We needto get our workout buddies back here. LadyL,Bluzs and Patch.Today was a little weird. The laundromat and the gym are both 1/2 block from my place. So I started laundry, then went to the gym, did most of my lifts, went back to the laundromat and put it all in the dryers, went back to the gym and finished the lifts, and did cardio. Not the first time I've done this, but I was wiped out by the time the laundry was done...
Floor press x3
Shoulder press x3
Tricep pushdown x3
Shrugs x3
Front delt raise with band, x3
Side delt raise with band, x3
Tricep extension machine, x3
Farmer's carry x3
Face pulls x3
25 minutes on the treadmill
Patch,what is about it?dancing chicken this is about it for me.
I think she's getting exercise by doing the chicken dance...Patch,what is about it?
You don't even need weights. I don't know how heavy your bar is. (The standard bar at a gym is 45 lbs but a lot of the ones you get with a home gym kit are lighter.) You can just use the bar for lots of repetitions and that will help build strength, and you can improvise weights. Get after it!Spike I need to get back here to workout. Glad your sticking with it.
I do have the bar I can lift even if all the wieghts are gone.
Go for it Meer!Thinking of getting back inot it.
I know what that's like. Maybe just do an upper body workout today?Yesterday, a solid ruckmarch.. today not sure yet, my legs pretty sore.. maybe i should let them recover
I know what that's like. Maybe just do an upper body workout today?
I think, if you have any feeling like a run is too much, that a loaded walk or ruck march is probably best because it's not as rough on joints and connective tissue. I assume your route includes terrain so you get some extra conditioning benefit. I've never done a ruck march but I do know that even a light pack makes me work a lot harder on my hikes.I did my first real pushed upper body in months on Monday.. I was planning upper body maybe tomorrow or even friday..
Sunday I was off.. Monday full body with first squats in months..... tuesday ruckmarch...
Do you think I should run or ruck tonite? or take a day because i been heavy Mon/Tues