Eric, you are right. BUT, post SHTF, nothing will last long that has to do with the "system". Think "stoneage". What is left are non-electric tools, knives, bows & arrows, Gardening tools. Our clothes will last a while, the soap will run out, toilett paper, pencils and pens, paper to write on, plastic bags, shoes, everything in general. We are all planning to survive the SHTF scenario, after that, it is TEOTWAWKI: every man for himself. Self-sufficient with food, water, housing, clothing, hygiene and so forth. Daniel8: scavaging and robbing the looters. Silent Earth and bigpaul: illegal hunting with bow, crossbow and airguns. TexasFreedom: taking out anyone coming near or acting wrong. Rellgar and Maverick: the plans are made in the US and Australia. I'm headed for Hungary: water and garten, near the Donau and good hunting.
After the LRS and stored is gone, we are all cavemen. Just the few will be able to find things still functioning, a company full of alcohol, batteries or even canned food. Rivers and lakes will be over-fished. The woods, over-hunted. The streets, over-run. The mountains, over-filled with bugged out survivors. If we get to be some of the lucky few, mass destruction or self-destruction of much of the 7 billion earthlings will slow down the over-fishing/hunting/eating....Just survive, be quiet, eat only 1000 calories a day, drink and save your water, keep calm with your loved ones and hope to out-wait, our-live and out-survive the war-lords. We will all become hunters and farmers and barter with each other. Hopefully, GP