Training logs

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Back into it after holiday break.
3 sets Pull ups
2 sets incline bench press
3 sets standing jumps
2 planks
3 sets seated rows
2 sets frontal raises
2 sets lateral raises
3 sets pull ups (gravity edge)
3 sets incline bench (dumbbell)
3 "sets" sled drag
2 times planks
3 sets frontal raises
2 sets lateral raises
2 sets shoulder shrugs ( heavy)
I got absolutely no fitness work in this week. If I have the energy I'll try to get to the gym tomorrow night but after a 6AM flight and a three hour drive home from the airport I doubt I'll be able to accomplish it...
Today was a run..
I cna save the week if I do a cardio tomorrow and a iron pump Saturday which will give me 4 for the week.
I need several of such weeks to undo the damage the holidays caused.
Trying something a little different. I will concentrate on doing only 4 lifts during my workouts. Today was back and biceps:

Farmer's carry - 3 sets
Lat pulldown - 3 sets
Seated rows - 3 sets
Hammer curls - 3 sets

Farmer's carry is a new one for me. It just murdered my hands and forearms and traps/upper back.

22 minutes cardio
i havent done farmers carry (walk?) in a while.
I did shrugs last time which is broadly similar but w/o the walking.
Maybe I will sub farmers walk for shoulder shrugs now.
i havent done farmers carry (walk?) in a while.
I did shrugs last time which is broadly similar but w/o the walking.
Maybe I will sub farmers walk for shoulder shrugs now.
I like the idea of Farmer's
i havent done farmers carry (walk?) in a while.
I did shrugs last time which is broadly similar but w/o the walking.
Maybe I will sub farmers walk for shoulder shrugs now.
I can tell it's going to hurt tomorrow and I didn't even use very much weight. Since I can't really deadlift or squat heavy due to a back injury, I think farmer's carry might be my best option to train my core/glutes, and it trains shoulders without putting so much stress on my rotator cuffs. I'm actually pretty excited to add them to my workout...
I did not run today.. my legs felt like rubber from yesterday's hill runs and I dont want to inflame anything.
So to save the week the new plan is.. Iron pump tommorrow then run or ruckmarch on Sunday
I was a little bit off tonight. My lifts were all weak. I'll blame it on the farmer's walk I did yesterday.

Bench press 3 sets
Seated shoulder press 3 sets
Tricep extension 3 sets
Dumbbell flyes 3 sets
Tricep pulldown 3 sets
Hip abductor machine 3 sets

33 minutes cardio, about 400 calories burned...
I am trying to decide if I should do Farmers walk today or weighed sled drag.
Both work roughly the same muscles but i think weighed sled drag is a bit better on legs.
I dont want to do both since they are both so similar and is IS a lot of weight on the back... not as bad as deadlifts (which I do only by exception) but still..
Solid workout today:

Bench press x3
Hammer curl x3
Tricep extension x3
Preacher curl x2
Tricep pushdown x2
Farmer's carry 2x30 seconds, 1 to exhaustion
Hip abductor x3

41 minutes cardio

500+ calories burned
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Seated shoulder press x3
Lat pulldown x3
Hip adductor x3
Seated row x3
Farmer's carry (light weight) 3x 120 seconds each set

38 minutes cardio

475+ calories burned
Abbreviated workout:

Tricep extension x3
Hammer curls x3
Farmer's carry, 50% of body weight for 100 feet, x4

32.5 minutes cardio, including light jogging (5.5 mph) for 60-90 second intervals. This is the first time I've been able to jog since I pulled my hamstring before Thanksgiving. So far, so good!

Roughly 425 calories burned...
Hotel has a little gym area. Got a little workout today:

Crush grip dumbbell bench press x3
Concentration curls x3
Crush grip dumbbell tricep ext. x3
Farmer's carry x3

25 minutes cardio.
OK, I know this is serious subject but it is driving me crazy!
I want to know how you train a log,and what do you train them to do?
I have been wanting to ask since just after the topic was named, I just can't take it any longer.
Sorry, I'll go away now...:(
Logs are quite versatile and make great pets. They can be difficult to train, however. I tried to get mine to fetch for quite some time, but no luck. However, with just a little starting push it rolls over quite well...

30 minutes on the treadmill. Did 2 miles in 24:40, which is a little under 5 mph. I had hoped to be under 24 minutes, but my hamstring isn't quite ready to do it yet. I had to settle for 5.6 mph jog as my top speed, mixed with 4.3 mph walking. Still, I didn't think it was too bad for a middle aged fat guy...:thumbs:
Solid workout tonight. Only 2 lifts, but great cardio:

Concentration curls x3
Farmer's carry 55% of bodyweight, x5

Treadmill 35 minutes including 2 miles in 22:05 which is a new best for me since I started exercising again. Not fast for people who are in shape, but not bad for me! :D;)

Almost forgot - if the app is correct, should have been about 550 calories burned, in total. Time for an ice cream sundae, right?
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Hey @Meerkat yesterday I thought of you when listening to some of Paul Simon's snappy tunes, great for moving the body. Lol

Patch you know I like them snappy tunes alright. I was just listening to a few tonight not that I would nessasaraly dance to.

I never should have given my weight bench and free wieghts to my grand son,he works 2 jobs plus a couple kids and never has time to use them.
Patch you know I like them snappy tunes alright. I was just listening to a few tonight not that I would nessasaraly dance to.

I never should have given my weight bench and free wieghts to my grand son,he works 2 jobs plus a couple kids and never has time to use them.
I say it's time to request to get them back. Play the grannytune, "ol' granny has to stay in shape, sonny! Look at my flabby arms! I can't keep up with my great grands if I don't exercise!" etc.
I say it's time to request to get them back. Play the grannytune, "ol' granny has to stay in shape, sonny! Look at my flabby arms! I can't keep up with my great grands if I don't exercise!" etc.

LOL, well they live in Texas so it won't work Patch. They do visit their other grandmother here a couple times a year but us great grandmothers don't count as much as the younger grannys do.

I can rig me a bench and pick up couple logs I guess. Have to notch some hand grips in them.
LOL, well they live in Texas so it won't work Patch. They do visit their other grandmother here a couple times a year but us great grandmothers don't count as much as the younger grannys do.

I can rig me a bench and pick up couple logs I guess. Have to notch some hand grips in them.
@Meerkat fill up some gallon jugs with sand. Tie them on each end of a bar and boom! Instant weights.

Of course that's about the most redneck engineered, jimmy-rigged set of weights you could have, but and effective, right?:ghostly:
@Meerkat fill up some gallon jugs with sand. Tie them on each end of a bar and boom! Instant weights.

Of course that's about the most redneck engineered, jimmy-rigged set of weights you could have, but and effective, right?:ghostly:

Thats better than my idea ,hubby just told me we still have the bar so thats a good idea.:cool:
When I was a kid I had a "wrist trainer". It consisted of a milk jug full of water (8 lbs) tied to the center of a wooden rod. You grasped the rod with one hand on each side of the cord the jug was tied to. Then you rolled the bar in your hands, the cord would wrap itself around the rod, until the jug was pulled up to the rod. Then you would roll it back down. The motion was somewhat like wringing out a towel. Then you could perform other exercises like curls with it too, if the cord was all wrapped up and the jug was tight to the rod.

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