Training logs

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Bench press
Hammer grip curls
Lat pulldown
Tricep extension
Preacher curl
Tricep pulldown
Seated upright rows
Light squats (15lb dumbbells)

2 miles in 23 minutes on treadmill
10 minutes on the bike @ 15mph

According to the computer, I should have burned about 350 calories during cardio plus whatever I burned lifting...
Delt front raise
Delt side raise
Seated military press
Leg press

10 minutes on elliptical, and
Two miles on treadmill in 23 minutes, actually 22 minute 50 seconds. I tried jogging at a slightly faster pace (6.3mph) and walking faster (4.7mph) but I couldn't run quite as much at that pace so my time to two miles ended up being about the same.

I'm finally starting to see a little bit of gain with my lifts...took a while but I'm getting somewhere...
Bench press
Lat pulldown
Hammer curl
Seated upright row
EZ bar curls
Tricep pulldown
Tricep extension
Light squats

12 minutes (1 mile) on treadmill and 23 minutes on elliptical for 35 total minutes of cardio and about 375 calories burned...
Seated shoulder press
Delt front raise
Delt side raise
Machine shoulder press

18 minutes elliptical @145-160 strides/minute
7.5 minutes treadmill @4.5 mph
10 minutes recumbent bike @14.8-15.5 mph
Back to work in Wisconsin this week. Once again the hotel has no fitness room. I did find a set of resistance bands on sale so I bought them and brought them along. I've never used bands before and I'm sure they're nowhere near as good as free weights but it will at least be something...
Ran today.
This is only my 2nd workout for the week and its already Thursday..
But at least they are runs which are less easy for me to hype myself up for and perhaps more key to my fitness than iron pumps.. I am pretty confident I will make it to 4 workouts this week but I will update as it occurs to try to help motivate others.
Did a few different sets with resistance bands tonight. They take some getting used to. I did tricep extension, curls and delt side raises. The triceps extensions really gave a good burn but the others not so much. Tomorrow I'll try to figure out some more exercises and figure out the right way to use the bands to do them...
Today at work I was to drive over to another location. I knew my home "office" would not expect me back for 3 hours minimum as this went over lunch too.. so on this trip I took care of business quickly and then had well over an hour to exercise at a local Gym.
It was a great workout:

3 sets pull ups
2 sets overhead military dumbbell press
3 sets seated rows
3 sets incline bench (dumbbell)
2 sets hip adductions
2 sets hip Abductions
2 sets frontal raises
2 sets lateral raises
2 sets back extensions
3 sets shoulder shrugs ( heavy)

All sets done to muscle failure..
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Bench press (3 sets/4 reps at 85% of max)
Lat pulldown
Tricep pulldown
Hammer curl
Seated row
EZ bar curls
Tricep extension

20 minutes treadmill (1.73 miles)
11 minutes elliptical

This being Thanksgiving week, I suppose it is a good week to work out long and hard. I only have two more working days until Jan. 4 so I've got all kinds of time to be in the gym next month, if I can keep my motivation up...
Once again,

Bench press
Lat pulldowns
Hammer grip curls
Triceps extensions
Seated rows
Preacher curls

15 minutes elliptical
15 minutes treadmill

I've started using a whey isolate protein powder after the gym. I notice I recover faster, but I've stopped losing weight, in fact I've gained a bit. Not sure what to think about it.
Just got back from Gym:

4 sets assisted pullup
2 sets standing military overhead press
2 sets seated leg press ( heavy)
3 sets seated machine rows (heavy)
3 times planks
2 sets hip adductions
2 sets hip abductions
2 sets frontal raises
2 sets lateral raises

I was going to do 3 sets incline bench after hip abductions and before the raises but I forgot:oops:
Even so I feel pretty relaxed from all this working out right now..
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Bench press
EZ bar curls
Lat pulldown
Tricep extension
Preacher curls
Machine incline press (my shoulder started making a weird popping noise so I cut it short)

22 minutes on elliptical
12 minutes on treadmill (1 mile in 11:48)

Approximately 450 calories burned
Today went on a Ruckmarch.
It was not far but I was marching fast ...maybe approx at the speed of a lite jog.

