Three weeks ago Strawberry and I started new exercise program for the both of us.
Me because I get stiff and need to build more leg muscles.
Her because she's a tad bit chunky.
First week we walked we only made 6.4 miles for the week.
Most days that week we weren't even hitting a mile or even a half mile.
But we keep working on it.
Second week we made 12.9 miles, most days we were hitting 1.42 miles.
A few days we hit 2.37 miles, we keep going building muscles, loosing weight.
Last week we had a set back, but it happens.
We only did 10.6 miles..
Hopefully we will hit 15 miles this week, maybe.
Not too bad for old broad whom just had her second knee replaced this year.
I also exercise, but not like BlueZ and Spikedriver, not with the intense program.
But do like doing Zuma, sweating to the oldies,aerobics.