Tropical Storm Helene forms, forecast to hit Florida as major hurricane

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Sonja when I get time I will try and find more information on Harrp, if it hasn't all been scrubbed from the inteHarry,
The basis on if use RF technology to steer weather patterns. The prime base is in Alaska.

I already posted the info, here is a link. There are lots of links but I figure maybe if I post something from Idaho ( as opposed to say California) maybe people will read it

Yes, they can do this, but like I already said, that is in no way the same as creating a hurricane and directing it to NC......

This is JUST like the covid conspiracies! I am still waiting on those millions of people that got vaccinated to drop dead because they were injected with a microchip, and someone was going to push a button to kill them all....LOL

( and YES before you say it, the vaccine did kill and injure people and was not a good vaccine, but it's not the same as the microchip thing)

This is what people do! THey take an ounce of truth, and create an entire silly and mostly impossible conspiracy around it!

This is not helping anyone in NC btw either.

here: wiki article
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This is the wrong thread and I won't comment further, but, those millions are dropping dead.

People are driving off the roads with heart attacks, two just this past week in one little town and a school bus driver just a month ago. All three drivers dead before the crash. That bus had 27 kids on it and bus drivers have to pass medicals. Literally 5 out of 9 of the bus drivers here, are gone this year; all diagnosed with turbo cancers since spring. Guess who had to take the mandatory shot?

I quit and never took it and can't keep up with all the sub requests everywhere now.

The numbers of sudden deaths and illnesses are off the charts.
Sonja when I get time I will try and find more information on Harrp, if it hasn't all been scrubbed from the inteHarry,
The basis on if use RF technology to steer weather patterns. The prime base is in Alaska.
There are also antennas under the ocean off the coast of Florida. They gave some excuse for them but there are people who don't believe the story they're being given.

Most aware people can see that America is on the chopping block. NAFTA killed the manufacturing base. Reporter Gary Webb exposed the gov being behind the drugs that were funneled into the country. For anyone who can't see what is being done to this country I don't know what it will take. (Not meant for anyone in particular, just that it's obvious that America is slated for destruction.).

I can't understand why people are still trying hard to get here though - it puzzles me - unless they're being lured here with free-everything.

It's like being stuck on the Titanic and listening to every creak and moan as the country descends.

I still try to make everyone I meet's day brighter and most people are thirsty for a word of kindness. I just spoke to someone online who profusely thanked me for being kind as he had just been abused by another customer. I think that we'd better look for ways to make this place better because we're all stuck here now together for some reason and I think we're all trying to find ideas on how to survive it - either consciously or unconsciously.
Ok, what exactly are you saying here? I read some of your comments and not quite understanding. Do you really believe the bureaucratic government pinheads have somehow managed to control the weather and sent a hurricane intentionally to NC to cause these problems?!
I don't think they have that sort of technology. And if they did , they would have wiped out Florida and not NC. But even if they did have the technology, I am pretty sure there are easier ways to cheat in the election, like let all the illegals vote, print extra mail in ballots, count wrong, remove ballots of conservative areas etc.

Me personally I think there are too few people living in the mountains and they don't want people living in rural areas they can't control anyway. So they get no help. No good crisis goes to waste. In this case , they will force people to not live where they can't be controlled. There are no cameras in those areas watching everything like in cities, there is no EPA controlling everything you do, people are using wood and gas stoves and some are off grid etc. That's what they don't like. But to give them credit to be able to manipulate the weather is a bit much. If that's the case, why not put out all those wildfires on the left coast ?
We have been working on weather control for as long as I’ve been alive. The first time I’m aware of it being used in war is Viet Nam.

doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the weather

don't you think if anyone could control the weather they would do so to benefit them in some way? Like I said, make it rain on the west coast when it is too dry

But I agree with you on people being horrible, but they probably always have been like that, only now there is more people and it's on the net for everyone to see
You appear to assume that the people in power have the same benevolent goals that you do.

