Run 3min
Jog 3 min
4 times each.
Row 2k for a cooldown.
Run 3min
Jog 3 min
4 times each.
Row 2k for a cooldown.
New to this forum,. I leave tomorrow for my 100 mile race. When I get back I go back to powerlifting. I'll start logging then.
My thought is muscle weight is heavy and if your intent is to be able to run, push up, sit up, pull up then carrying muscle weight would be a detractor. That is why I keep pushing the circuit training route, lean muscle is best and it is also healthier long term. People who tend to carry lean muscle don't struggle with weight later in life when activity decreases due to age/injuries (inevitable).
I am modifying my exercise routine with this in mind currently.
Going away from 2 runs and 2 full body Iron pumps a week to 3 runs and 1 ruckmarch.
Will see how this works out.
I am packing on good muscle with my current routine but not getting any faster in the run (well maybe just a little) and not getting rid of my gut.
This week I missed my middle of the week run day (Wed) due to extreme snow issues.
So far this week I have 2 solid runs..plus one Iron pump ( mostly upper body but 3 sets of squats added) for 3 Xercises for the week.
Tomorrow I will have the time to add a full body iron pump covering every muscle group in my body.. Consisting of 14 distinct exercises of mostly 3 sets each (some only 2 sets however to minimize chance of overuse injury)... guesstimate 1hr :10 min duration.
this will give me 4 decent workouts for the week meeting my objective.
I believe in the past 6 weeks I have met my objective (4 exercises) every single week.
My Threshold is 3 (emergency minimum) objective is 4 and goal is 5 (which never seems to happen)
Even tho I'd hate to admit it I am definitely into middle age now.. so maybe 4 per week is my golden middle.
Enough workouts to make me better and a beast compared to my peers in age and occupation.. but not so many I get overuse injuries ("tennis elbow") or flare up my plantar fascitis.