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8.49 miles in 38 minutes for an average speed of 13.4 mph. I wanted to go for 10 miles but this was enough for today. By playing with the website that gives me my route distance I was able to find that there is a 238' elevation change from highest to lowest point in my route. Sure feels like more when I'm pedaling uphill! :eek:;)
8.49 miles in 38 minutes for an average speed of 13.4 mph. I wanted to go for 10 miles but this was enough for today. By playing with the website that gives me my route distance I was able to find that there is a 238' elevation change from highest to lowest point in my route. Sure feels like more when I'm pedaling uphill! :eek:;)

Good job!!! :)
Over the same terrain you do the same amount of work whether you are walking or running. I'm not sure about biking because you can coast on the down hill sections. The only advantage to running is that it tends to increase lung capacity. Up until I was 50 years old I used to walk at 5mph and I could keep it up for 20 miles. After my accident and being down for four years I am feeling pretty good about 3mph for 3 miles. After that my back is complaining too much to enjoy anything but a hot bath soak for 2 to 3 hours.
7.71 miles today. There was a light drizzle during most of the ride so I stayed on the pavement. Forgot to get a time on it, but it felt a little slower today...

Side note: bright clothing is a must for safety, but idiots still abound. I had on a bright blue shirt but some idiot millennial girl nearly ran over me at a stop sign. She was left turning across my front (coming from my right) and cut the turn so short she was on the shoulder of MY lane. I swerved onto the grass, she missed me by about 3 or 4 feet, and never had a clue I was there. Later on somebody was backing their SUV out of their driveway and backed across both lanes and almost hit me. When running or biking we need to never assume any drivers see us. I try to wear bright colors especially if it's darker out (like the overcast and light drizzle today) but you can't count on anybody not being a moron especially if they're on the phone...
Not feeling right today. I did nothing strenuous but at 1:30pm I felt exhausted and leaned back in my chair to get a little nap. Next thing I knew it was 8pm. I still feel a little off. I got a little 2.4 mile bike ride in before it got too dark but I could feel that it wasn't right to go any further. Really not sure what it is but my body is like a lead weight and my head is a little off too and I still feel tired but can't sleep after that huge nap. Hopefully tomorrow is better...

I know that feeling very well. Actually Saturday was legs and back from P90X and I had to stop several times to catch my breath. I was determined to finish though, and I did. But it took everything I had and I don't typically struggle with that workout. I know I was dehydrated though......had a bit of a celebration on Friday.:confused: So, I paid for it.

I slept like crud last night but after my daily chores did KenpoX which is an easier P90X workout. I felt really good today.....much better than yesterday. Hopefully I'll sleep good tonight so I can do chest and back tomorrow. Only 2 more weeks of P90X!:D I can't wait to start some new workouts I have just sitting here calling my name. P90X, at this point is getting old, but I will finish! It'll take more than the 90 days this time around due to vacations and taking more days off than the schedule calls for. Doing 1 to 1.25 hour workouts 6 days per week was just not something I wanted to do, so when I felt like I needed a day or two off, I took it. I'm looking forward to doing some half hour to 45 minute workouts again!
I finally broke down and got a bathroom scale. I figure if I'm going to be serious about better fitness I better have one. Now, I don't trust any Walmart scale to be 100% accurate, but it tells me I'm at 238-239 pounds, which would be a 12 pound loss in six weeks. If true, I'm thrilled because it's halfway to my goal of 25 pounds or 10% of my starting weight. I haven't really noticed my clothes getting looser yet though, that will be when I consider this to be successful...
9.03 miles in 44 minutes today, 12.3 mph. Conditions were against me a little bit. There was a strong Northwest wind today. My first two miles are all north and west, and climbing to the highest point on the route. The only downhill part of that is where I use gravity to build momentum for a 4-5% grade and the wind acted like an air brake. I've never ridden into a wind like that before. It sucks! My quads were pretty well torched after that but I still made an average of over 12mph which is my fitness goal.

Little edit: I needed a couple little things out at the dollar store so I saddled up and pedaled out there. The round trip gave me 10.7 miles for today...
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Had a busy day and ended up fasting until dinner time, even though it really wasn't my intention when I got up this morning. LOL! Just too busy to eat, so I got the bonus of a full IF day to boot. I knew I was going to do cardio coach #6 on the elliptical today (in place of PlyoX) after work and didn't dare eat before doing that workout. I also wanted to get a bunch of housework done like laundry, vacuuming, linen changes, and some cooking done today while the weather is cool b/c I know it won't last. So now I'm sitting in a clean house with a stocked frig and enjoying those endorphins from a kick butt workout!! Life is good.