When I added up the ballast and estimated the weight of the ruck itself
I come up with 31-32 lbs
It doesnt sound like a lot but I could really feel it on those uphills.. when I took the Ruck off after I got back I felt light like a feather.

Tommorrow Gym.
Barely squeaked in my 4th workout for the week today.
There were two decisions points whether I would make 4 this week or not.. luckily i passed them.
This workout was exhausting because I went faster thru the sets due to gym closing soon.

3 sets assisted pull ups
3 sets unassisted dips (proper form and everything)
1.5 sets sit ups
3 sets incline bench
2 sets frontal raises
2 sets lateral raises
2 sets back extensions

At 7 exercises its 1-3 fewer exercises than i normally do, but i am totally gassed.. I could barely walk out of the gym and barely walk getting my drink refills at the food court afterwards.
Barely squeaked in my 4th workout for the week today.
There were two decisions points whether I would make 4 this week or not.. luckily i passed them.
This workout was exhausting because I went faster thru the sets due to gym closing soon.

3 sets assisted pull ups
3 sets unassisted dips (proper form and everything)
1.5 sets sit ups
3 sets incline bench
2 sets frontal raises
2 sets lateral raises
2 sets back extensions

At 7 exercises its 1-3 fewer exercises than i normally do, but i am totally gassed.. I could barely walk out of the gym and barely walk getting my drink refills at the food court afterwards.
Good work on the dips. Between my excess weight and my rotator cuff problems, I can't even do dips anymore...
I hadnt done dips in a long while since my weight had been creeping up again in the past year... but I needed an intense push exercise that I hadnt done in a while (last time I skipped one of my push exercises by mistake, so I had decided being in a hurry that I would do only 1 pull exercise today but was determined to do 2 solid push exercises.. those were dips and benchpress)

I am really too heavy to do dips regularly w/o injuring myself eventually... but on occasion and well warmed up I can risk it.

I did 8 reps the first set ,6 reps the 2nd set, 4.5 reps the 3rd set..
I know it doenst sound like a lot (3-4 years ago I was doing 15 reps my first set, 11 or 12 my 2nd, 8 or 9 my 3rd) but at my current weight is a solid number of reps I feel.
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Bench press
Hammer curls
Lat pulldown
Tricep pulldown
Preacher curls
Seated rows

22 minutes elliptical
12 minutes treadmill, but I pulled or strained my right hamstring during the run portion. It's going to be sore tomorrow and I'm guessing there will be no treadmill workouts for a while...:(
Shoulder press (seated)
Machine shoulder press
Front raise
Side raise

30 minutes recumbent bike
16 minutes elliptical

Trying to protect that hamstring but I probably overdid it a little...
Great Workout today ( alas only the 1st one for the week. it was busy at work so I couldnt sneak out during lunchtime Mon+Tuesd.)

3 sets of assisted pull up
3 sets of standing military press
3x 250m weighed sled drag
3 sets incline dumbell bench
3 sets seated rows
2 sets hip adduction
2 sets hip abduction
2 sets frontal raises
2 sets lateral raises
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No cardio today. Hamstring is still sore...

Bench press
EZ bar curls
Tricep extension
Preacher curls
Tricep pulldown
Hammer grip curls

Seeing gains on my press movements, especially the bench press. Not so much on my pulling movements...
Playing catchup this week.
Today friday only 2nd workout for the week ( a run)
The Plan is to exercise both days of the weekend to get to my 4.
Overhead press - 1 set standing (military), 2 sets seated x 8
Front raises 3x10, 8, 7
Shrugs 3x8
Lat pulldowns 3x8
Machine shoulder press 3x8
Seated rows 3x6

38 minutes cardio -

18 minutes elliptical
20 minutes recumbent bike
Approximately 425 calories burned
3 sets pull ups (assisted)
bricked with
3 sets of pushups to near failure
2 sets hip abduction
2 sets hip adductions
2 sets bent over single arm rows (per arm)
3 sets deadlifts ( moderate weight)
2 sets lateral raises
bricked with
2 sets frontal raises

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