stove. Its made to burn Sterno fuel but I plan on using my wax and wood chip fire starters for fuel.
McDonalds has gotten expensive! I stop by occasionally on my way home from work when I don't feel like cooking. I seem to remember it used to be about $5 for what I would order; no it's around $10.
McDonalds has gotten expensive! I stop by occasionally on my way home from work when I don't feel like cooking. I seem to remember it used to be about $5 for what I would order; no it's around $10.
It has gotten more expensive here. They have a sign that says they are hiring, $16 an hour. That wage has to come from somewhere, and it is being added to the cost of food. I usually order just a sandwich, no beverages or fries. I don't need the calories anyway.

I have gone out to eat with people who often order in relationship to who is paying. If and when I am paying and they are not, they order and waste more food. If they are paying for their own meal, they order less, what they can and will eat. I remember taking some cousins out to eat once and one of them ordered so much food and ate about half of it. Next time, she paid, and trust me, she ordered much less food and ate it all. We had to clean up our plates when I was a kid, so I try to order reasonably, but she came from the spoiled family who whimpered and cried over nothingness to get treated more special.
We always give options to the grandkids on what they're allowed to order. Once grandson (when he was 10) tried ordering the most expensive adult meal on the menu. Nope. Ten year olds get the kids meal.
Super sweet husband got me a second Excalibur dehydrator for Christmas. I like running two, especially in the summertime, and I killed one of mine this year.
We always give options to the grandkids on what they're allowed to order. Once grandson (when he was 10) tried ordering the most expensive adult meal on the menu. Nope. Ten year olds get the kids meal.
Super sweet husband got me a second Excalibur dehydrator for Christmas. I like running two, especially in the summertime, and I killed one of mine this year.
It seems as though you do a lot of dehydrating and you will get a lot of use out of an additional dehydrator. Things do wear out. My daughter is using my dehydrator and wants to make up food for camping. I appreciate the experience she is gaining from this.
There's about 5 places to eat in this town, and one happened to be McDonald's. I thought it would be the least expensive place to eat. The bill came to $30 for us and the grandkids! I

With all the talk of artificial meat, it is probably wiser for you and the kids health not to trust McDonalds’s. There have been shows about what they put in their burgers that gave me nightmares! :eek:
Walmart today....we were playing driver for my cousin Harry and he needed to go. There were lids, and some of the smaller jars. I bought four boxes of lids, but I do have a bunch stored anyway. My deal of the day there was sliced, canned potatoes, Walmart Brand expiring in 2024 on sale for 25 cents a can. I bought 3 cases. Also Walmart Brand condensed chicken noodle soup for 50 cents. Bought a case. Paid $33 for 10# of hamburger.
Picked up some gloves 1/2 off at the local farm and ranch store, 8 bucks for insulated work gloves.
Also stocked up some on the cans of dried food on amazon, half off those as well.
During our 3 day snow event and then the propane outage, I burned more wood than expected. I had to split wood yesterday.

Brent steered me right on the inexpensive Harbor Freight manual splitter. I was able to split 1.5 utility carts full in under an hour. I know it's slow compared to the gas or electric ones, but I'm very pleased.
During our 3 day snow event and then the propane outage, I burned more wood than expected. I had to split wood yesterday.

Brent steered me right on the inexpensive Harbor Freight manual splitter. I was able to split 1.5 utility carts full in under an hour. I know it's slow compared to the gas or electric ones, but I'm very pleased.

If it works for you, then it’s a Winner!! You split a lot of wood! 😃
Sitting here trying to figure out what grains I want to add this month. I’ve never tried Spelt. Please don’t laugh! Don’t even know what it tastes like. Definitely going to add another couple hundred pounds each of Soft White Organic Wheat and Hard White Organic Wheat, but not sure on the Spelt.

Has anyone cooked Spelt?
Sitting here trying to figure out what grains I want to add this month. I’ve never tried Spelt. Please don’t laugh! Don’t even know what it tastes like. Definitely going to add another couple hundred pounds each of Soft White Organic Wheat and Hard White Organic Wheat, but not sure on the Spelt.

Has anyone cooked Spelt?

No, but have you tried Amaranth? It not only provides you with grains, also leafy greens and a root vegetable
No, but have you tried Amaranth? It not only provides you with grains, also leafy greens and a root vegetable

I have tried Amaranth and like it very much. Never grown it and had no idea you could eat the greens and roots!! Now THAT makes it worth growing. Especially in hard times.
I have been searching for my old mercury thermometer. Thought I might need one after the digital one's batteries die. I'm guessing they are off the market. Need a stethoscope too. Why, I have no idea, I couldn't fix a heart attack so it might be better not to count the beats, etc.

I’ve got an old one, but had searched for a new one without luck back in the summer. Try local when you are out in different shops and stores. You do need a stethoscope. If you want to check and see if anything sounds “off” or “congested” in the heart, it will enable you to do that.

I’m looking at signing up for a class by Patriot Nurse for basic healthcare. She just had a set of them in Knoxville. The next closest one is Atlanta…but I am thinking about going to Charlotte. Or going out to Montana this summer for one out there and visit my relative who is a physician that I haven’t seen for awhile.

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