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I've changed over from Phase 1 heavy (for me) lifting to Phase 2 high reps on 2 lifting days and a fun day which is more like a CrossFit day, as my running miles increase getting ready for my 100m race in Feb. Purchased some knee braces from Mava and Shock doctor for exercise use and recovery. My knees are getting a little worn out from decades of boybuilding and a couple decades of ultra endurance training. Got a massage roller bar to work out some of the knots as miles build up.
Tried something a bit different for bench press today. I added weight put up 2 reps, then tried for another set of 2 but after one rep it was pretty iffy and I didn't have a spotter. So I dropped back to the weight I was doing 3 sets of 5 with three weeks ago, and was able to do 2 sets of 6 and 1 of 5. I was happy with that.

Added weight to hammer curls. 3x8, 8, and 6
Tricep pulldowns 3x8
Preacher curls 3x8, 6, and 5
Tricep extension 3x12 lighter weight. That was a good burn, I still feel it.
Body weight squats 3x10

43 minutes cardio -

10 on treadmill at 4.0 mph to warm up
20 on elliptical
13 on recumbent bike
About 400 calories burned.
Shrugs 3x10
Seated overhead press 3x8,6,5
Front raise 3x10,10,8
Side raise 3x8,7,6
Lat pulldown 3x8
Seated rows 3x8
Seated overhead dumbbell press (light) 3x8
32 minutes cardio -
16 minutes elliptical
16 minutes treadmill walk at 4.5 mph
Approx. 340 calories burned
Getting a late start again this week and tomorrow will be on the road all day so I made sure today was an extra good one:
In order:

- 3 sets of push-ups to failure
- 3 sets of pull ups to failure (gravity edge type assist)
- 3 sets of standing jumps to failure
- 2 sets of seated leg press to failure
- 2 sets of hip abduction (pushing out)
- 2 sets of hip adduction (pushing in)
- 3 sets of seated rows to failure (heavy)
- 2 sets of frontal raises
- 2 sets of lateral raises
- 3 sets of calf raises to failure
My entire life I could sit cross legged on the floor (politically incorrect term: Indian style). I thought I was staying limber, but the last couple of months it hurts!! My tendons I guess, on the one leg.
Besides the obvious, any suggestions on loosening it up?
Bench press, with chest pad to limit shoulder joint movement - 4 sets x5
EZ bar curls 3 sets x8, 6, 4
Skull crushers 2 sets x12
Hammer curls 3 sets x 8, 8, 6
Triceps extensions 3 sets x12 (light)
Preacher curl machine 1 set x25 light
Incline bench bodyweight triceps push 2 sets x15

Light cardio, protecting hamstring:

15 minutes bike
16 minutes elliptical
About 300 calories burned...

Edit: after a couple hours I had the chance to do 25 more minutes of cardio, for about 250 more calories burned...
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Limited time today so a short workout

Seated shoulder press 3 sets x8
Shrugs 3x10
Lat pulldowns 3x8
Seated rows 3x8
Shoulder press machine 2x8

3/4 mile treadmill walk
Heading to the Gym son. But on another note I noticed last nite the mild pain I sometimes get after runs.. its asymmetric.. I suspect my tibula fibula ( sp?) is getting inflamed on the leg.
Even though I mostly feel it after runs from previous experience the hip abduction I do are mostly likely causative.
I had this happen to me years ago.
A certain amount of soreness after a run is ok and expected but I believe this may be an incipient inflammation of this big tendon.
So I will discontinue my hip adduction. hip abduction exercises and find another way to improve sideways control in my legs/hips for tactical mobility..
Heading to the Gym son. But on another note I noticed last nite the mild pain I sometimes get after runs.. its asymmetric.. I suspect my tibula fibula ( sp?) is getting inflamed on the leg.
Even though I mostly feel it after runs from previous experience the hip abduction I do are mostly likely causative.
I had this happen to me years ago.
A certain amount of soreness after a run is ok and expected but I believe this may be an incipient inflammation of this big tendon.
So I will discontinue my hip adduction. hip abduction exercises and find another way to improve sideways control in my legs/hips for tactical mobility..
Lateral high steps? With weight vest or belt if desired? I've never thought about exercises for lateral hip stability/mobility in a tactical sense. I would guess that glute work would be key. Clamshells might be a good one...
Yes I might try lateral high steps... I am heavy enough weight belts not needed :)

On that note.. I almost dindt go to the Gym today since I was watching "Journey to the center of the earth".

As it was i was cutting it close again and had to hurry a bit and had to skip the standing jumps I wanted to include today.
But I also mixed up the workouts a bit, in order:

3 sets of squats (light-moderate weight)
3 sets pullups (gravity edge assisted)
3 sets pushups to failure
2 (or 3 not sure now) sets of seated rows
3 sets of a rotational shoulder exercise I dont know the name of, in lieu of my raises
2 sets shoulder shrugs (heavy)
2 sets calf raises to failure
Late night workout on a Saturday night. I am officially getting old and boring...:rolleyes:

10 minute warmup walk

Bench press 3x5 w/chest pad
EZ bar curls 3x8
Triceps pulldown 3x10
Preacher curls 3x8
Triceps extensions 3 sets x8, 8, 7
Hammer curls (light) 3x12

Hamstring is really acting up, so cardio work was done at light resistance levels and lower speeds.

