I had one of these when I was 18, found it scrapped in Gallion, AL , it had a broken rocker arm, only 1 front wheel, and not a flake of paint left on it, just a nice rust 'patina'

I was happy it was one of the newer ones with 'electric-start', bought it from a distant cousin for $100, drove it 7 miles back home on one cylinder and one front tire.
Got the rocker arm welded back together in the welding shop at trade school, found another front wheel, and had myself a 'Johnny pop-pop'

My mom hated Black Locust thorn trees with a passion and put a $5 bounty

on every one we pulled up and tossed over the bluff into the river.
I had a 30' , 1/2" chain that I would hook 4' up the trunk on ones up to 6" diameter.
I'd back all the way to the tree, wind that big flywheel up to full throttle, and take off running!
When it hit the end of the chain, Johnny would jump up and down.
Only took 3 or 4 tugs and that $5 was mine!

Paid for that tractor in less than a month.