10.8 miles in 45 minutes, average speed of 14.4 mph. That's a new personal best and first 10+ mile ride of 14mph or better! It burned, but accomplishment feels good!
Got home from Wisconsin at 1AM last nite. Got up at 9AM and headed out on the bike. 6.93 miles in 31 minutes, 13.4 mph. Feels good to get back into it.
A squirt bottle with 50/50 ammonia/water tends to discourage dogs in a hurry. Mace/pepper spray takes care of them. As a last resort, concealed carry. You've every right to defend yourself from a hostile animal on a public road...I liked riding my bike and on dirt roads it is a workout. But some people let their dogs run loose and after a run in with a couple pits last time just one but that did it for my biking.
I really like riding on the beach.
Congrates to you guys for keeping up the workouts.
This was actually a pretty bad week, fitness - wise. It was just busy and my sister's family were all home so the weekend was full of family activities and I only rode a couple times in seven days. Now I'm headed back to a hotel for a week, hopefully they've got a fitness room...You guys are doing. Have fun and don't hurt yourself.