If anyone is interested, Cardio Coach workouts are amazing tools to help push you to your limit! They can be used on an elliptical, bike, treadmill, or even outdoors. Sadly Sean O'Malley doesn't make the workouts anymore b/c he passed several years ago but I believe they are still available for purchase. There are 9 cardio workouts and 1 weight workout. The weight workout is the only one of his that I don't really care for. If I remember correctly, workouts #1-3 are about 30 minutes, #4 is about 45 minutes, and #5-8 are an hour Press Play is the other cardio workout that is just over an hour. I absolutely treasure these workouts. I have downloaded them on my ipod for using them outdoors and I have the CD's that I use when on my indoor equipment. I have LOTS of workouts, and I can tell you that the Cardio Coach workouts never disappoint. I always push hard and am a sweaty mess when done. Today I did 4.75 miles on the elliptical and was not bored for a single second thanks to Sean. And that's another bonus, it makes an indoor workout really challenging and fun, so the time flies by. So if you dread using indoor machines, you might want to check into these workouts to add some surprising flavor to your routine. There's reviews you can check out on Amazon too if you are interested. To purchase I would check first before Amazon and compare prices. I've had mine for a long time so I don't even remember what I paid for them, but I can tell you I have never regretted buying them.
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Shortened up the ride a bit due to wet weather. 6.7 miles in 30 minutes, right around 13 mph.

This will be my last ride until the 7th as I'm going to Milwaukee for work until the 6th. I've got the hotel gym to work out at while I'm there. I'll see how that goes while I'm there...may post updates.
The hotel's fitness room kinda sucks...the elliptical was broken and it took 10 minutes for me to decipher how to make the treadmill work. But I did, and got 1/2 hour in, plus some tricep work on the weight machine. I hate cable and pulley weights, but it's better than nothing I guess... tomorrow I'll try to do another half hour plus some shoulder work.
Had a super busy week at work and was forced to skip lunch breaks and eat on the road instead. so only exercised twice this week so far.
Heading out on another road trip sunday.. so who who hows next week will be.

I am trying to decide if i should just head to the gym and iron pump or if i should try to run before I head out and then iron pump afterwards to bring me up to my minimum of 4 and so save the week.

PS: I havent lost any weight at all recently because for the job I eat on the road a lot. Its hard to say "no" to a nice dinner when its on per diem.
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Had a super busy week at work and was forced to skip lunch breaks and eat on the road instead. so only exercised twice this week so far.
Heading out on another road trip sunday.. so who who hows next week will be.

I am trying to decide if i should just head to the gym and iron pump or if i should try to run before I head out and then iron pump afterwards to bring me up to my minimum of 4 and so save the week.

PS: I havent lost any weight at all recently because for the job I eat on the road a lot. Its hard to say "no" to a nice dinner when its on per diem.
Ain't that the truth. I've been on per diem for at least 16 days per month since 2010. Probably why I've gained 30 lbs since then...
8.49 miles in 38 minutes for an average speed of 13.4 mph. I wanted to go for 10 miles but this was enough for today. By playing with the website that gives me my route distance I was able to find that there is a 238' elevation change from highest to lowest point in my route. Sure feels like more when I'm pedaling uphill! :eek:;)

Thats :great: Spike but be careful. :thumbs:
I worked outside in the gardens. Getting ready for Fall. Danced a little and cleaned the house. So got in my exercise.
Lifting the shovel is a workout for me. And bending continuously pulling weeds is too.

My husband was given this at his job because it was ' old ' and they were replacing it. Well that was 30 years ago and I still work out with it. I bet they have replaced that new one several times and I still have the old one and it works fine.
Swinging the mop I use in this mop bucket that may be close to half century old is very good exercise.

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OK just got back from the Gym. I think I might be on track to save the week ( which would give me a continuous 4-5 "good" weeks)
I think If I go to work early tommorrow before the trip starts I can run and use the shower at work and get into the car for my drive to the hotel AFTER having done a run.. that would bring me up to 4 exercises for the week.

So this is what I did today. I changed it up a bit to do some legs. Legs I been neglecting because I figured I run regularily so dont need legs in gym but lately I feel that may be wrong approach.