20 minutes bike
12 minutes elliptical

About 300 calories burned

I am going to go home and eat ham and eggs. 25 years ago I would be doing that at midnight because I was drunk. Now I'm doing it to get my after workout protein...:LOL:
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Ok just got back from my Ruckmarch.. it was chilly and raining and I so wasnt in the mood.
But today is Sunday and if I hadnt done it today so it was my last chance to do my 4th for the week.
Not feeling that great and slept half the day away. Hopefully not getting sick. I did make it to the gym while doing laundry. (They are 1/2 block away from each other. Convenient, no? ;))

10 minute treadmill warm up walk

Bench press w/chest block 3 sets, x8, 7, 5
Tricep extension 3x8, 8, 7
Preacher curl machine 2x12
Tricep pulldown 3x8
Hammer curls 3x8
Lat pulldown 3x8
Seated row 3x6

Slight pause to go take laundry out of the washer and put into dryer. :D

40 minutes cardio -

20 minutes elliptical
20 minutes bike, 12 mph

Approximately 350-400 calories burned
Today did an Iron pump.
It was all upper body and a small amount of core.
I did not do any legs because otherwise this would have been day 6 of legs (if i count the intervening runs and ruckmarches) which would have been too much .
So today was all about climbing and weapons handling:

3 Sets of (assisted) Pullups
2 sets of standing overhead military dumbell presses
3 times planking
3 times bent over dumbell rows
2 sets frontal raises
2 sets lateral raises
3 sets rotational shoulder exercise I do not know the name of until failure

I had planned to do 2 or 3 sets of incline dumbbell bench between the dumbbell rows and the frontal raises but I forgot..That would have made this workout more complete IMO.
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Less weights, more cardio today because I didn't work out Sunday or Tuesday:

10 minutes warm-up walk 4mph.

Bench press 3x8, 7, 5 w/chest pad
Lat pulldown 3 sets 8, 8, 12
Preacher curl machine 3x8, 8, 6
Triceps extension 3x 8, 8, 6

20 minutes bike 14-15 mph
18 minutes elliptical 160 strides/min

8.5 minute treadmill cool down walk

According to the computer, almost 500 calories burned.
Even tho I have company over for the holidays I managed to sneak away to the Gym.

3 sets Pull-ups (gravity edge assisted) .. for climbing and overcoming obstacles.
3 sets standing overhead military press. for lifting things such as throwing a ruck over a fenceline
3 sets standing jumps.. agility
3 sets of 150m weighed sled drag.. dragging a casualty
3 sets inline bench ... to get up from out of cover as part of fire-and-movement (I admit burpees are better for that but this is what I had energy left for after the standing jumps and sled drag)
2 sets frontal raises .. weapons handling in standard positions
2 sets lateral raises ... weapons handling in awkward firing positions
3 sets should shrugs.. litter carry or ammo boxes.
20 minutes treadmill warmup

Military press 3x8 light
Hammer curl 3x8,8,6
Lat pulldown 3x8
Preacher curl 3x8
Tricep extension 3x8
Seated row 3x6
Tricep pushdown 3x8

20 minutes treadmill cardio

About 350 calories burned, in total
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Took a few days off for Christmas, now back at it:

Bench press x2
Hammer curls x3
Tricep pulldown x3
Preacher curls x3
Tricep extension x3

30 minutes brisk walk on treadmill

Shoulders are bothering me lately so I'm laying off of the shoulder lifts. Even the bench press made them complain a little bit...
I always sit on the floor! But thx, @Spikedriver . Stretches I've been slacking on.

I lay on the bed and pull my legs up into my chest, then twist slowly from waste to opposite sides.
Wroks hips, thighs, lower back, from waste to bottom of feet. 40 years ago a trainer at gym taught me this, it stills works today.
Everything is in VERY SLOW MOTION. Stop if it hurts.

Today I after stretch's danced for about 40 minutes with 5 to 10 minute reps of course, not non stop..
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Back into it, late night gym session...

10 minute treadmill warmup

Seated barbell shoulder press x3
Chest flyes x3 (these bothered my shoulders, so will need to look at a different chest exercise...)
Tricep extension x3
Preacher curl machine x3
Tricep pulldown x3
Concentration curls x3
Seated dumbbell shoulder press x2, very light weight.

22 minutes treadmill
13 minutes elliptical

If my calorie calculator is accurate, tonight should have been worth over 500 calories burned...
Tonight's workout:

1 mile treadmill warmup walk

3x12 hip abductor machine
Shoulder shrugs 2x8, 1x10
Lat pulldown 3x8 heavy, seeing gains with this lift
Seated rows 3x6 not seeing gains here. Had to drop 10 pounds off the last set
Face Pulls - Tried something new. These are supposed to be good for rear delts, traps, and upper back. I did feel it in my back a bit. I'm sure my form is not the best but I will research it because I want to work my entire shoulder and rear delts movement doesn't seem to cause any pain unlike front and lateral movement.

30 minutes treadmill walk 4.1-4.4 mph. Hamstring felt good throughout. If all goes well perhaps I can try jogging again in a couple weeks but I am not going to push it, even if it takes months to heal properly.

All in all, should be over 500 calories burned
Yesterday alittle dance and stretches.
Today more warm up and work in greenhouse ,garden. Need to get back to shovel it is a good workout.
I gave my wieght bench and weights to grandson years ago becaause it was too much work here to workout so now its alternative workouts.

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