Top SHTF Movies of all time

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I think it was a propane stove

I meant Hershell's farm. Yeah, the one Carol found was propane.

As for the south being nuclear...a lot of reactors no longer online. Still mostly fossil fuels. Both good and bad. When the grid goes, being within 50 miles of a previously online reactor is going to mean you will need to MOVE.... Fairly soon, with the grid down, the reactor will melt down, and you're going to see Fukishima all over again, but worse. (and in multiple locations). We're about 75 miles from the nearest one, but even that one (Crystal River) is now no longer in service. So, we're OK.
There are things like Sta-bil, etc. though. I stock this as well, to help against the gas deterioration part. I'm betting most folks aren't considering that (or even know it degrades).
I use it in the lawn equip. Over winter. I think it will make it good for a year at least. I really want to take my gas engine miller/welder and put a propane manifold on it. With a propane tank not only will it run for days or weeks without needing to go get 5gal cans refilled, but it dosent foul the carburetor or go bad over time. It's allready thousands of years old! It also burns much cleaner and you don't need to change the oil as often. That's on my 'what to do with my tax returns list', some time in the future. With some conservation I could probably just run the gen. an hour or two a day and make one of those tanks last a good while. Sorry, got a little sidetracked. Back to the movies, anyone seen Noas ark yet? I'd like to hear an opinion before going. There's an apocoliptic one for you!
Yes, but without modern tech (which makes prepping MUCH easier!)

I can tell you NOT to go see Oculus. Not a SHTF movie, but man... Great movie for most of it (if you like horror), but super sucky ending which pretty much invalidates it all.... Sigh...

There was a movie in the 80's, can't remember the name, where there was a nuclear war going, and this story was about a raid on one of the silo stations, etc. I almost think it was simply called WWIII, but have to check. It was pretty good.

Yep, that's it. 1982 was the year (as a few others with this title). Was a made for TV movie.
Here's an oldie I just found hiding under the cobwebs of my memory...

No Blade of Grass (1970) starring Nigel Davenport.

Grass disease causes global famine, major SHTF ensues, a man leads a group of people to Scotland to his brother's farm.

Made a big impression on me. Here is a trailer:

I really liked the newer Red Dawn. (Never saw the older one... *hides*)

Anyways, yeah, Red Dawn was cool. The SHTF very suddenly and the only guys who made it were the ones with a stocked bug-out location. They never used any prepper terms or really referred to it but that cabin they haul off to is fully stocked with food and guns and ammo spread throughout the property. That was definitely a prepper cabin.
I remember when the first Red Dawn came out it was like when First Blood or Jaws came out . Every body was almost shocked at the theme of it . Remember the Cold War was as hot as ever . You can get a combo pack with Red Dawn and Enemy at the gates in the discount bin now . WW2 Stalingrad was a SHTF . I'll check out Revolution . I'v not heard of it . Jeramiah Johnson got me started into traditional muzzel loading for a while .
Revolution (the show) is a neat idea. Basically, as it starts out, not only is the grid down, but nothing electronic works at all, even after. Nothing on batteries, etc. The cause of it is actually a neat premise (though scientifically flawed). It does depict a lot of going back to old ways as a result of the grid loss. (but you also have to wonder why everyone is wearing perfectly clean clothes, has perfect teeth, and looks fresh from the makeup chair, lol).
Yeah, and to me Revolution very quickly became "just another action/drama" except most people had swords and crossbows instead of guns. My wife and I watched a few episodes but didn't stick with it.

Also, The Colony seemed kinda cool but it was way too much people drama. Anything with video diaries is just not going to be good, in my opinion, so only made it through the first episode of that. I might go back if anyone has watched it and could tell me it gets better. There just wasn't anything really useful going on, ie something that the viewer can actually learn from.

My favorite old radio show is about a pair of astronauts returning from the moon and seeing the Earth erupt in a nuclear fire as they approach for re-entry... It doesn't deal with what they do after they land but I've always wondered. I wish I could remember the name of the story, or the show that broadcast it.
The Omega Man ........PRIMO..........................then......... Jeremiah Johnson.... the first found himself in a bad situation and survived...................the second put himself into a lifestyle by choice..............and thrived.
I also really liked I Am Legend, how he went house to house pretty systematically and started going crazy from being alone. Also, after the SHTF, he wasn't content to just survive, he was trying to get the S back off of the fan.
Just picked uo a copy of Wolf Lake 2 . Austrailian horror move . Good horror film they put alot of work into it . Holly Wood would have made better special efects but would have lost the realism . There are some survival tips you can get from it and one scene that shows even if you are prepped like the Elderly couple don't let someone out fox you . This movie is not for the squemish . I happend on Wolf Creek 1 several years ago and thought it was good but a bit drawn out . A scene in the first movie shows the villian telling what he did to Viet Cong's when he wanted to interigate them to keep them from running away . I flashed back to when I was Kid in the early 70'S decades before the movie was made A Green beriet I knew would tell me stories and one story was just like the one the guy in the movie tells . Both wolf creek movies are good 2 is better unlike most sequals .

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