Whether President Trump wins reelection or not, he is still going to be living (rent free) in your head, saying mean stuff and hurting your feelings on a near daily basis for at least the next four years. You made like you wanted to go back to prepper talk but here you are, still in this thread, knowing you're not convincing anyone of anything.
You have gotten nothing but good news from MSM and you're feeling pretty good right now but I'll remind you that when Biden's laptop news broke, you were nowhere to be found on those threads. I'll also remind you that 77% republicans, 27% independents and 10% democrats believe the election was stolen from Trump. I know it is true because it didn't have the "AP has called the election for Biden" disclaimer on the video. Your ad nauseum remarks of "nothing to see here" are only a vapor compared to the full on onslaught conservatives are receiving from MSM and big tech, and the conservatives are still fighting legally for the country, Constitution and BoR and not rioting or burning the country. There are no chain link fences going up across rural towns and areas across the county because conservative love this country and want it to freely continue. In liberal cities, fencing went up on the very threat that SCOTUS would even hear the Texas case. Liberals would rather burn the country than lose, so I'm about done hearing BS from you about how Trump should just give up. Where is the ignore button?