Training logs

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Today was a little weird. The laundromat and the gym are both 1/2 block from my place. So I started laundry, then went to the gym, did most of my lifts, went back to the laundromat and put it all in the dryers, went back to the gym and finished the lifts, and did cardio. Not the first time I've done this, but I was wiped out by the time the laundry was done...

Floor press x3
Shoulder press x3
Tricep pushdown x3
Shrugs x3
Front delt raise with band, x3
Side delt raise with band, x3
Tricep extension machine, x3
Farmer's carry x3
Face pulls x3

25 minutes on the treadmill
Today was a little weird. The laundromat and the gym are both 1/2 block from my place. So I started laundry, then went to the gym, did most of my lifts, went back to the laundromat and put it all in the dryers, went back to the gym and finished the lifts, and did cardio. Not the first time I've done this, but I was wiped out by the time the laundry was done...

Floor press x3
Shoulder press x3
Tricep pushdown x3
Shrugs x3
Front delt raise with band, x3
Side delt raise with band, x3
Tricep extension machine, x3
Farmer's carry x3
Face pulls x3

25 minutes on the treadmill
We needto get our workout buddies back here. LadyL,Bluzs and Patch.
Looks liek your doing good Spike.
Took yesterday and today off. Will resume limited workouts tomorrow with resistance bands and 1 dumbbell (2-7.5 lb donuts and 2-2.5 lb donuts for 20 lbs). That's all I could make room for in the car. Can't quite get the kind of workout I'd get at the gym from those, but at least it's something...
Dumbbell squats x3
EZ bar curls x3
Bent over rows x3
Abductors x3
Preacher curl machine x2
Lat pulldowns x3
Glute kickbacks X3
Hammer curls x3

35 minutes cardio -

8.5 minutes run @ 7 MPH
26.5 minutes walked @ 4.5 MPH
Plus, a leisurely bike ride with my kid this morning ;)

Edited to add: 4.75 bike ride in 23 minutes. All in all, exercise should have burned between 7-800 calories today plus some pretty serious cardio benefit...
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Military press x3
Shrugs x3
Floor press x3
Front raise x3
Lateral raise x3
Rear delt flyes x3
Tricep pushdown x3
Exercise ball pec squeeze x3
Farmer's carry x4

1.75 miles walked so far today...

Edit to add: 7.25 miles on the bike in 40 minutes. Kind of a leisurely ride, 10.8 mph...
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Spike I need to get back here to workout. Glad your sticking with it.
I do have the bar I can lift even if all the wieghts are gone.
You don't even need weights. I don't know how heavy your bar is. (The standard bar at a gym is 45 lbs but a lot of the ones you get with a home gym kit are lighter.) You can just use the bar for lots of repetitions and that will help build strength, and you can improvise weights. Get after it!
This morning, a very leisurely 6.5 mile bike ride with my kid. There were lots of stops along the way to just look at stuff...

Tonight -

Barbell hip thrusts x4
EZ bar curls x3
Hip abductors x3
Hammer curls x3
Bent over rows x3
Lat pulldowns x3
Preacher curl machine x3

32 minutes treadmill, 9.5 running @7-7.2 mph, 22.5 walking at 4.5 mph
Returning back to this.
I fell of the exercise horse badly.
It started last holiday season..
lots of eating.. travel with the gf..
then on my first run after the holidays pulled my hamstrings running in shorts in the cold.
(and i was so pleased so quick my run still was despite it being the first one in 4 weeks).
so then No running for me for 3 weeks..
but.. when i wasnt running it as de motivating and i dindt do gym either.

Then the pandemic hit and we were supposed to stay indoors in this jurisdiction plus gym closed = no exercise
Then I was quarantined due to suspected infection
then again not much to do and staid iin doors..

Only in past 6-8 weeks have I been slowly getting back into it

to minimize injuries i started with 3 ruck marches a week.
Maintained that for a few weeks.
as of last week i use milky jugs for should workouts (still no gym here)
and as of today had my first run since that one in January..
It was slow but it was a run..
capped off 5 days in a row exercising...

The ruckmarches got my muscles/joints/tendons trained up so that I could run...
I forgot to post my Sunday workout, which was triceps/chest/shoulders. No cardio though. Hopefully I can get back into it at the hotel tomorrow, Wisconsin just opened health facilities back up. It was 92° today and I worked 12 hours in a machine cab with no A/C so I'm too shot to work out tonight...
Light workout at the hotel gym. Their cable machine was broken and the weight bench was kind of sketchy so I didn't do a full workout...

Floor press x3
Front delt raise x3
Lateral delt raise x3
Bent over rows x2
Tricep kickbacks x2
Hammer curls x4

2 miles on the treadmill, at a fast walk

Should be worth about 350 calories burned...
I cut it short tonight. I was too tired and hungry to put in a long workout...

Floor press x4
Barbell curls x3
Lateral delt raise x3 + 1 burner set
Tricep kickbacks x2
Triceps extension x2
Front delt raise x2

.75 mile treadmill walk @ 4.2 mph, .25 jog @ 7 mph.
Last week..

1 home spun weight workout with full milk jugs and a piece of 10kg round weight

- 3 sets pushups
- 3 sets shoulder shrugs
- 3 sets lateral raises
- 3 sets frontal raises
- 3 sets military press

Except for the pushups ( I got fat ) they were all very light weights o i did a lot of reps.

2x ruck marches fast and hard in hilly terrain.
I am still quite good at this part.

This week so far..(Monday)

The gym onbase is open again.. must wear mask, cant shower there cant use water fountain..and some machines closed ( not sure why).
And of course all the weights I used were significantly lighter than in the past.. my last consistent gym schedule had been in early Dec last year...I think..but still my best workout in many months

- 3 sets of assisted pullups to failure
- 3 sets of squats (light weight)
- 3 sets of military press to failure
- 2 sets of planks
- 3 sets of seated rows to failure
- 3 sets of dumbbell bench to failure
- 3 sets of frontal raises to failure
- 3 sets of lateral raises to failure

All with (for my current weaker state) good weight.
Pushed myself HARD,, nearly vomited.. was shaking a bit on the way back to the truck and struggled with even turning the wheel.

Best workout in months, hard times are coming.
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I know what that's like. Maybe just do an upper body workout today?

I did my first real pushed upper body in months on Monday.. I was planning upper body maybe tomorrow or even friday..
Sunday I was off.. Monday full body with first squats in months..... tuesday ruckmarch...
Do you think I should run or ruck tonite? or take a day because i been heavy Mon/Tues
I did my first real pushed upper body in months on Monday.. I was planning upper body maybe tomorrow or even friday..
Sunday I was off.. Monday full body with first squats in months..... tuesday ruckmarch...
Do you think I should run or ruck tonite? or take a day because i been heavy Mon/Tues
I think, if you have any feeling like a run is too much, that a loaded walk or ruck march is probably best because it's not as rough on joints and connective tissue. I assume your route includes terrain so you get some extra conditioning benefit. I've never done a ruck march but I do know that even a light pack makes me work a lot harder on my hikes.

Probably best not to overdo it at this stage. Age + lack of condition makes it harder for sure...

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