So I cut the standing military press out, I cut out the 3rd set on incline bench and I cut out the planks but added other things so this is what it was:

- 3 sets of squats
- 3 sets of pullups ( assisted)
- 2 sets on incline dumbell bench
- 2 sets of deadlifts
- 2 sets of hip adductions (tactical mobility under load in complex terrain)
- 2 sets of hip abductions (tactical mobility in terrain)
- 4 sets of forward raises
- 3 sets of lateral raises

(note that I NEVER cut out raises since I consider them crucial to providing a stable platform for repeated weapons handling near the exhaustion point)
The elliptical machine got fixed, so I gave it a shot. I hadn't used one since forever and the strange motion was a little hard on my hips and worked some weird muscles in my legs that I didn't even know were there. So, I kept that to 12 minutes (bumped the heart rate to over 160 in no time flat) and then went straight to the treadmill and did 18 more for 30 minutes of cardio. Also did 3 sets of lateral shoulder raises and 3 sets of overhead shoulder presses on the weight machine. Did I mention I hate the machine? Give me free weights any day. Machines feel completely unnatural and it seems my failure point just happens with no warning, unlike free weights where you can feel the struggle for a couple reps before you fail... tomorrow will be chest and cardio, if I don't get too lazy...:D
I took yesterday off as a rest day after doing 7 days straight of was a good week!

Today I did Kenpo and tomorrow I will start my LAST week of P90X! I can't wait to do something else.
Got 35 minutes on the treadmill after work today. My plantar fasciitis did something weird today - it was quite sore this morning. I stretched it before getting up and went to work. After lunch I was moving in loose, shifting crushed rock and I felt something sort of tear loose in my left arch. It hurt like hell for a few seconds but then felt much better. It felt good enough after work that I even bumped up the treadmill speed and jogged slowly a few minutes. No pain! Now after sitting a bit there is a slight stiffness. But no pain. Not sure what just happened but I'm not complaining!!!
Today was a good day (last week was only 3 workout afer all)

Today I ran at lunch. not long only 30 minutes but it was hilly and a bit quicker thn normally.
Then after work Gym:

- 3 sets squats (light)
- 2 sets deadlifts (light)
- 2 sets military dymbell press
- 2 sets bent over rows
- 3 sets bench (dumbells, heavy)
- 2 sets frontal raises
- 2 sets lateral raises
- 3 sets back extensions
7.01 miles in 31 minutes this morning, about 13.5 mph. I'm shooting for a ride this evening as well. I may not get one in tomorrow, because I've got a couple appointments tomorrow, including one to get a hitch on my car so I can mount a bike rack to it. Once that happens, I'll have a whole bunch of trails I can ride, and I'll really get to see if I've made real progress...
Ran today.
I will try to surge this week and shoot for 6 workouts since next week due to travel I will likely get only minimal exercise
I'd need to get a different bike to ride that many miles. My bike is very upright, so it's comfortable for my back, but not that efficient. Plus it has wide hybrid tires.

Maybe someday I'll do a long distance ride. I've done 14 miles without much trouble. I think if I paced myself I could do 20, if it wasn't too hilly. But I don't think there's any way I could do 64 miles in 3 days yet. I don't see myself training hard enough to get to that point, either. At least not until my daughter is out of the house...
Went back out and did another 7 miles this evening. That makes two solid 1/2 hour rides today...we'll see what tomorrow brings. If I get up early enough, maybe I'll try a dirt road route tomorrow. Might be a nice change of pace, and a harder workout...
Ran yesterday, pumped Iron today , slightly changed things up ( dindt do shoulder/chest but added some legs/core)
- 3 sets pull ups (assisted)
- 3 sets squats ( light)
- 3 seated machine rows ( heavy)
- 2 sets weighted sled drag
- 2 times plank of 1 min each
- 2 sets shoulder shrugs ( heavy)
- 3 sets (per calf) of one legged calf raises plus 2 sets of calf raises on both legs to finihs it up as i was getting gassed.

So this was my 4th workout in 3 days.

I can really feel the effects of all this exercising surge in past couple months.
I have a different walk now.. the swagger of a younger man. Your body mechanics change as you get stronger/fitter and this changes your walk.

I seem to remember this is how I walked in my mid 30s
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Got my hitch put on the Equinox, and ordered a bike rack for it at the bike shop. The whole shebang is going to cost me $400 before I'm through buying stuff, but it'll be worth it...

Oh, and got a leisurely 3 mile ride in this afternoon too. When it cools off, I'll go back out for a hard ride...

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