This weeks preps check-in

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I’ve got an old one, but had searched for a new one without luck back in the summer. Try local when you are out in different shops and stores. You do need a stethoscope. If you want to check and see if anything sounds “off” or “congested” in the heart, it will enable you to do that.

I’m looking at signing up for a class by Patriot Nurse for basic healthcare. She just had a set of them in Knoxville. The next closest one is Atlanta…but I am thinking about going to Charlotte. Or going out to Montana this summer for one out there and visit my relative who is a physician that I haven’t seen for awhile.
A basic EMT class at the local community college would be cheaper and just as effective.
That's pretty expensive. They were $8 a can at Walmart just 3 months ago when I bought them out. Cheaper now to buy some roasts and can them yourself.

Yeah, but I can't find them at Walmart or anyplace else, I bought 1 case to keep increasing my supply.
I am cutting down two trees for two german women living here in Hungary since a half year. Two 60 ft. high pine trees only 10 feet from their house. I have to cut all the branches off separately, drop them to be collected, try to avoid them hitting the glass roof of the winter garden, then drop the rest of the tree in 6 foot sections and then finally drop the last 30 feet into the garden. I will get $200 for about 4 days work which is my monthly SS check...we will fill the car with diesel and go shopping for more good stuff for the pantry when I free, Gary
This week has been trying to be ahead of Truckers actions.
2 months of pony food Til the fields are ready✔️
6 months of dog and cat food✔️
1 yr + of people food ✔️
Topped off propane, a years worth✔️
Go Truckers, I am ready!!!! Bring us back to the old normal!
Wow, be careful with that, Gary. How are you getting up that high?
Sorry I did not see your question until today...I have a complete climbing equipment collection. Ropes, harnesses, carabines and figure 8's. Another friend has control of my belay on the ground if I should slip and he can block the figure 8. As I climb higher, I replace my rope to a higher branch and I am also double secured with another fall break. It gets scary but it is still safe. Thanks for your worries too. Gary
I have been freeze drying some ground beef , scrambled eggs , raw eggs to powder, green beans and mixed veggies for soup and stews.
i finally found some 270 federal fusion ammo for my deer rifle, also found some more mason jars and lids at walmart. It’s kind of funny now that I have the freeze dryer the wife stopped putting her broccoli and mixed veggies in my deer freezer. They keep going missing.
The wife has put together her seed order and we're working on our chicken order now, layers and meat chickens. We're also going to order some ducks, turkeys and quail and chuckers. We'll probably call it in tomorrow and request a June delivery. That should give me enough time to build the new poultry barn and the game bird pen. Once the snow is gone I can start construction.
The wife has put together her seed order and we're working on our chicken order now, layers and meat chickens. We're also going to order some ducks, turkeys and quail and chuckers. We'll probably call it in tomorrow and request a June delivery. That should give me enough time to build the new poultry barn and the game bird pen. Once the snow is gone I can start construction.

Sounds like a great plan! I luv seeing how our group is taking what is going on seriously, and preparing well for it!!
I have been freeze drying some ground beef , scrambled eggs , raw eggs to powder, green beans and mixed veggies for soup and stews.
i finally found some 270 federal fusion ammo for my deer rifle, also found some more mason jars and lids at walmart. It’s kind of funny now that I have the freeze dryer the wife stopped putting her broccoli and mixed veggies in my deer freezer. They keep going missing.
Wow! You actually found ammo. Nice.
Sounds like a great plan! I luv seeing how our group is taking what is going on seriously, and preparing well for it!!
Absolutely. Thanks to Bidens socilist/communist agenda, the deep state and weak Republicans, I think we're heading for more shortages and much higher prices. I see us becoming more like a third world nation.
Absolutely. Thanks to Bidens socilist/communist agenda, the deep state and weak Republicans, I think we're heading for more shortages and much higher prices. I see us becoming more like a third world nation.

Oh how I wish I could argue your point. Personally I see this part of the NWO plans as starving out as many as they can! Of course they will blame it on everything from covid, to Conservatives, to Truckers…which the ignorant will eat up like pigs at a trough.. The only positive in all this is that by us slowing down their takeover it has bought Preppers more time to enlarge gardens, get more animals and figure out ways to feed them…as well as working on stronger and more effective DEFENSES!!!
My son and I made some Firestarters today.
I take newspaper, start to roll it very tight, at the last few inches of the page, place another sheet into the roll, keep rolling, another sheet and make a "cigar" of paper about an inch or so thick. Tie it off every two inches, leaving about a 2-3 inch long tail, cut it with a jigsaw, circular saw or even a hacksaw into short rolls. You should have one inch thick and two inch long tightly rolled papers. Melt wax or paraffine in a pot, hang the rolls in the wax for as long a needed till the small bubbles stop coming up. They are fully soaked in wax, are completely water-proofed.
To use: peel off a strip about 6-8 inches long, wad it up and lay down in the fire place. Stack thin tinder and small kindling over it and light it.
I carry three rolls in my BOB and more in the car for emergencies. Always make about 30-40 pieces for the pantry. Each roll can start about 20-25 fires depending on the amount needed...
Here are pics of the finished product:
1st roll.JPG
2nd roll.JPG
I take newspaper, start to roll it very tight, at the last few inches of the page, place another sheet into the roll, keep rolling, another sheet and make a "cigar" of paper about an inch or so thick. Tie it off every two inches, leaving about a 2-3 inch long tail, cut it with a jigsaw, circular saw or even a hacksaw into short rolls. You should have one inch thick and two inch long tightly rolled papers. Melt wax or paraffine in a pot, hang the rolls in the wax for as long a needed till the small bubbles stop coming up. They are fully soaked in wax, are completely water-proofed.
To use: peel off a strip about 6-8 inches long, wad it up and lay down in the fire place. Stack thin tinder and small kindling over it and light it.
I carry three rolls in my BOB and more in the car for emergencies. Always make about 30-40 pieces for the pantry. Each roll can start about 20-25 fires depending on the amount needed...
Here are pics of the finished product:
View attachment 15008View attachment 15009
Did that in the Boy Scouts. Good fire starter.
The new ice scraper I bought for my car came in handy in this recent winter storm we had. Fortunately it was not nearly as severe as the big one last year.
This past weekend I got a few new things, including some more ammo for my shotgun and a new camp stove. Other than that I haven't been doing much as far as purchases go for prepping. I have mostly been focused on saving money so I have a little more squared away for non-SHTF emergencies and bigger purchases.

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