The going price of the ten I posted above is $65-$69 today's moneyYep I have a few of them that my grand ma gave me long ago
The going price of the ten I posted above is $65-$69 today's moneyYep I have a few of them that my grand ma gave me long ago
But it would be priceless to take the ten to a bank and tell them that you will only accept 10 of the new silver-dollars that the government has started minting again, or something in writing explaining that the words on US currency is a lie and cannot be trusted.The silver certificates are collectors items with no silver value at all. I remember when they were "pulled" from the market we were told they would not be honored as currency after the pull date.
The denomination is accurate. But many are thinking of Federal Reserve Notes and not actual Dollars.Note the denomination shown on it below:
Yes, and it wasn't that long ago.Our currency was tied to gold and silver before it lost it's way.
Most telling in the History Channel's article is the "why":Yes, and it wasn't that long ago.
...And thus it said:On April 5, 1933, Roosevelt ordered all gold coins and gold certificates in denominations of more than $100 turned in for other money. It required all persons to deliver all gold coin, gold bullion and gold certificates owned by them to the Federal Reserve by May 1 for the set price of $20.67 per ounce. By May 10, the government had taken in $300 million of gold coin and $470 million of gold certificates. Two months later, a joint resolution of Congress abrogated the gold clauses in many public and private obligations that required the debtor to repay the creditor in gold dollars of the same weight and fineness as those borrowed. In 1934, the government price of gold was increased to $35 per ounce, effectively increasing the gold on the Federal Reserve’s balance sheets by 69 percent. This increase in assets allowed the Federal Reserve to further inflate the money supply.
Yep. You might as well be one of the 'unfortunate people' like me that own stock in 100-year-old companies that pay you a fat dividend every 3 months.If it isn't in your physical possession you don't have anything. IMO
Physical in the safeIf it isn't in your physical possession you don't have anything. IMO
Yes, the most important thing about PM's is it's resistance to 'turbulence'.Physical in the safe
PHYS.U no overheard to buy and sell
Glint acts like a debt card
Physical in the safe is only useful for TEOTWAWKI.
The other 2 hedge inflation.
Why do you think physical PM's don't hedge inflation?Physical in the safe is only useful for TEOTWAWKI.
The other 2 hedge inflation.
I started selling off some of my gold last year. Getting ready to sell some more in the next couple of weeks. Most of my gold I bought at under $500 per ounce so I've made a fair profit. I held it all these years for when I got old. I guess at 64 I'm old now. Our retirement income is secure so I really don't need the gold any more. Besides there's some things I want to buy, like a new boat.
I'd say with inflation outpacing interest rates by an order of magnitude plus, we are at negative interest right now.So, I was thinking what else might spur PM's to go higher. Well, I just checked interest rates at one of our local credit unions. Low dollar amount savings accounts are yielding .05%, with accounts over $25,000 yielding a whopping .11%. These rates silently went into effect the last Q of 21. Money market accounts are not far off at .07% and .2% respectively. Are we getting closer to negative interest rates?
I see what you're saying, but people aren't yet paying the banks to keep money in them. When or if that happens the savers could yank their money and the banks will get a black eye, which is why I don't think they've gone there yet. I think the savers have more of a tendency to pay closer attention to their funds. Will many of them then flood to PM's? I think the answer would be yes. I also think the manipulation of PM prices down would be broken with such a rush on the supply in the market. It could get interesting......I'd say with inflation outpacing interest rates by an order of magnitude plus, we are at negative interest right now.
The bump yesterday came about same time as warnings to get out of Ukraine. If Putin invades I would expect another bump.I had a weird dream last night. I dreamed that my kid came flying through the door and said "mom, have you looked at what silver did today?" I got online and looked and sure enough, silver went up over $10 per ounce in one day and was still moving higher. Weird, right?
I just had to take a peek this morning when I got up b/c I hadn't really looked in a while. It's still higher now than when I bought my last batch, but not that much. I guess my brain was just saying that I expect to see a huge increase in PM's soon.....but my subconscious didn't really need to tell me that.![]()