Headed out for coffee and a bike ride. We'll see how much my body tells me is ok to do today...
8.49 miles in 38 minutes for an average speed of 13.4 mph. I wanted to go for 10 miles but this was enough for today. By playing with the website that gives me my route distance I was able to find that there is a 238' elevation change from highest to lowest point in my route. Sure feels like more when I'm pedaling uphill!![]()
Not feeling right today. I did nothing strenuous but at 1:30pm I felt exhausted and leaned back in my chair to get a little nap. Next thing I knew it was 8pm. I still feel a little off. I got a little 2.4 mile bike ride in before it got too dark but I could feel that it wasn't right to go any further. Really not sure what it is but my body is like a lead weight and my head is a little off too and I still feel tired but can't sleep after that huge nap. Hopefully tomorrow is better...
Ain't that the truth. I've been on per diem for at least 16 days per month since 2010. Probably why I've gained 30 lbs since then...Had a super busy week at work and was forced to skip lunch breaks and eat on the road instead. so only exercised twice this week so far.
Heading out on another road trip sunday.. so who who hows next week will be.
I am trying to decide if i should just head to the gym and iron pump or if i should try to run before I head out and then iron pump afterwards to bring me up to my minimum of 4 and so save the week.
PS: I havent lost any weight at all recently because for the job I eat on the road a lot. Its hard to say "no" to a nice dinner when its on per diem.
8.49 miles in 38 minutes for an average speed of 13.4 mph. I wanted to go for 10 miles but this was enough for today. By playing with the website that gives me my route distance I was able to find that there is a 238' elevation change from highest to lowest point in my route. Sure feels like more when I'm pedaling uphill!![]()