Truth to me is facts I can verify. NOT random conspiracy theories on the net....
I believe in science and logic. Some shadowy people ( who are "they" exactly?) using impossible at this time technology to make a hurricane and move it over NC is just not science or fact. You can send me a million youtubes or instagrams or whatever, I bet not a one of them has to actual science to prove that! It's like I already said, the technology has not gotten past cloud seeding and unverifiable results. Do you understand how science works? F= ma for example, you can measure it. You can measure temperature, rainfall amounts, pressure in the atmosphere, you can measure CO2 in the atmosphere, you can see a hurricane forming as a depression on the weather radar ( or do you believe that is fake also?) . There are laws of thermodynamics. You would need more energy than all the electricity combined in the US to create something like a hurricane. It's just not feasible with current technology.
They can't even harness lightening yet, and that has been tried for a long time.
Husband used to actually be a rocket scientist with a fairly high level of security. If there was any such technology he would have known about it . There is top secret technology in defense of course but this is not anything based on reality.
I am just writing this so you think about your believes and maybe base them a little more on reality. It makes conservatives look crazy to believe such nonsense. That's all
( for the record, the global warming myth is based on faith and not science also, I DO without a doubt know that , since I dealt very directly with weather, storms , rainfall amounts and such in my job I had before becoming a farmer)

I wished both sides would think more logical and not believe in all this nonsense. It would probably help people focus on REAL issues and force the politicians to deal with them instead of sidetracking everything by nonsense . I do think both side put stuff on the net to sidetrack people and get them all outraged about stuff that isn't real, so nobody looks at the real issues. Disinformation seems to work really well. If you tell a lie long enough people believe it.
There is cloud seeding, which you acknowledge. There is HAARP, high power lasers, and probably more stuff that I’m unaware of. My uncle was a rocket scientist with a high level security clearance. That doesn’t mean that he knew everything that was going on. In WWII the VP knew nothing about the atomic bomb, until after he was sworn in as president.

I already posted the info, here is a link. There are lots of links but I figure maybe if I post something from Idaho ( as opposed to say California) maybe people will read it

Yes, they can do this, but like I already said, that is in no way the same as creating a hurricane and directing it to NC......

This is JUST like the covid conspiracies! I am still waiting on those millions of people that got vaccinated to drop dead because they were injected with a microchip, and someone was going to push a button to kill them all....LOL

( and YES before you say it, the vaccine did kill and injure people and was not a good vaccine, but it's not the same as the microchip thing)

This is what people do! THey take an ounce of truth, and create an entire silly and mostly impossible conspiracy around it!

This is not helping anyone in NC btw either.

here: wiki article
Nobody said that they created the hurricane. You don’t have to create the hurricane. Hurricanes occur naturally, you just wait for the right one. You use your tools to increase the intensity of the storm and to help direct it to where you want the destruction. Like in Nam where they waited for the rainy season to increase the rain. Today, in the Middle East, they seed the clouds to increase the rain in a dry country. If the government doesn’t want this destruction, why do they prevent civilians from helping.
This is the wrong thread and I won't comment further, but, those millions are dropping dead.

People are driving off the roads with heart attacks, two just this past week in one little town and a school bus driver just a month ago. All three drivers dead before the crash. That bus had 27 kids on it and bus drivers have to pass medicals. Literally 5 out of 9 of the bus drivers here, are gone this year; all diagnosed with turbo cancers since spring. Guess who had to take the mandatory shot?

I quit and never took it and can't keep up with all the sub. requests everywhere now.

The numbers of sudden deaths and illnesses are off the charts.
Anyone who denies that people are dropping dead either has an agenda or is still under heavy delusion. Our friends lost 39 people. Everyone around us has heart trouble and a 36 year old neighbor died in her sleep. We went to a meeting a few weeks ago and at least 5 or 6 people were hit by a car. I was already disabled so many joined me.
My biological father called yesterday. They have evacuated FL and went to NC where they keep a trailer. Their power is back on in FL. They have roof damage. The roofer got over to their house and put a tarp over the hole in the roof. He reported that the gas stations are low, or out, of fuel and that some stations have no power. They will give it a few days for things to settle and for fuel to be available, then they will return to FL.
You don't need to prove something actually works in order to be granted a patent for it.
Yes, I understand that. But on the other hand you gotta ask yourself why someone would go through the expensive and intense process of getting the patent to begin with. There are many many patents that have been filed, not just one......and several of them from Bill Gates. He seems nice.

Patents are just one piece of the puzzle. Once you put all of the pieces together such as congressional testimony, newscasts (before 2012), patent information, videos of the technology being used, whistleblower reports, personal observations, etc.... Well, I'm just going to say it seems very compelling. Then, when you realize how much our govt' has lied and kept information from us in the past, it seems logical that they are still doing it. Add in the swampy political climate (which Caribou alluded to in an earlier post) where those trying to help are thwarted by govt' employees, it sure seems like there is a LOT of evil going on right now........which helps to answer the question of WHY.

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