Training logs

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9.73 mile ride in 46 minutes tonight. Little slower than I wanted, but I'll live with it. I could tell it was the first time I had ridden in 10 days. I got in a little time with the weights as well. Too bad my diet has been garbage lately. Oh well, I'll try and do better tomorrow...
Went for a long walk w one of the offspring and dog tonight. I haven't been doing much of anything outside cuz of the heat and I hit higher weight than I wanted. Not feeling the greatest this week but the walk helped. It has cooled off.
My weight is back down, yay.
I am still thinking about a bike purchase. Too much to do!
I'd say yes, bowling counts as exercise. At least you're moving around and lifting and tossing smoothly
Lol it wasn't too smooth. We bowled two games and I got 8 or 9 in 9 frames the first game. I got 9 in 6 frames the second game but got 3 spares. Not sure why but I had a heck of a time picking up spares all night...

On the fun side, they shut off the lights and turned on a blacklight. There were white things glowing all over plus random neon lights. My daughter thought that was fun...
Sheesh, it wasn't that fun when we went as teens. Black lights? Lucky.

Ugh, what a bunch of brats we were. Reasons I went to the bowling alley as a young teen: there were pool tables there too, and hot young guys that ignored us, until they didn't. lol
Went for a long walk w one of the offspring and dog tonight. I haven't been doing much of anything outside cuz of the heat and I hit higher weight than I wanted. Not feeling the greatest this week but the walk helped. It has cooled off.
My weight is back down, yay.
I am still thinking about a bike purchase. Too much to do!

Patch if you get a bike try the pedal forward ones. That way if you get bad knees or back it is easier to ride. Even hubby can ride one for a little while and he has all kinds of metal in his back. I have a bad knee.
Ok, so I brought my bike to Wisconsin again. Fort Atkinson has a "rail trail" so I thought I'd give it a shot. It was cold and windy but, I got 8.18 miles at 12mph. I think my actual time would have been faster but there are many street crossings so I had to wait on traffic...In any case, it was a good ride and my legs are smoked!
A few years ago I was in post surgical exercise rehab for several months. There were some pretty cool machines I got to use for building my strength back up. There were 3 different kinds of stationary bicycles. It really helped! The elliptical was awesome.
Don't say you're losing what you had. I think you're doing great.
Be careful with that. The kids Dr has us carrying a Glucagon kit for her just in case.
Lol I was in town, never more than .6 miles from home, and I've been dealing with hypoglycemia for over 30 years. It's almost a daily occurrence in a mild form. Normally I have some kind of hard candy in my little case on my crossbar but I didn't have any today. No big deal. I just had to cut my ride short. Not the end of the world.
The Doc said she had non reactive hypoglycemia. Food doesn't always help. They think its related to her heart issues. She doesn't always realize when its happening and the symptoms are almost identical to the ones she has when her heart is acting up. Hopefully we never need the kit but I feel better knowing we have it.
with all the travel and then on return me being jet lagged It was almost a full month of no exercise.
This week so far I did a full body iron pump and a nice run another iron pump tommorrow and a rucksackmarch Sunday are planned..
But not having worked out for a while all my muscles are so sore..
with all the travel and then on return me being jet lagged It was almost a full month of no exercise.
This week so far I did a full body iron pump and a nice run another iron pump tommorrow and a rucksackmarch Sunday are planned..
But not having worked out for a while all my muscles are so sore..

I'm getting back into routine a little too, exercise improves mood.
Jus what the dr. didn'y order.:)
The onset of cool weather killed my ambition to ride. I've found I don't like the cold air on my face and hands at bike speed. It's time to look into a stationary bike, elliptical, or gym membership...I don't really have room for the first two, and don't really want to spend money on the third. But my plantar fasciitis isn't improving much, so walking/running doesn't work for me. :(
The onset of cool weather killed my ambition to ride. I've found I don't like the cold air on my face and hands at bike speed. It's time to look into a stationary bike, elliptical, or gym membership...I don't really have room for the first two, and don't really want to spend money on the third. But my plantar fasciitis isn't improving much, so walking/running doesn't work for me. :(

I have a lot of tips on how to deal with planta fascitis.
If u PM me your number I may be able to tell you what I did over the years. I got it orignally due to being heavy and running uphills a lot.. and its now completely gone for years.
The onset of cool weather killed my ambition to ride. I've found I don't like the cold air on my face and hands at bike speed. It's time to look into a stationary bike, elliptical, or gym membership...I don't really have room for the first two, and don't really want to spend money on the third. But my plantar fasciitis isn't improving much, so walking/running doesn't work for me. :(

Soory Spike,Hope you can find something to adjust .:huggs:
I have a lot of tips on how to deal with planta fascitis.
If u PM me your number I may be able to tell you what I did over the years. I got it orignally due to being heavy and running uphills a lot.. and its now completely gone for years.
I think we had a discussion about this on the forum last summer. I'm currently getting some new medical advice and trying some new insoles. Nsaids tear up my stomach, so I rarely use them. If it comes down to it, my insurance should cover custom built orthotics.
Well, I joined the local gym today. It's a little bit expensive considering I'm gone half the time, but it's also only a block away from my home so very convenient. For my first day:

Bench press light weight starter sets (I don't have room for a bench at home so this was an important reason to join, and I needed to establish a baseline)

Preacher curl rotary machine 3 x 8
Standing curl 3 sets to failure

22 minutes on recumbent bike
10 minutes on elliptical (I started out way too fast and burned myself out.)

Tomorrow's plan is:
20 minutes bike
15 - 20 minutes elliptical

I'm looking at some type of glute work other than squats, because of my back injury. The gym membership gives me access to a trainer. I'll see if she can give me some ideas...

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